Wednesday 4 September 2024


We fall short of praying to deities and submitting our requests hoping for them to fulfill our wishes. We never went beyond that. We never realize that beyond all this worship is the fact that the Divine wants us to emulate it in all ways and beyond them. Ramalinga Adigal sings that the Divine stepped aside and had him take over his role. This is only possible when and if we qualify for the job. It is very obvious that Ramalinga Adigal had reached the state of God. So too Agathiyar in coming to us through a recent memo wants us to become him too. The first step here then is to step into the path of worship. Later taking up rituals personally his Tava Kanal or fire of austerities fan the spark of fire that came apart from the source and brought life within him and sustained him till the present day. The fire is fanned further when he takes up Pranayama and Asanas. This reaches a state where the raging fire in him razes the past Karma down to dust. The barren land is now ready to take on a new life and vegetation with the divine showering of his blessings and grace. New life springs and grows under the direct supervision of the Divine forces. He is prepared to take on the role of the Divine. The Divine comes down to meet the Soul that has been empowered. This merger grows and blossoms into a majestic rupture of energy that is representative of the Divine in all aspects. He becomes God.