Tuesday 28 February 2023


If the first mention of the Kundalini was in a Nadi reading in 2007 and the subsequent activation of the Muladhara was spoken of in 2010, on 28. 8. 2015 Agathiyar mentioned further changes that have taken place within me though it was all news to me. He said that his Jothi has expanded in me and the Suzhimunai had opened. 

தேகத்தில் மாற்றங்கள் பெற்று இருக்காய். அகத்துக்குள் அகத்தின் ஜோதி பெருகி தேகத்தில் பல மாற்றம் பல சக்தி கிட்டி முனை திரண்டு இருப்பாயே. 

On 7.10.2018 Agathiyar in the Nadi says that my breath was dislodged and blocked. It happened in my sleep, he said. He stated certain medicines to consume. The most compassionate father acknowledging that I cannot possibly withstand even the slightest pain chose to provide this Satvic option. 

உனக்குத்தான் நித்திரை தவ வாசி காலம் வாசியும் சீர் பிசகி முடங்கித் தான் இருக்கு. சோர்ந்திடாது நீ திடங்கள் பெறுவதற்கு தீர்க்கமுடன் எங்களின் வாகடங்கள் சொல்வோம். சிறு வலியும் பொறுக்காத தேகம் அப்பா பிள்ளை உனக்கு வலி வருத்தம் இல்லாது சாத்மீக வாகடன்கள் சொன்னோம்.

The next day 8.10.2018 Lord Muruga healed me coming through a devotee and through a Nadi reading simultaneously at my home. He praises me for keeping a low profile yet spreading the wisdom of Agathiyar. He says that Agathiyar Vanam can take on a new name Agathiyar Tapovanam. Then he brings the news that my body is crumbling fast. But he says, though age has caught up with me he resides as the Atma. My spine and hips are currently tense he says. The inner gel at these joints has dried up. This is the reason for the acute pain I was having. With some treatment done earlier, a quarter of the issue was overcome. He tells me why I had to go through the suffering. It was to have me sit in one place and do tapas. But neither he nor Agathiyar abandoned me. They come to heal me through a devotee and a Nadi reading simultaneously. 

தேகத்திற்கு முதுமை அது வந்துவிட்டாலும் என் சீடர் அகத்தீசர் இங்கு இருக்க அரூபமாய் சொரூபமாய் சித்தர்களும் முத்தர்களும் வந்து அருள் பாலிக்க இந்தத் தேசத்தில் சப்தமின்றி அகத்தியரை பலருக்கு காட்டினாய் அப்பா. உன் தொண்டை மெச்சு கின்றேன். வலுத்த பலரை வசியம்போல் கட்டி நின்றாய். நின் தேகம் தளருது அப்பா. இந்தக் காலம் உன்னுடைய முதுகு எலும்பும் இடுப்பும் சேரும் எலும்பு சந்திப்பெல்லாம் தானே ஒருவித இறுக்கமாய் இருக்குது அப்பா. அங்கே இருந்திட்ட தைலம் அது உலர்ந்து போனது அப்பா. இதுதான் உண்மை. ஆச்சப்பா மின்னல் போன்று வலி தோன்றும் அங்கே. அப்போது தான் துடிதுடித்து நிற்பாய் அப்பா. உனக்கு மருத்துவம் சில செய்ததாலே மாற்றங்கள் கால் பங்கு குணமாகக் கண்டேன். சாற்றனல் இது எதற்கென்று கேள். அகத்தில் நீ அமர்ந்து தவம் தியானம் செய்யச் செப்புகிறேன். அலைச்சலை தவிர்த்துக் கொள்ளு. சில காலம் பனி வேண்டும் என்ன செய்ய. அதற்குத்தான் வர்மா தைலம் வாங்கி அப்பா உன் முதுகு எலும்பில் தடவி தானே வெந்நீரில் ஒத்தடம் தருவாய். சிறப்பாக நரம்புதனை எலும்பு தனை வலுவாகும் லேகியம் இதுவே. இது உன் மேனி திடம் ஆக்குதற்கு சொல்லும் வாக்கு. வாக்குப் படி உன்னுடைய இல்லம் தன்னை நாங்களும் எடுத்துக் கொண்டோம். மைந்தனே நீ செய்த தொண்டிற்காக, நீ செய்த புண்ணியத்திற்காக,  நீ அளித்த அன்னத்திற்கு, மைந்தனே அகத்தியரை புசித்தற்காக, ஆகவே நான் வந்து உன் இடத்தில அருள் நூலைச் சொன்னேன் அறிந்து கோல். தெளிவாக்க அகத்தியரும் புறப்பட்டு விட்டார். திறம்படவே நீ நடமாட வேண்டும் அப்பா. தீர்க்கமாய் அதற்குத் தான் நூல் உரைக்க வந்தேன். வந்ததும் சுப்ரமணியன் கட்டளையாக. மேலான அகத்தியர் வனம் தபோவனம் ஆகும். தவம் செய்யும் வனமாகும் அப்பா. ஆறுமுகன் கூறுகின்றேன் உன்னால் எழுந்து நடமாட முடியும். குமரனும் இன்று இரவே அற்புதம் செய்வேன். அதற்க்கு ஒரு குவளை நீர் வேண்டும். சிறப்பாக அருட்ஜோதி மந்திரத்தை யாவரும் சொல்ல வேண்டும். 

After the healing he continues speaking through the Nadi. 

உன் வலியை ஜோதி மந்திரத்தால் நீக்கிவிட்டேன். உணர்வாக உயிராக  மகேந்திரனிடம் வந்து உள்ளேன். வந்து விட்டேன் அவனுடனே இரங்கி விட்டேன். வேலவன் விளையாடப் போகிறேன். எங்களின் தபோவனத்தில் அற்புதம் செய்தோம். பெரும் கருணை கொண்டுதான். ஆசி மாற்றங்கள் தருவதர்கே நூல்மூலம் வந்தேன். 

The following day he sends a message to me through a devotee friend in his Nadi reading the night I was treated. Lord Muruga took note of Shanga and Dr. Jana coming over to my home to treat me. He describes my agony to Shanga.  He explains how he healed me the night before. "I did treat him yesterday. I have removed his pain. I came as his Jeeva and as the Jeeva Nool or Nadi and treated him. I spoke (through the Nadi) and came (through the devotee) at the same time. I removed his pain by stroking his body with peacock feathers. He shall gain by sitting in meditation." Similarly, he had sent others to help bring relief to me. He too had rid my pain. He described my state of health. He tells Shanga that I was overjoyed to have His Nadi brought over to my home. He brings live the previous day's happenings before Shanga's eyes telling him how he came simultaneously through Mahindren and the Nadi. Lord Murugan said that my body was becoming weak. The nucleus or inner gel at my lumbar spine and hips has dried up. This is the reason for the acute pain I was having. He tells me why I had to go through the suffering. It was to have me sit in one place and do tapas. But neither he nor Agathiyar abandoned me. He recommended another ointment and herbal medicine. He prescribes Varma Tailam and Bushti Legiyam. 

செய்தித்தேன் மருத்துவம் யான் கூட நேற்று. மெய்யாக அவன் வலியைப் போக்கினேன். ஜீவ நூலாய் ஜீவனாய் இறங்கி பங்காக அவன் உடலைச் சார்ந்திருந்து அவனுக்குச் சிகிச்சை செய்தோம். ஆறுமுகன் பேசினேன் இறங்கினேன் ஒரு கணத்தில். நன்றாய் மயில் இராகு கொண்டு சண்முகத்தின் தேகத்தை தடவி அவன் வலியைப் போக்கினேன். மைந்தனவன் தியான வழி சிந்தைகொள்ள அவன் தனக்கு சக்தி பெருகும். 

