Saturday 7 September 2024


It is saddening to see that we are all stuck in doing what we are programmed by others or are trained to do for the rest of our lives by our elders, our society, and our surroundings. We put on a face that society expects of us. We are not willing to drop the beliefs and practices that we picked up often rallied around superstition, along the way to take on new knowledge and teachings. With time we begin to settle and become comfortable with these routines that we have come to engage in. It becomes a habit that turns into our society's image, representation, and form. We are then known for it and known by it. Much of what we did is routine in nature, as Tavayogi says, our great grandparents did, our grandparents did too, our parents followed suit and we carry on the legacy, leaving it behind to our children and theirs too. 

Our soul eventually goes into hiding as we become robotic in nature. It does not get expressed or is given leeway by way of expression. It is tugged within layers upon layers of blankets. We need to drop all our hold to be able to remove these blankets and expose the soul. It is truly a testing moment for many when asked to drop the position and authority that comes with it which they hold dearly too. It is truly a testing moment to be asked to drop that which we cherish most. It is truly a testing moment when we are asked to shed our desires and become a vacuum. Agathiyar has taught us well to learn first and drop that learning later too. It is only by dropping what we cherish most that we can come to receive more. The Prapanjam shall then shower its givings on us. This is how the Siddhas and Nayanmars summon the Gods to do their will or rather satisfy our pleadings. Doors open, hearts open and the heavens then open. Agathiyar had told me in the Nadi that the skies shall open up both at AVM and Kallar during his Jayanthi puja. It is only when we are empty that the Prapanjam can fill us up. Henceforth all our actions would not carry Karma for it is gifted or given. We remain mere tools to execute the divine plan.