Tuesday 17 September 2024


Having seen the many possible meanings to the instruction given to me by Agathiyar and Lord Murugan to do nothing and just be, "Summa Iru" in a previous post at Siddha Heartbeat: BE QUIET (SUMMA IRU) (agathiyarvanam.blogspot.com) so what do I do now? 

Nothing. I have to patiently await the experience of the Self or Atma to unfold. Meanwhile, since there are no Sariyai except for an occasional visit to the temple with my grandchildren; no Kriyai except when called for; no Yoga except to check on the breath and its flow regularly; and the occasional discourses on Gnanam that Agathiyar comes to give us, my daily routine is taking a walk in the morning and evening to keep myself fit and taking in the sunshine, the breeze, the aroma, the sounds of the outdoors. When a certain subject comes to my mind I immediately take notes and expand on it later. These make their way to my readers as posts in my blog. As for YouTube videos, as and when there are events that call for taking of footage, they too make their way to my viewers. 

I guess Agathiyar and Lord Murugan want me to be in the present moment each moment, hence their repeated reminder to do nothing. They caution me not to lose my temper too for that would sabotage all the work and effort that they put in me all these while. Distancing and staying away from people and events, news, and social media, might help reduce the situations where I could lose my cool. Rather than control my anger and temper, I guess what they want me to do is to learn to laugh it off in all those situations and move on. It shall be tough but it has to be done.