அவுடைய அப்பனை ஜானாவுடன் சென்று பார்த்தாய். பாங்காக ஜானாவும் மருத்துவம் செய்தான். அவன் தனக்குமே அன்பர்களை அனுப்பி அவனைக் காத்தோம். செய்தித்தேன் நான் கூட அவனுக்கு. அவன் வலியைப் போக்கியுள்ளேன். அவன் தேகம் வலிமை குன்றியது அப்பா. அதனால் குருதி பங்கு குறைந்தது அப்பா. உடலில் தைல பசை குறைந்தது அப்பா. ஆனதனால் அவன் தேகம் இறுக கண்டேன்.  அதனால் எலும்புகளும் தேய கண்டேன். அதனால் மின்னல் போல் வலி அவனும் கண்டான். அவன் அமர்ந்து எழுந்திரிக்க முடியாது வலி அவனை வேதனை செய்ததது. அவனுக்கு ஒரு மருந்து செப்புகின்றேன். வர்ம தைலம் நரம்பு புஷ்டி லேகியம் இரண்டையும் ஏற்க பூரணமாய் வலி மறையும்.  தைலமும் உள்ளுக்குள் சென்று ஒருவித ஈரத்தை ஆக்கும். எலும்புகளும் தேயாது நிற்கும். ஒருமுறை நூல் அங்குச் சென்று அவன் மகிழ நூல் உரைத்தோம். நேற்று மால் மருகன் சுப்ரமணியன் ஜீவ நூலாய் ஜீவனாய் மகிந்திரனிடம் இறங்கி அவன் உடலைச் சார்ந்திருந்து ஆவுடைய அப்பனுக்கு சிகிச்சை செய்து வந்தேன். நேற்று ஆறுமுகன் பேசினேன் இறங்கினேன் ஒருகணத்தில். நன்றாய் மயில் இறகு கொண்டு சண்முகத்தின் தேகத்தை தடவி அவன் வலியைப் போக்கினேன். அவன் ஆக்கையை காக்க வேண்டும். ஓய்வு மிக வேண்டும். அகம் அடக்கித் தியான வழி சிந்தை கொள்ள வேண்டும். 

They gave me an extension in life not to continue to do the same old things and stuff in life but to do their work. What did I do to deserve such kindness and compassion from the Gods? In a timely manner, Agathiyar came the following year to shut down all our activities and together with Ramalinga Adigal brought us to go within by passing us several breathing and meditation techniques. 

Then one day I just fell down after coming out of the loo. I began to crawl and slither in pain but at the same time, it was blissful for I was laughing away. I was conscious and aware of what was taking place though I had no control over my body. Agathiyar came later on 5.9. 2019 to clarify. Agathiyar tells me since the three dosas were cleared, the Suzhimunai was open, and the crown too was open. The Kundalini fire has risen and I was partaking the Amirtham or honey. He says that the awakening of the Kundalini is akin to the snake waking up causing us to stir and move in this way. But this is bliss he says. He asked me to remain calm and not to make a fuss about it. He then moves on to say that they shall speak to us, giving upadesa. "What you say shall be our thoughts. We will work through you for the betterment of others." 

உன்னுள் ஜீவமாய் இருக்கின்றோம். மும்மலங்கள் அற்றதொரு தேகம் என்பதனால் முனை திறந்து உட்சியும் திறந்து குண்டலினி உயர்ந்து கனல் எழும்பி அமிர்தத்தை இடைவிடாது உண்டு கொண்டு இருக்காய். குண்டலினி சக்தியெல்ல்லாம் எழுப்புவதெல்லாம் குவலயத்தின் பாம்பின் போன்று நெளிய நேரும். ஆனால் ஆனந்தம் ஆனந்தம் அதுதான் என்போம். நீ உள்ளே அமைதியுடன் இருந்து தான் ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் இல்லாது இருப்பாய். மூப்பான நிலை வந்ததால் முனை திரண்டு பேசி நிற்போம் நாங்களும் தான். உன்னுள்ளே நாங்கள் இருந்தவாறு உபதேசம் அளிப்போம். பலவாறாக நீ உரைக்கும் வார்த்தையெல்லாம் எங்கள் சிந்தை அப்பா. உன்னுள் இருந்து நாங்கள் மாந்தர்க்கு நலம் ஞானம் வழங்குவோம். 

This is the third instance they spoke about the Kundalini. 

Ramalinga Adigal came on 29.11.2019 and hugged all those gathered inviting us to invite the light within. He said, "Arutperunjothi has taken possession of you. Open up your Atma. Open up your heart to receive him. The Jothi shall come within and embed in you. We are slaves to this Jothi. I am a slave too."

அருட்பெருஞ்சோதி ... வாரும் ஐயா …  அருட்பெருஞ்சோதி ஆட்கொண்டானப்ப ... மற்றவர்களும் வாரும் ... உங்களையும் ஆட்கொண்டானப்ப … உங்கள் ஆத்மவை திறந்து வையுங்கள் ... உங்கள் இதயத்தைத் திறந்து வையுங்கள்... ஜோதியினை உன்னுள் பதிந்தது. ஜோதியினை நீ இணைந்து விடு.  ஜோதியினை பிரகாசிக்கச்செய். ஆழ்ந்து போ. அனைவரும் ஜோதிக்கு அடிமை. அடியேனும் அடிமை. 

24.12.2019 Agathiyar in his Nadi reveals what Gnanam is. The art of transforming the Asudha Degam into a Sudha Degam and later into the Pranava Degam and finally into the Oli Degam is indeed Gnanam. Gnanam then is in knowing this art and making the transformation happen. For this to take place observe the breath he says. I needed to know the Tattvas too he adds. So I went back to revisiting Tavayogi's book "Andamum Pindamum" for information on the Tattvas. 

அசுத்த தேகம் சுத்த தேகமாகி பிரணவ தேகமாகி ஒளி தேகமாகும் வித்தையே ஞானம். அதற்குத் தியானத்தில் வாசியைக் கவனி. உடல் குறு தத்துவங்களை அறிய வேண்டும். 

Later Agathiyar clarifies the reason he put a stop to all external activities dissolving the Whatsapp group that kept us informed of our puja dates and charity programs. He said that "Your journey till this day was external and was for worldly existence. Now you shall tread a journey that takes you within. You will come to understand the reason you were born. When your breath rises through the சுழுமுனை or Sushumna Nadi engaging with the chakras, upon reaching the seventh chakra, you shall get the answer. At that moment a Sakti will come within. That is சுழுமுனை or Sushumna. When everything is clear that is Gnanam." He was getting us ready to reach another milestone on the path of Siddhahood, having stepped into Kriyai from Sariyai and having touched Yogam he was ready to usher us into Gnanam. 

இதுநாள் வரையில் நீ கடந்து வந்தது இவ்வுலக வாழ்க்கையின் பயணம். இனி நீ கடக்க போவது உமது உல் பயணம். ஆதாவது நீ பிறந்ததன் நோக்கம் அறிவாய். உமது மூச்சி உனது சுழுமுனை தொட்டு உமது ஏழு சக்கரங்களில் பயணம் செய்யும் கால் ஏழாவது சக்கரம் தொடும் நிலையில் நீ உனது பிறவிக்கான பலனை அறிவாய். உனது நிலையை நீ தொடும்போது அக்கணம் உன்னை அறியாமல் உன்னை நோக்கி ஒரு  சக்தி உன்னுள் இறங்கும் - அதுவே சுழிமுனை. நீ உள் பயணிக்கும்போது எல்லாம் தெளிவாகத் தெரியும் சமயம் திரை விலகியத்திற்கு அர்த்தம். அதுதான் ஞானம். 

On 30.1. 2020 Agathiyar told me that I shall come to know what is right and what went wrong. Both shall be lessons I learn. He added that whatever is initiated immediately and promptly shall bring on success. He says, "All this while you saw to your needs in this world. Now you shall undertake an internal journey. This will reveal your purpose in taking birth. I shall relate what needs to be done to realize your purpose in coming here." He said I had stagnated in worldly affairs. He continued, "You cannot possibly break the shackle alone. Hence follow the practices that I am to give you." 

