Thursday 22 August 2024


Agathiyar has been sending us to Siddha Practioner Arivananthan Aiya for health-related issues. So when he asked my elder daughter to see him yesterday, she asked me to tag along. Since I was expelling mucus and phlegm excessively in the past months I mentioned it to him. Coincidently he had prepared a portion for his 83-year-old father to treat the same issue. He passed it to me too. Mentioning to him that the doctors had started me on Statin to counter a spike in my cholesterol level and that I had been taking it for some 70-plus days, he checked my Nadi or pulse and told me all the Dosas were well and in their places. Since it had been a while since I took the purgative Agathiyar Kuzhambu and he had some ready stock, I consumed it this morning. I know that it shall churn up my internals and have me vomit and purge and crawl on my feet as it did the very first and second time I took it. 

I had invited Arivananthan Aiya over to AVM some time back and had him give us a talk related to health and the Siddha way of living. It was a very informative talk. He can be contacted at +60 17-355 7462

When I saw Dr.Krishnan, a Siddha Practioner too in the nineties, he who was an astrologer, looking into the charts, told me that my body could heal itself. Later reading the Nadi, Agathiyar told me that my body and life would be spared (உடல் பிணி இல்லை உயிர் பிணி இல்லை). Then when he came through devotees in recent years he told me the same (உனக்கு ஏதடா பிணி). Yesterday Arivananthan Aiya mentioned that the cholesterol would not harm me. A medical doctor told me the same much earlier, brushing aside the lab reports, telling me that he had seen patients survive in their eighties with high cholesterol. I am truly grateful for Agathiyar and much indebted to him for his care. Having good health is the biggest gift and treasure. How can I possibly repay him?