Thursday 5 September 2024


When my grandson arranged all his farm animal toys and began asking who was not his friend, I realized that children give life to inert things. His siblings played cooking dishes and fed their imaginary friends. It made me realize that we adults carry these into our adulthood and practice them, just that these toys and imaginary friends are the deities who the elders have established as Gods and Goddesses over time. Agathiyar in coming to my home as a bronze statue in 2010 told me to give life to an otherwise lifeless piece of metal. He asked us to chant his name which was potent enough to bring his energy within the statue. True enough three years on Agathiyar opened his eyes in this metal statue. How is that possible? 

God too seems to play the same game. And we are his toys. He gives form and breathes life into us. True enough when a longtime devotee of Agathiyar went into a coma and returned after Agathiyar in a Nadi reading asked devotees of Agathiyar to gather and pray, Agathiyar came in the Nadi again later and revealed that he had given his breath to save him. The trick here is to play the game according to his rules or better still let him make the moves for us too. Though it might seem that we do not have a life for ourselves when we surrender completely to him, rest assured that you are in good hands and our purpose in coming here shall be fulfilled. 

This world though it looks real is full of mysteries waiting to be revealed to those who would spare a moment from their busy schedule. We have seen and read that saints took time off from their lives to stay alone and contemplate. Agathiyar revealed a secret recently telling us the reason he wants us to be quiet and silent was that he shall work wonders in us he says. It is in these moments of silence that the divine speaks and fills us in with its treasures. He has asked me to do nothing after several years of intense puja and activities and practices. He wants me to sink into this silence too.