நீ செய்தவையில் எது சரி தவறு என்று நீ கண்டறிவாய். அனைத்தும் உனக்குப் பாடம். குறித்த காலத்தில் நீ செய்த அனைத்தும் உமக்கு நன்மை தந்தது. இது நாள்வரை நீ கடந்து வந்தது இவ்வுலக வாழ்க்கையின் பயணம். இனி நீ கடக்க போவது உமது உள்பயணம். அதாவது நீ பிறந்ததின் நோக்கம் அறிவதற்கு நீ செய்யக்கூடிய வழிமுறைகள் யாம் கூற இருக்கிறோம். இதன் மூலம் உமது பிறவி பலனை அதன் நோக்கம் நீ அறிவாய். நீ உலக வாழ்க்கையில் நீர்தேங்கிறாய். இவ்கடிவாளத்தால் உம்மால் மீண்டு வர இயலாது. ஆகையால் யாம் சொல்லும் வழிமுறைகளைச் செய்து வா.

He said further, "Reduce your involvement in outside activities. Sit before me and meditate. During this moment carry out the cleansing breath as taught by your guru. Just the important ones. You shall sense a coolness within. Remain silent in these moments. Focus on your breath. Your breath shall touch the Suzhimunai and swirl. Travel along your seven chakras. That journey shall awaken your chakras. After traversing these chakras when it touches the seventh you shall know your purpose here. This is the right time to start this practice." 

வெளி உலக பயணம் சற்று குறைத்துக் கொள். தினமும் காலையில் குளித்து வெறும் வேஷ்டி அணிந்து என் முன் அமர்ந்து தியானம் செய்து வா. தியான முறையின் பொது உமது குரு கூறிய சுவாச சுத்திகரிப்பு பயிற்சியினை செய்து வா. அனைத்தும் வேண்டாம். மூல பயிற்சி மட்டும் போதும். அதை நீ செய்து வர உனக்குள் ஒரு தனி குளிர்ச்சி ஏற்படும். அந்நிலையில் நீ அமைதி கோல். உனது மூச்சில் கவனம் கோல். உமது மூச்சு உமது சுழிமுனை தோட்டு சூழும். உமது ஏழு சக்கரங்களில் பயணம் செய். அப்பயணம் உமது சக்கரங்கள் ஒவ்வொன்றாய் பூர்த்தி செய்யும். மூலாதாரம், ஸ்வாதிஷ்டானம், மணிபூரகம், அனாகதம், விசுத்தி, ஆக்கினையென ஏழாவது சக்கரம் தொடும் நிலையில் நீ உனது பிறவிக்கான பலனை அறிவாய். இத்தருணம் மான் மூச்சு குளத்தில் இருக்கிறது. அவை திறக்கும் தருணம் வந்தது. இப்பொழுதுதான் நீ உமது பயிற்சியினை தொடங்க வேண்டும். இந்நிலையில் அச்சக்கரம் முற்றும் திறந்து விடும். 

Agathiyar continued on the changes to be expected, "You shall witness many changes taking place within you. Do not fear. Due to the activation of the chakras your body shall emit foul smell. You shall have constipation. You shall urinate often. Take lots of warm water.  The Agathiyar Kuzhambu you took did help in expelling the three dosas. But there still is. It shall be expelled in due time. Carry out the said practice." 

உடலில் பல மாற்றங்கள் கண்டறிவாய். பயம் கொள்ள வேண்டாம். இச்சக்கரங்கள் புணர்ச்சியால் உன் உடலில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்கள், துர்நாற்றம் வீசும், மல சிக்கல் ஏற்படும், கழிவு ஆகும், சிறுநீர் அதிகம் வெளியேறும். வெந்நீர் அதிகம் அருந்து. அன்று நீ உண்ட குழம்பினாள் உன் உடலிலிருந்து வாத, பித்த, கபம் சற்றே அகன்றது. இன்னும் இருக்கிறது. அவை அகலும். இப்பயிற்சியினை மேற்கோள்.

Agathiyar enlightens us further. "When one starts the journey in going within, the result is Gnanam. But it shall vary among people. Hence I cannot say exactly what shall take place. All this while you have gained external knowledge or Ulaga Gnana. Now you shall gain Gnana that is going to serve you." 

ஒருவன் தனக்குள் உள்வாங்கி அவனுள் பயணம் துவங்கும் நேரம் அப்பயணம் தரும் பாதிப்பே ஞானம். அவை ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் மாற்றம் பெரும். ஆகையால் அவை நான் இதுதான் என்று சொல்ல இயலாது. நீ இதுவரையில் கண்ட ஞானம் உலக வாழ்க்கை ஞானம். இனி காணப்போவது உனக்கான ஞானம். 

He spoke about his devotees who frequent AVM. "Get those who keep coming over to AVM to sit in meditation. When their external thoughts leave them Gnanam shall dawn on them and they shall take up the path of Gnanam." 

தவறாமல் வருபவர்கள் கூற வேண்டும் என்றால் அவர்களை அமைதி காத்து தியானம் மேற்கொள்ளச் சொல். அவர்களின் எண்ணம் எப்போ அவர்களை விட்டு விலகுகிறது அப்போ அவர்கள் ஞானம் கைகூடி அவர்கள் ஞான பாதையில் அடி வைப்பார்கள்.

He answered my yearning to pull the shutters down. "You need not go into solitude now. You need to share many things with others. I shall tell you when is the right time to do so. Start this practice first. It shall lead you further." 

இன்றைய கணம் நீ தனிமை படுத்திக்க வேண்டாம். நீ பகிர்வது இன்னும் சிலருக்கு தேவை படுகிறது. நான் சொல்லும் நேரம் நீ அதனைத் தொடங்கலாம். இப்பயிற்சியினை முதலில் மேற்கோள். அவை உன்னை வழிநடத்தும். 

He went on to ask me to prepare a concoction and reminded me that it was not to be shared with others. இவ்கமண்டலம் போல் ...... அந்நீர் உமக்கு மட்டுமே. யாரிடமும் பகிர வேண்டாம்.

"Sleep here in the prayer room from now on." உமது  படுகையினை இனி இவ்வறையில் வைத்துக்கொள். நீ படுக்கும் திசையில் உமது சிரசு என் நிலையை நோக்க உன்பாதம் அவ்வினை நோக்க வேண்டும். நீண்டிருக்க உமது வசதிக்கு ஏற்ப படுத்துக்கொள். 

I was overjoyed to hear that Vallal (Ramalinga Adigal) shall aid me too with my practice. "When you realize yourself completely and realize that everything around you is impermanent you shall stand apart from it all. That is to be motionless in all manner or Summa Eruppathu. To arrive at that state increase your Soul Power or gain Atma Balam." 

உமது பயிற்சியில் வள்ளலும் உமக்கு வழிநடுத்துவான். உன்னை நீ முழுதும் அறிந்து உன்னைச் சுற்றி இருக்கும் கணங்கள் அறிந்து எதுவும் நிலை அற்றது என்று நீ அறியும் அத்தருணம் வெளிக்குள் நீயே வெளி கடப்பாய். அத்தருணமே சும்மா இருப்பது. அது கிடைக்க உமது ஆத்ம பலத்தை நீ கூட்டிக்கொல். 

Agathiyar then throws in a word of caution. "Let go of your anger otherwise you shall not attain Gnanam because your anger in touching the chakras will weaken them. When in anger the blood shall intercept and change the motion of these chakras. When its motion changes the strength of your breath will diminish. Whatever your troubles, leave it to me.  Just carry out the breathing practices. Nothing else is necessary. When you reach the said state an energy or sakti shall enter you. That is Suzhimunai." 

ஒன்று கவனம். இப்பயிற்சி உனது சினம் இறங்க வேண்டும். சினம் இருந்தால் உமக்கு ஞானம் கிட்டாது. ஏன் என்றால் உன் சினம் சிரசை தொட அச்சக்கரங்கள் பலம் இழந்து போகும். நீ சினம் கொள்ளும்போது உன்னை அறியாது உன் உடம்பில் இருக்கும் உதிரங்கள் அதன் சுழற்ச்சியினை மாற்றும். அச்சுழல்சியின் மாற்றங்கள் உமது சிரசின் மூச்சு காற்றின் சக்தி குறைந்து விடும். எதுவாகினும் எம்மிடம் விட்டு விடு. மூச்சு பயிற்சியின் மட்டும் மேற்கோள், மற்ற பயிற்சிகள் ஏதும் வேண்டாம். எனது நிலையை நீ தொடும்போது உன்னை அறியாது உன்னை நோக்கி ஒரு சக்தி உன்னுள் இறங்கும். அதுவே சுழிமுனை.

