Sunday 8 September 2024


It is saddening to see and hear many newly married and young couples break up and divorce. Friends and relatives too are not spared. We read of the Siddhas having forecast the coming of this age beforehand. I guess this is the reason Agathiyar had us carry out our 60th wedding and came personally as the Purohit and see it through. He had us make videos of the moment and asked that we publish it for all to see. He wants all married couple to stay together till death do them apart. 

We tend to make choices and when things go wrong, we expect divine intervention to make good the situation or ties. But God helps those who help themselves. For instance, if we do not take care of our health how can God make good the "home" that is falling apart. We have to take the initiate to keep the home standing. 

As I'm sitting on the bench at the park drafting this piece, I cannot but fail to notice people are not connecting with nature. Yes, they drive themselves to wake up early and drive over to the park. But they seem to be more obsessed with running or walking as if wanting to out beat the other in a race. They seem not to observe nature, touch and connect with it. They fail to take a moment to enjoy the sights and sounds. My daughter told me that a soundscape recordist capturing the sounds of nature warns us of the diminishing numbers and species of birds in our surroundings. Take in the sounds while they exist. 

But not all is lost as there are those groups who gather and gaze at trees and hug them too. There are those who sit quietly and observe their thoughts too. There seems to be a balance in all things. Not all is lost. We are still surviving because of the few who care and are concerned. We take off our hats to them. Thank you for keeping us alive too.

I met a Chinese couple who were sitting on the bench after taking a stroll in the park. I could not resist taking their picture. When I asked for their permission, they obliged. Later I met the man in a vegetarian restaurant where I was having lunch. If I wanted to pack my lunch back the helpers insisted, I eat there as if we dine in the food was free. If we were to pack it, then they would have to charge. Upon her insistence I sat to eat. She did the same too on my earlier visit some time back, insisting that I eat. I shall never go hungry. The Good Lord sees to it. He joined me at the table and told me he contributed to the restaurant which serves free food too on certain days. Today was one of the days. We shared our contribution towards society and community in our old age. He was 76. He shared that he frequented Hindu temples too for the blessings of the deities. We shared photos of our grandchildren too. I guess this is how life in old age should be.