Sunday 4 August 2024


Coming to know about the existence of the Siddhas and their Nadi during one of the numerous visits to Dr.Krishnan for a horoscope reading since 1996; Coming to read the Nadi in 2002 after being reminded of the Siddhas and their Nadi during a chat with an officemate who had read his Nadi a year earlier; Coming to  the worship of the Siddhas after taking up the call of Agathiyar in my first Nadi reading in 2002; Coming to my first guru Supramania Swami of Tiruvannamalai on the last leg of my maiden pilgrimage to India in 2003 as foretold by Agathiyar in the Nadi; 

Coming to meet Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal of Kallar Ashram who set foot on our shores in 2005; Taken on a journey by Tavayogi and coming to experience miracles in the jungles and caves and at the abodes of the Siddhas; Coming to begin my very first act of doing charity and feeding on the Ashram grounds; 

Coming to learn Yoga officially from Tavayogi in 2007; 

Coming to usher and carry out rituals to Agathiyar's bronze statue commissioned and made in Swamimalai as directed by Agathiyar in the Nadi in 2009/2010; 

Coming to have my Muladhara chakra activated and aroused unknowingly as a result of the Yoga practice shown by Tavayogi; Coming to wriggle in pain, as a snake does, a first sign of the activation; Coming to suffer for 2 1/2 years as a result; 

Coming to form Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM) in 2013 upon the entry of several youths who Agathiyar sent over to participate and learn Siddha puja after their Nadi reading; 

Coming to Kallar ashram in 2013 for our "graduation" after all those years of worship to the Siddhas where Tavayogi gave me and my family the honor to sing the praises of the Siddhas as he conducted the Nitya puja or daily prayer; 

Coming to Kallar ashram again in 2016 with the AVM family and given the honor again to lead the singing of the praises to the Siddhas during the opening ceremony or Kumbhabhisegam of Tavayogi's new Ashram; 

Coming to activate the next chakra Svathisthana that had the dreaded pain and suffering come on again in 2018; Coming to dissolve AVM and its associated charity arm Amudha Surabhi on the directive of Agathiyar on the wake of the pandemic in 2019 and have me go within and stay in solitude, bringing an end to all my external activities, puja and charity; Coming to have my Manipuraka chakra activated that gave me an experience of death and saw the instantaneous travel of inner energies to higher chakras over the next few days and culminating in the arosal of the Sahasrara in 2022; Coming to free me from the self exile early this year, he asked me to go into since 2019 telling me that it was all over and that I could engage with the world around me again as nothing matters now; and Coming to experience the continuous subtle "dance of Shiva", even as I pen these words; I have finally fathomed the reasons for all the happenings in my life and at my home or rather Agathiyar's home over the years. 

When Agathiyar surprised me in my very first Nadi reading asking me to build a temple for him I was elated and on cloud nine. But the young 24-year-old Sivabalan who brought the Nadi reader over dashed the momentary joy of this 43-year-old telling me that I was not special as Agathiyar had asked this of 50 others previously. But he consoled me asking me to do what others never did. But as the existing temple committees did not support this venture I dropped the idea of building a shrine and installing Agathiyar in their premises. Then when Supramania Swami ventured to build a temple for Lord Muruga in Tiruvannamalai and asked for assistance we chipped in and built a kudil for a start for him to stay and monitor the progress of the temple. Strangely a stranger drops by and halts the project asking Swami why he was going back to Bakthi being himself a Gnani. Then when Tavayogi initiated the move to build a temple for Agathiyar and an ashram we saw through it. I told myself that I had obliged and fulfilled Agathiyar's wishes regardless of whether I built a temple or my gurus did it. Then in 2018 Lord Muruga came in a Jeeva Nadi reading asking for a temple for him! When thoughts ran in my mind as to why he needed another temple as he had so many to his credit, Lord Muruga, as if reading my thoughts tells me that I shall show him differently. How was that to be, I asked myself? Seeing no action on my part, he sends Agathiyar who comes through a devotee telling me and my wife that he shall see to the building of the temple in 18 months. In September 2019 when I was asking myself why there was no sign of the temple as promised by Agathiyar, he called me up for an Aasi Nadi reading and revealed that they had tested me. I apparently passed the test by ignoring the call to build a temple. He adds further that my home had been accepted as Lord Murugan's temple and abode. 

When Agathiyar in June of 2023 told me that henceforth he would leave AVM for the home of a devotee, I began packing his luggage and prayer things and waited eagerly for the day he would announce his next residence. I had no issues with sending his bronze statue away for we knew he was with us in our home and our hearts. Another reason we agreed to pass the care of his statue to another was that he told me the day he left for their home, he would bring in the Prapanjam to reside at AVM. Today seeing the shedding of all things we held dear to our hearts and the changes and modifications we brought to the worship, that even heads of missions whom I spoke to dared not change nor touch for fear of going against time-held tradition and the guru's words and practice, I understand what Lord Murugan meant that day. We made breakthroughs bringing on a new wave of practice and thoughts at AVM. AVM is for those who dare break the rules. Nothing of this nature has happened elsewhere. Agathiyar in coming back home to AVM this year bringing along Lobama with him after he "picked" her up at the devotee's home, made us carry out our 60th wedding, making me realize the fact that he has not carried out the 60th wedding which he directed be done and came to see it through, for another in this path. We are blessed indeed.