On 14.5.2020,  Ramalinga Adigal who was closely monitoring me came and asked if I saw changes in me. He asks me, "Have you understood the purpose of asking to go within? Do your experience change within your body? This is only the start. You shall lay the stepping stones and progress at your pace. An effort is needed." This is only the start he says.  "You are on the first step. There are lots more to learn." He gives me courage that he shall travel with me on this journey till we attain the state. "What you are doing currently is wonderful. Continue with it. Watching your breath is right. You are changing its flow correctly. Continue with it. You are on the first step. Prana moving in you is itself Pranava Degam. When you sense the Pranavam you shall question yourself if the Pranam is traveling in you or vice versa, if you are hitching on it and traveling in it. When you reach that state you shall have the answer. That moment shall be one of extreme bliss. Go deep within this bliss. There is more. Whenever you say it is enough you shall tend to gain more. There is much to learn. You have my blessings. I shall travel with you till you reach the destination. I accompany those who go deep within. Follow your breath. Place the effort and you shall reach the destination." "The noises around your neighborhood though pose as obstacles but that is Gnanam. Be patient. Through your effort, you shall conquer your senses. Till then these shall trouble you." 

உன் உள் பயணத்தை அறிந்து கொண்டாயா? தேக மாற்றம் உணருகிறாயா? இதுவே துவக்கம். உனது முயற்சியே உனது படி. தற்போது நீ செய்து வரும் சிறப்பு. அதைத் தொடர்ந்து செய்து வா. சுவாசத்தை கவனித்துக் கொண்டிருப்பது சரியே. அதை நீ மாற்றிக் கொண்டு வருகிறாய். தொடர்ந்து செய்து வா. முதல் படியில் இருக்கிறாய். பிராண சக்தி ஊடுருவிச் செல்கிறதே அதுவே பிரணவ தேகம்.  பிரணவத்தின் சக்தி உணரும் தருணம் உன் பிரணவத்தால் ஊடுகிறாயா? அல்லது பிரணவம் உன்னுள் ஊடுகிறதா என்று தோன்றும். என்று அப்படியில் காலடி வைகிறாயோ அன்று உமக்கு விடை பிறக்கும். பிரணவத்தின் நீயே அதைக் காண்பாய். அது பேர் ஆனந்தம்.  இன்பத்தில் ஆழ்ந்து கொண்டு வா. இன்னும் இருக்கிறது. போதும் என்ற மனமே பொன் செய்யும் மருந்து. நீ போதும் என்று சொல்லும் நிலை உன்னை அறியாமல் நீ பெற்றுக் கொண்டுதான் இருக்கிறாய். நீ கற்பதற்கு இன்னும் இருக்கிறது. எனது பரிபூரண ஆசியோடு கற்பிப்பாய். உன்னுள் ஜோதி எரியும் வரை நான் உன்னோடு வருவேன். ஆழ்ந்து இருப்போருடன் நான் சேர்ந்து இருக்கிறேன். உமது பிரணவத்தை கொண்டு செல். ஜோதியோடு கலப்பாய். அக்கம் பக்கம் சத்தம் அவைகளே உமக்கு இன்னல்கள். அவைகளே உமக்கு ஞானம். பொறுத்துக்கொள். உமது முயற்சியால் உமது ஐம் புலன்களை அடக்கிடுவாய். அது நடக்கும் வண்ணம் இவைகள் உமக்குத் தொந்திராவு வழங்கும்.

He spoke about my gurus. "Supramania Swami was the guru who led you to the path of worship to guru. He taught you guru bakti or devotion to the guru. You received the merits from his tapas. Tavayogi too in his light form is trying to bring salvation to you. He is traveling with you. You traveled in his way and followed his teachings. You spread his fame and helped him attain the state of Jothi. He who is currently with you shall continue to travel with you." 

சுப்ரமணியன் உனக்கு வழிநடுத்திய குரு. குருவைத் தொடர்ந்திருக்கும் ஒரு சீடன் அக்குருவை எவ்வாறு நடத்த வேண்டும் என்று கல்வியை சுப்ரமணியன் உனக்குப் போதித்தான். அவன் தவ வலிமையை நீ பெற்றாய். தவயோகி ஆத்ம ஜோதியாய் உங்களை கரை தேர்த இன்னமும் முயற்சிக்கிறான். உங்களோடே பயணிக்கிறான். அவன் வழி நடந்து முழுமையாக கடைபிடித்து வரும் ஒரு சீடன் நீ. அவன் புகழை பரப்பிய உன் தவ வலிமையால் அவன் ஜோதி நிலை தொட்டு விட்டான். தற்பொழுது அவன் உங்களை வழி நடுத்த உங்கள் அருகில்தான் இருக்கிறான். இன்னும் இன்றும் உங்களோடு பயணிக்கிறான்.

When Supramania Swami told me to carry on my tapas diligently, stating that only then can he reach higher states, I was puzzled. How is that possible. It is always the other way around right? The blessings of the guru raise the state of the disciple. How can the prayers of the disciple help raise the energy in the guru? Here Ramalinga Adigal says the same of Tavayogi too as having attained the state of Jothi thanks to whatever little austerities we did that helped him reach the state. Yogi Ramsuratkumar who joined us during the interval between the Sivarathri pujas recently told me when the disciple prays the guru comes referring to the prayer Supramania Swami led me on during my visit to his kudil in Tiruvannamalai in 2005. He also told me that Supramania Swami was with us that night. It looks like it is a two-way relationship. The gurus gain greater heights just as we tend to gain from their worship. Agathiyar says that the Siddhas still sit in tavam before Lord Siva to this day. Shiva too is portrayed in paintings as gazing upwards. Who or what is he meditating on? I guess in sitting in prayer and meditation we all contribute towards the superpower that creates, sustains, destroys, veils, and graces us.

Ramalinga Adigal has high praises for Agathiyar whom her addresses as his father, telling us that Agathiyar is guiding us, that we should continue in his way, and that he shall help draw the veil aside, and bring us to Arutperunjothi. 

என் அப்பன் அகத்தியன் உங்களுக்குள் இருந்து வழி நடத்தி வருகிறார். அவன் வழியிலே நடந்து வாருங்கள். இத்திரை விளக்குவதற்கு அவன் அருள் புரிவான். அகத்தியன் அருட்ஜோதியை நோக்கி அழைத்துச் செல்வான். 

If Ramalinga Adigal was full of praise for Agathiyar, Agathiyar says that Ramalinga Adigal whom he addresses as Vallal follows him everywhere he goes. He is a prodigy for Gnana he said.  "He shall assist you in your practices."

வள்ளலும் வருவார். அவன் ஞான குழந்தை. ஆகையால் யாம் போகும் இடந்தோறும் அவன் என்னோடு வருவான். உனது பயிற்சியில் அவனும் உமக்கு வழி நடுத்துவான். 

If in the beginning years of reading the Nadi, Agathiyar called upon each Siddha to say a few words each week, and Agathiyar in coming through devotees brought Siddhas and the deities to grace our homes, it gives us great joy to see all these gurus and deities gather and bless us. It makes us ask what did we do to deserve their love and compassion. When man is split over race and religion, the methods and the places of worship, the Siddhas and the deities put us to shame by holding hands and coming to us. Should not we learn a thing or two from this?

29.6.2020 Ramalinga Adigal surprised me by saying that "The lock to the hidden door between your eyebrows is open now." I had no idea what it was all about. 

உன் கண் புருவ பூட்டு திறந்து விட்டது.

Agathiyar came in June of 2022. He said that "Currently your Muladhara and Svadhisthana are open. The breath is currently lodged in Svadhisthana. The time of its opening is near." Giving further practice he says, "Now is the right time to start your practice. This would open up the chakra completely. You will see many changes take place in your body. Don't be afraid. In activating these chakras your body shall smell foul, you shall have constipation, and you shall urinate often. The Agathiyar Kuzhambu you consumed earlier helped stabilize your Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. Yet these Dosas need to be expelled further."

