Monday 20 May 2024


All pleasures arise from within us. The sight of a beautiful woman induces the thought of making love to her. All taste is within us. Though each food has a particular taste and our tongues have taste buds the pleasure is derived from within us. Some might like a particular food while others might not. The aroma of freshly cooked delicacies induces hunger in us having us go searching for food. The pleasures of watching something arise within us as these sights and sounds accentuate these moments. So does anger, hatred, and sorrow arise from within us. It moves us to do horrible things. The world around us and its components like in all the above things only go so far as to create these passions, feelings, and yearnings. Similarly, love, compassion, devotion, and bliss arise from within us. If initially the experiences with things external trigger them, later the internal experiences strengthen them. If man takes charge of his emotions though, he then shall remain still. This is the state of Samadhi, one with the source, a state of non-interference. Hence man has no choice but to let go. He has to let go of his hold on all things voluntarily. Otherwise, the day would come when he is pulled away forcefully from clinging to this body, life, relationships, and belongings. Having us indulge in and participate actively, and gain a myriad of experiences in life, Agathiyar eventually has us drop everything and do nothing. 

Learn to let go. It would make our final journey and transition into another world that is much subtler easier. Listening to the songs of Sadhu Om, a disciple or Bhagawan Ramana who listened, imbibed, and lived his teachings helps us get across this sea of attachment.

Apparently, I posted in my last post that I would stop writing too. But I guess it shall go on till my final breath for Agathiyar has asked that I share my experiences with my readers. This could only mean that even at the moment of death I should document the process of moving into another world till the last thought and experience diminishes into thin air.