இத்தருணம் உமக்கு மூலாதாரம் திறந்தது, ஸ்வாதிஸ்டானம் திறந்தது. இப்பொது மான் மூச்சி குளத்தில் இருக்கிறது. அவை திறக்கும் தருணம் வந்தது. இப்போதுதான் நீ உமது பயிற்சியினை தொடங்க வேண்டும். இந்த நிலையில் அச்சக்கரம் முற்றும் திறந்துவிடும். உடலில் பல மாற்றங்கள் கண்டறிவாய். பயம் கொள்ள வேண்டாம். இச்சக்கரங்களில் புணர்ச்சியால் உன் உடலில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்கள் துர் நாற்றம் வீசும், மலச்சிக்கல் ஏற்ப்பட்டு கழிவு ஆகும், சிறுநீர் அதிகம் வெளியேறும். அன்று நீ உண்ட குழம்பு உன் உடலிலிருந்து வாதம், கபம், பித்தம் சற்றே அகன்றது. இன்னும் இருக்கிறது. அவை அகலும். 

Ramalinga Adigal tells me "Use your breath to fan the Jothi. It shall travel through Sushumna and touch Ajna. Then the Jothi is seen. Carry out Nadi Sudhi to raise the Prana. Now it does not move in both nostrils. When it travels in both nostrils, you shall then rest in perfection or Sudha Paripuranam. Dhyana will be yours then. You are one with the Prana. Pay attention to it. The changes in you are but discharges. It shall leave your body. Do not worry. What you are doing is tavam."

பிரணவத்தை கொண்டு ஜோதியை சுடர் விடச்செய். சுஷும்னா வழி சென்று ஆக்கினை தொடும். பின்னர் ஜோதி தெரியும். நாடி சுத்தி செய்து பிரணவத்தை உயர்த்தவும். இப்போது இரு நாசியில் செல்ல வில்லை. இரு நாசியில் செல்லும் கால் பிரணவம் இடகலை பிங்கலையில் சீராகச் செல்லும் தருணம் சுத்த பரிபூரணத்தில் நீ ஆழ்ந்து இருப்பாய். தியானம் என்பது உனது பரிபூரணம் ஆகும். உனது பிராணவத்தில் கலந்திருக்கிறாய். பிரணவத்தில் கவனம் செலுத்து. உன்னுள் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்கள் யாவும் கழிவுகள். அகன்று போகும். கவலை வேண்டாம். நீ செய்தது யாவும் தவம். 

True to what they said, for several weeks I had the wind travel in my abdomen causing pain in my groins and testes. The urine and motion were smelly. I asked myself if my body was decaying within. Even before this, there were traces of blood in the sputum. I had piles. I had boils appear. I understood it to be the result of excessive heat in me due to my practices. And I understood it to be a cleansing process going on within.

On 22 August 2022, I felt an "explosion of energy" in my belly as I woke up and stretched in bed. It felt like I had stretched a nerve below my belly button. I felt nauseous and my whole body became numb to the fingertips. Then a sudden swirl of energy was released in my abdomen bringing on a cold feeling throughout my body. I had to pee and ease myself. For fear that I would pee in bed, I got up to go to the toilet. I fell twice but picked myself up. It soon subsided. Towards night the top of my head was cool. I browsed the net but I came across only facts and theories written on the solar plexus but none shared a similar experience or any experience of theirs. Writer Balakumaran narrates to the news channels his experience when Yogi Ramsuratkumar touches his back and spine when he asks to see God. He mentions that he felt a chill within the bone.

The next day, I woke up to go to the loo but I could not piss. I fainted again. My body became numb from the shoulders down. I lay like a log on my bed. I could not move an inch of my body. But I was aware of what was happening to me. I asked myself if this was what a dead body would feel like. 

Agathiyar came to clear the air. He told me there was nothing to worry about. Previously he had told me that energy had stagnated what I understood to be at Svathisthana. Tavayogi told me that our effort is only till this chakra. They have to come and lead us on from there. It was released now. But since the chakra was activated late in life the blood is affected. The blood count will tip the scale. He gives a warning to all of us. When the chakras are activated late in life it would have some adverse results on our bodies. When the heat of tapas increases in our body, blood flow will be less bringing on numbness. This would result in urinary and excretion problems. As it worried me and my wife, Agathiyar asked to go for a Medical checkup. He asked to seek allopathy treatment. He did treat me too by dipping my hands into a bowl of lukewarm water to the accompaniment of my family chanting the Arutperunjothi mantra. He ran his hands along my back and spine and placed his hands on my head and applied the sacred ash over my body. 

கவலை கொள்ள ஒன்றுமில்லை. தேங்கி இருந்த நீர் வெளி கொண்டது. ஆனபோதும் முதிர்ந்த நிலையில் சக்கரங்கள் திறப்பதனால் உதிர வாட்டம் கொண்டுள்ளது. ஆகையால் எண்கள் மேரு பெறும். ஆங்கில மருத்துவம் கொண்டு அதனைச் சுத்தம் செய்து கோல். முதிர்ச்சியில் சக்கரங்கள் திறக்கும்போது அவ்வுடல் சில பாதிப்பினை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும். ஆகையால் மருத்துவம் உனக்குத் தேவை. உனது உடலில் உஷ்ணம் ஏற ஏற உதிரம் குறையும். உதிரம் குறைந்தால் உடல் மறுத்துப் போகும். உடல் மறுத்துப் போனால் சிறுநீர் கோளாறு கழிவில் கோளாறு. மருத்துவம் கொண்டு அதைச் சீர் படுத்திக் கொள்.

Agathiyar even spoke of death in the event it happens. Death is another doorway to another journey says Agathiyar. "Do not be afraid of death. It is but another door to another journey. One who invites death is a Siddha. There is much I need to carry out through you. Enough of my praise. Write about your bodily experiences. Let your writings be about the changes taking place in your body. Let your readers know the changes that take place in the body if they come to worship the light and seek to merge with it. My wisdom shall be your experience. Experience first and I shall clarify the experiences later. Experience is knowledge to you. Nothing is beyond experience." 

மரணபயம் வேண்டாம்.  மரணம் ஒன்றும் அல்ல. மற்றொரு பயணத்தின் கதவு.  எவன் ஒருவன் மரணத்தை அன்போடு வரவேற்கின்றானோ அவன் சித்தன் ஆகின்றான். உன்னில் இருந்து நான் காரியங்கள் செய்வதற்கு இன்னும் நிறைய இருக்கிறது. எனது பெருமை போதும். இனி உன் எழுத்துக்கள் உடல் மாற்றங்கள் உடல் அனுபவம் பற்றியதாக இருக்கட்டும். ஜோதியினை வழிபட்டால் அதில் இணைய வேண்டும் என்றால் உடலில் எவ்வித மாற்றங்கள் ஏற்படும் என்று உன் வாசகர்களுக்குத் தெரிய படுத்து. உனது அனுபவம் எனது அறிவு. அனுபவமே உனக்கு அறிவு. அனுபவத்தைத் தாண்டி ஒன்றுமே இல்லை. நீ அனுபவம் கொண்டுவா, பின்னர் உரைக்கிறேன். மரணம் ஒன்றும் அல்ல. மற்றொரு பயணத்தின் கதவு.

Then Agathiyar went on to ask me to reveal henceforth through this blog the changes that my body undergoes. Enough of writing about him he said. If one wants to come to merge with the Jothi through its worship, he needs to know what changes would happen within the body. I was asked to share this with the readers of this blog. His revelations will be my experience he said. 

இனி உன் எழுத்துக்கள் உடல் மாற்றங்கள் பற்றியதாக இருக்கட்டும். எனது பெருமை போதும். ஜோதியினை வழி பட்டால் அதோடு இணைய வேண்டும் என்றால் உடலில் எவ்வித மாற்றங்கள் ஏற்படும் என்று உன் வாசகர்களுக்குத் தெரிய படுத்து. உனது அனுபவம் எனது அறிவு. 

Agathiyar surprises me by saying that my gurus should have come to my assistance. But as they are engaged in his work, they had asked Agathiyar to come to our need. 

உன் குரு இருந்து செய்ய வேண்டியது.  என் தேவைக்கு அழைத்தேன். இப்போது அவன் என்னை அனுப்பி வைத்தான். அவனின் ஆசி என்றும் உண்டு. நேர்மையான சீடனை எள்ளளவும் மறக்கமாட்டான். சுப்பிரமணியனும் அப்படியே.

Agathiyar guided us through his Aasi Nadi which came to be read regularly. He had other Siddhas speak on Yoga too. Patanjali corrected our existing menu and changed it to one of satvic in nature. Fast forward to 2000, Dhanvanthri, Bhogar, Tirumular, and Ramalinga Adigal; Supramania Swami and his guru Yogi Ramsuratkumar; Tavayogi, Lord Siva, Lord Murugan; Mother and Aiya in their many manifestations and Rama and Anjaneya too blessed us coming through devotees. The blockages that are a result of our previous lifestyles result in imbalances and disorders in the body. The imbalance in the three dosas of bodily humor namely Vatam or wind, Pittam or bile, and Kapam or phlegm necessitates the need for Deha Suddhi. Agathiyar gave us his Agathiyar Kuzhambu to consume for this purpose. Besides being a purgative it is said to cure many diseases too. That purgative brought out all the trash and garbage I had carried in my system for the past sixty years. That did an excellent job of cleaning the house or so I thought. Agathiyar tells me that though it helped bring balance to the three dosas there were still impurities in my system that had to be cleared. He passed me other herbs too that he deemed fit for me to take that served as Kaya Karpam to strengthen the body. He had me prepare a magic potion and take it daily. It had a tenth of the effect of his Agathiyar Kuzhambu but was effective enough in daily cleansing. Agathiyar came regularly to check on us if we are following his dictates. So when he asked if I was following the Vaasi or breathing techniques he had told me to carry out, I lamented that my mind would not settle. He then asks if I was taking the concoction that he had asked me to prepare and take daily. I then told him it was too bitter a pill to swallow to which he commanded me to take it. He added that the impurities or Kalivu in the body need to be rid of for the mind to settle in contemplation and meditation. 

If in the past Agathiyar started us with pranayama by asking us to concentrate on several spots in our head and torso, then both Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal asks that we just follow the trail of the breath. The trail shall end when the breath subsides. Just as the force of water calms down as it travels farther away from its source into the plains and eventually settles into the ocean, "When your thoughts die down or lose their intensity what remains is me", says Agathiyar simplifying the means to an end. As the thoughts hitch on our breath, we are asked to ditch it. As the manam takes a ride on it when the breath subsides the thoughts die with it and vice versa. What remains is the Self, the Atma, and Agathiyan as the inner flame and Spirit. When our thoughts die that is "Summa erupathu" or Stillness. Thoughts are the seeds of action. The thoughts fed with prana result in action. Drop the thoughts and the actions shall seize. As it is the Prana that energizes the astral body, the Prana accumulated within then shall not be lost through the senses and its organs. 

உனது எண்ணத்தை நீ சற்று விலக்கு. நான் அங்கிருந்து உனக்குப் பதில் அளிப்பேன். அழுத்தமான உன் எண்ணம் தளர்ந்து போகும். அது தளர்ந்து போகும் நிலையில் நானே உள் இருப்பேன். நீயாய் சுவாசித்த பிராணவ வாயு இனி உன்னைக் கேட்காமல் உன்னுள் ஊடுருவும். எப்பொதுதெல்லாம்  அது ஊடுருவதை நீ உணறுகிறாயோ இருக்கும் இடம் அறிந்து அதனுள் பயணம் செய். கலந்து போ. அதனோடு நீ கலக்கும் தருணமே தியானம். 

With the prana that is ingested in larger volumes through the practice of pranayama; and having the nadis purified by the practice of Nadi Suddhi; and by consuming Agathiyar Kuzhambu that brought on Dega Suddhi, next came the spontaneous purification of the lower chakras. When the energies could not be contained any further both in me and the home, Agathiyar asked me to tone down on our worship in September 2019. Slowly we began to reduce the duration and scale of our worship. We only retained the ritual of bathing him with water daily to cool him done as his energy expanse was beyond proportion in his statue. Similarly, he asked to halt the charity too as we had brought a balance to the scale of merits. We were asked to resume our Yoga practices instead. Experience has taught us that Yoga has to be dealt with in a careful manner and with the guidance of a Siddha. In the event something goes wrong they are on hand to bring us relief or to correct us. Pandit Gopi Krishna who "had aroused the Kundalini, speaks about the result of that "sudden outburst one day after putting in years of meditation" and his "first encounter with the serpent energy, the physic energy in his life" where "he had his first glimpse into the superconscious state and saw fabulous Kundalini in action." Reading his account of Kundalini gives us shivers.

As we saw earlier Swami Rajarshi Muni in speaking about the very basic alternate nostril breathing says, "This is considered a powerful exercise in creating pranaprabalya, or the strengthening of prana, as well as the purification of the nadis. The more pranayama is done, the more prana is stored in the kanda.… prana travels through the subtle body by means of subtle channels known as Ida and pingala. These subtle channels, like the gross air passage, have their upper ends at the openings of the left and right nostrils. However, they do not end up in the lungs like the respiratory system of the gross body. Instead, they run down to a bulbous subtle structure (kanda) situated about three inches below the navel of the gross body."

I never understood the essence of the matter until my recent experience.  The Kanda is exactly where I sensed the tug of a nerve followed by a spinning sensation in my abdomen that brought on nausea and a chillness and coldness both in the abdomen and throughout my entire body making it go numb to the fingers tips. After this "explosion of energy", I saw calmness and peace come over me and I could actually sit and try to meditate. It was a blissful state. The breath I believe has begun to settle on its own. I guess the secret is in the simplicity of life or the practice and not in the jargon of words or elaborate practices put together by man for a fee. 

Recently a new pain was felt shifting between my right and left groins, and my left testicle. This pain after some time was felt in the chest. Then it moved to the left of my neck. It made its way to the back of my head. It resulted in pain in the left ear too. Excessive wind would be expelled from the body during these times. The pain would leave after several days on its own accord. Searching the net I came across one such chakra called Zeal Point Chakra whose location is the exact spot I felt the pain. One blog my360massage.com precisely locates the spot of my pain as "at the back of the neck and the base of the skull, where there is an indention." This pain too eventually left my body. 

Initially, when the pain came on I thought I had sprained my neck while asleep probably as a result of my tummy sleeping position. I believe from what little experience I have had, that even the path of these energies might not be in a direct line as depicted in the visuals and books. Then I come across an illustration in CW Leadbeater's book "The Chakras" that surprised me. Some chakras could be offline explaining the pain in me that was off to the side in the torso region. Then again I remember having read and seen back in the past another illustration that I cannot recall where I saw it of the energy contrary to traveling in a straight line following the spinal cord, it leaves the body through a certain chakra and reenters it later in a chakra further up. 

Due to the intensity of the heat in my body some time back I had piles that appeared and soon subsided. The breath then was cool and sweet for several days on later. I was drawn to notice the breath that exerted itself catching my attention. I was forced to sit and contemplate then. If initially, it was in diaphragmatic breathing that we placed our effort, the breathing became effortless. The breath was short running from the throat to the forehead. It was full and satisfying. The energy that came on with such intensity as a whirlpool in the region of my abdomen (தேங்கி இருந்த நீர் வெளி கொண்டது. சக்கரங்கள் திறந்தது) was felt in the region of the crown of my head though with less intensity. Though it numbed the region, it was blissful. I have lost my sleep. A sudden chill comes on followed by a surge of heat. Today as I pen this post I can feel the heat in me. My lips are dry and cracked. My voice is hoarse. But the flowering in the crown goes on.  I guess like Swami Vivekananda said, "You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, and none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”


When Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal asked us to read and reread Tavayogi's book Andamum Pindamum especially the chapter on Tattvas and Agathiyar told me that the Vaasi and Asana practice he gave us was a treasure it surely tells us something about Tavayogi. He was no ordinary guru. Going through his book further for the umpteen times, we pick up certain interesting facts. For instance, Tavayogi equates vibration or unarvu to life. மனித உடலிலே உள்ள உயிர் அணுக்கள் கூட்டம் எல்லாமே உணர்வு என்னும் அடிப்படையான உயிர் தன்மை கொண்டவை. A friend who got initiated by a famous master was taught to recognize these vibrations in each chakra and progress to higher chakras through its visualization. Agathiyar in replying to a devotee and aspirant on his true form told her he was the vibration that is realized in all her spiritual undertakings including puja and charity. 

Tavayogi writes that Yoga was a means to tap into the power of the Prapanjam. My first taste of this Prapanjam came when I diligently carried out the practice he showed us in 2007. The volume of Prana inhaled expanded tremendously to the extent I thought my body would burst just as an overinflated balloon would burst. I had no idea then that the technique had awakened the Kundalini in me. It was only later that year that Agathiyar casually in a passing comment in my Nadi enlightened me of this fact. But I never saw any difference then as many had made it out to be. I kept at what I was taught. Neither Agathiyar nor Tavayogi stopped me. It was in late 2010 that a routine clearing of the throat as expounded by Ramalinga Adigal triggered a pull in my lower back that ran down the whole length of my right leg right until the toes which freezed me in pain. I remained squated as the shower drenched me wet. It was some moments later that I managed to dry myself somewhat and dragged myself into bed. That was the start of a nightmare you could say that lasted some 2 1/2 years. I bore the pain till I decided to consult Dr.Krishnan a Siddha physician and astrologer. He struck off any possibility of a kidney problem or stone. He told me to get an X-ray to find out if it was a slipped disk. I did as told and was given a clean bill of health. But to bring some relief I was asked to undergo physiotherapy twice a week which I did. I then looked toward the Nadi to see what Agathiyar has to say. He revealed that my Muladhara was activated and hence the upheavals to my three dosas. Agathiyar in the Nadi reading on 9.8.2010 tells me that the heat of the tapas or austerities had peaked in me. 

உண்டான ஞான கனல் மிகுந்த காலம் உயர்வான காலம் இது இந்தக் காலம். 

Seeing my agony Agathiyar on 17.10.2010 gives me the good news and consoles me on the bad too. What is generally achieved through Hatha yoga is now possible through Tapas and Puja. If Tavayogi wrote that Yoga was a means to tap into the power of the Prapanjam, Agathiyar in encouraging a reluctant me to carry out the Homam that I was asked to do by Tavayogi in my home, told me that I wasn't doing it for myself and my family but for the well being of all that existed in the Prapanjam or all of the manifestation of the cosmos, universe, etc. Only then I realized the magnanimity of the ritual and the great responsibility that was given to me and my family and the few who gathered at my home. We took up the task with dedication, and did the ritual regularly, on Thursdays, Full moon and New moon days, and other auspicious days. Now the heat built up further in us too as the fire was fed with ghee and other herbs and medicinal plants. Besides generating more heat the Homam removed our karma further. The Vaasi and Asana practice together with the Homam that we conducted formed a conduit to gather the Prana within. Agathiyar points out to my health that was declining. He asked to see a physician who can bring it back to its former state. With his grace, I shall recover well, he said. 

அடையோகம் தன்னில் கிட்டும் சித்தி அவையனைத்தும் தவமொடு வழிபாட்டில் பெறுவாய். ஆனதொரு ஆரோக்கியம் மட்டும் சோடை. ஒளடதமும் பிடகனை அறிந்து ஏற்க்கவே மாற்றங்கள் ஏற்றம் கிட்டும். என் அருளால் பூரணமாய் பரிசுத்தம் காண்பாய். 

Agathiyar who continued to monitor my situation came again on 16.1.2011 assuring me that all shall be fine. He asked me to continue taking the prescription for another half a mandalam. 

வாகடன்கள் தேகத்திற்கு மட்டும் வளத்துடனே அரை மண்டலாம் எடுத்துக் கொள்ள தேகமத்தில் குறை வாரா. 

In another reading on 26.11. 2011 Agathiyar addressed the issue clearly. Agathiyar spelled out the reasons and the solution in the form of several Siddha herbs and prayers. He classifies my agony as Paareesa Peedai or உடலின் ஒரு பக்கம் that was external and "superficial, existing or occurring at or on the surface and  appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely." He says the Muladhara chakra had attained intense heat resulting in my present condition leading to immobility. The three dosas too have gone haywire. He asked to consume Amalaki and Triphala. He asked that I stop all forms of tapas and yoga practices for the time being. He asked that I pray to the Sun God and Lord Murugan to bring relief. 

தரணிதன்னில் எங்கள் வழி மார்க்கத்தில் தப்பாது பூசையும் தவமும் செய்து தான் உயர்வு அடைந்திட்ட பாலகன் உனக்குத் தரணியே உயிர் பிணி ஏது சொல்வோம் உடல் பிணி ஏதுதான் அச்சம்கொள்ள. பாரிச பீடைகளும் வந்து நிற்கும். உற்றதொரு மூலாதார சக்கரமும் உயர் விதமாய் உட்டனங்கள் அடைந்ததனாலே உரைக்க வரும் சோர்வும் தேகம் தன்னில். உரைக்கலாம் முக்கூற்று திருப்பும் இப்போ முறையாகச் சம நிலையில் இல்லாதிருக்க சோதனைகள் வந்து நிற்க்கும் அச்சம் மிதந்து. சிறப்பு தரும் வாகடமும் செப்பலாம். செப்பலாம் தவம் தன்னை நிறுத்திவைக்க.  சிறப்பு இருக்கு வழிபாடும் முறையே மாறாது சூரிய வழிபாடும் செய்ய வழிபாடும் வேலவர்க்கும் முறையே செய்யப் பங்கம் ஏதும் வந்திடாது கலக்கம் கொள்ளா. 

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami in "Merging with Siva - Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics", Himalayan Academy, 2005 writes, 

"There are thousands of things vibrating in the Muladhara chakra, and from those memory patterns, they are going to bounce up into view one after another, especially if we gain more Prana by breathing and eating correctly." I guess the exercises that Tavayogi gave and the diet that Patanjali asked to adhere to did just that. It released my past karma. 

On 15.2.2012 the physiotherapist asked me to show her the exercises, she had taught me and that I had put into practice over the past seven months. As I moved into position to begin to raise my right leg behind me and stretch my back, it was as if something gave way, there was something like a latch released, a dam burst, a knot that was untied or loosened, which brought instantaneous relief and joy to the extent I shouted out and cried in joy. The excruciating pain left magically and mysteriously just as it had come on upon me. All was well as Agathiyar had said. 

But it resurfaced in June of 2016 just a month short of my daughter's wedding. This time it was relatively mild. Tavayogi and Mataji who were in Malaysia to attend her wedding passed me a herbal preparation that they said will do some good. Dhanvanthri came and treated me saying that the dosa that is wind was excessive. It was a case of excessive Vata. I was asked to heat up sesame oil and apply it and told to sleep on the floor till I recovered. After some time I woke up to realize the pain had gone away. 

When the pain came back in 2018, as a sneeze came on as I was crossing the road, it was severe and exactly as I had felt the very first time. The pain ran through my back like a lightning bolt and traveled through my right leg. I made my way to my car dragging my feet and drove home in pain. Agathiyar told me it was a case of the Vasi or the breath gone wrong. He gave me five herbal preparations to consume and ointments to rub. While this reading was recorded and sent to me, the following day another reading was held at my home by another Nadi reader. Lord Muruga came through a devotee and treated me concurrently as the Nadi was read. The next day he gave another reading through a friend. He recommended another ointment and herbal medicine.

From http://www.tknsiddha.com/medicine/vatham-pitham-kapham-tridosha/ I learned more.

"According to the Siddha medicine system, the three humors, (Muppini or Mukkuttram in Tamil Siddha medicine system and Tridosha in Ayurveda system) normally occupy the lower, middle, and upper parts of the body - vayu in the regions of the pelvis, the pitham in the region of the stomach and the internal viscera and kapham or phlegm in the regions of the breath, throat, and head."

How very true. These three humors, vata, pitta, and kapha through their combined actions and the normal ratio of 4:2:1 help maintain the upkeep of the human body. In my case, it had gone berserk and haywire. To rub salt into the wound Lord Muruga who came and relieved my pain said that it was his doing so that I would be forced to slow down and go within. 

This is where we need a guru to monitor us. He shall know when we should start and when we should stop. I was blessed to have Lord Murugan, Agathiyar, Ramalinga Adigal monitor me directly. 

And it has all got to do with Prana. Swami Rajarshi Muni's "Yoga, the Ultimate Attainment", Jaico Publishing House, 1995 writes,

"The prana (that fills the whole atmosphere of the universe) is the spiritual and imperceptible energy out of which matter evolves. When it vibrates and manifests in accordance with the universal Will, it becomes matter in the form of Prakriti. From Prakriti, an inexhaustible reservoir, the human body draws prana for carrying out its biological functions throughout its span of life. Prana is extracted from Prakriti as subtle energy through breathing."

"Oxygen is prana Vayu while Prana is the vital force. Oxygen is capable of sustaining only the gross body while Prana the vital force nourishes and sustains the subtle body. This vital force flows through the channels of the subtle body and can rejuvenate even the gross body increasing its longevity. These subtle channels, like the gross air passage, have their upper ends at the openings of the left and right nostrils. However, they do not end up in the lungs like the respiratory system of the gross body. Instead, they run down to a bulbous subtle structure (Kanda) situated about three inches below the navel of the gross body. There are 14 principal channels or nadis in the subtle body that converge into the subtle bulb Kanda. They branch into 72,000 smaller channels and 350,000-minute tributaries spreading all over the subtle body."

Phew, it is mind-blowing indeed. Now I understand why my breathing spontaneously hits the bottom in the region below the navel and rises with force. I have no control over it. Come to think about it this is what Tavayogi's Vaasi or breathing exercise is all about. It is the churning of the ocean to retrieve the nectar or ambrosia. We are told that the very first breath a child takes after birth hits the same spot starting the cycle of breathing and causing him or her to let out his or her first cry. Amazing indeed. 

Soon Ramalinga Adigal came to connect us with the Prapanjam further bringing its energies in torrents. That was it. We were drenched in ecstasy and energy.  Finally, Prapanjam spoke to a devotee in her meditation and asked her to pass the message to me to carry out a Homam and chant the Mrityunjaya and Dhanvantri mantras. We carried out as told. Agathiyar recently told us to deal directly with the Prapanjam for all our needs as we have been given access to her. How lovely. We are truly indebted to Agathiyar and the Siddhas for life. 


Speaking to Thiru Arivananthan moments ago, I could see his humbleness. Being a learned and trained astrologer and Siddha practitioner he is currently engaged in the research and study of some ancient texts in the form of Suvadi or palm leaves in his possession. This research is nearing its end with him making several trips to universities and museums in India to authenticate his findings and for the purpose of cross-references. But yet he kept his work under a low profile. He runs the அருள்குரு அகத்தியர் அருள்சித்தர் பீடம் or Arulguru Aghathiyar Arulsithar Peedham currently in a temple for Lord Muruga build by his grandfather in Pandamaran. He has given me much in terms of herbs and advice at the right moment when I needed them most. Agathiyar when he comes to AVM refers certain devotees to him too for treatment. I had my first and second doses of Agathiyar Kuzhambu prepared by him earlier. 

Another humble soul is Thavathiru Kumaran Swamigal from the Agathiyar Ashram and Thirukovil at the foothill of the Anuvavi Murugan Temple in Coimbatore. He has been to my place several times and each time I could see him project his humbleness that brings us to our knees. Having started worshipping Agathiyar at the young age of eight I felt small before him as I had only come at 43 years of age. When we eagerly shared our experiences among all those gathered for the Satsang at AVM upon our return from Kallar in 2016 he was with us watching and listening quietly. 

Then there are the couple Sri Krishna and Sri Deviy. He had exposure to the Siddhas as early as a student living with his uncle who brought in Nadi readers from India. Today he is reaching 50. He brought his wife into the path and both of them have seen much traveling it. They were the catalyst for us to start street feeding after Tavayogi initiated feeding the native people at his Kallar Ashram during my visit in 2005. 

Then of course I have to thank Nadi Nool Aasan Senthilkumar, T. Ramesh, and his brother-in-law Thiru Thamaraiselvan. They had faithfully carried out their profession in a professional way bringing Agathiyar and other Siddhas words of wisdom, advice guidance, and practices within our reach that totally transformed our lives. If I had withheld sharing these Nadi readings as I regarded them as a personal conversation between the Siddhas and me, it was only on Oct 15, 2018, that I shared the recording of my very first Nadi reading read held on 14 December 2002 on YouTube, the reason being to counter some negative talk on the Siddhas Nadi and its authenticity. I could not stomach all the ill talk and aversion toward the Siddhas. I had to tell them that the readings worked in my favor because I had faith and belief and above all, I listened and followed every single detail, task, and practice. 

My love for writing blossomed after I return from my maiden travel to India in 2003 and my second pilgrimage in 2005. I documented every moment of my journey just like BBC would release the details of the airtime and shows right up to the songs that were to be played to listeners. As an example, besides documenting my whole journey, I took note of the exact time I stood at the numerous shrines and temples along the girivalam path in Tiruvannamalai. That was the extent of my detailed documentation.

Tuesday, 9th September
9.45 pm Agni Lingam on the temple grounds
10.40 pm Seshadari ashram, Amman temple, Dhaksanamurthy temple
10.45 pm Kali temple
11.30 pm Ramana ashram
11.40 pm turned back without visiting Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s (Visiri Swami) ashram as it was too far off the Girivalam route
11.55 pm Murugan temple, Sakthi temple, Adi Shankaracharya Madam, Tank
Wednesday, 10th September
12.10 am Cemetery, Yama Lingam
12.20 am Mrityam Or Jaya Lingam, Ganesar temple
12.35 am Tank, Dhurvasar temple, Nandi temple
12.50 am Tank, Jhoti Vinayagar temple
1.20 am Vallalar temple, Annamalaiyaar temple, Unnamulai temple
1.30 am Anjaneyar temple
1.40 am Palani Andavar temple, Raja Rajeswari temple, Nandi temple
1.50 am Adi Mudi Sidhar Samadhi, Kautamar Rishi temple, Surya Lingam temple, Ramar temple, Varuna Lingam temple, Adi Arunachaleswarer temple
2.45 am Manickavasagar temple, Ganesar temple, Sakthi temple, Sudhananda ashram
3.10 am Vayu Lingam temple
3.20 am Tank, Ramachandra Swami ashram
4.20 am Kubera Lingam temple
4.40 am Eduku Pillaiyaar temple, Panja Muka Darshan temple, Brahma Rishi temple, Esaki temple
5.00 am Arthanathiswarar temple
5.10 am Seenivasa Perumal temple, Cemetery, Ammani Ammal Peedham, Esanya Lingam temple
5.30 am Easanya samadhi, Annamalaiyaar temple
5.55 am Draupadi Amman temple
6 am Durga, Anjaneyar, and Perumal temples
Finally, Erathai Vinayagar temple at 6.30 am ending the Girivalam at the eastern gopuram. 

These posts can be read at https://agathiyarvanam.blogspot.com/2014/07/thiruvannamalai.html

The documentation of the journey seemed to reach several seekers who began to contact me and made their way to Kallar Ashram. Jnana Jothiamma was one soul who made her way to Kallar after reading my earlier websites. She had shared much with me too but it was mostly kept under wraps as I respected both her wish and that of Agathiyar. It was only several years ago after she left her mortal body that I published online her biography which carried mostly her emails and conversations with me over Skype. These were further insights to all those keen including me to reach God's kingdom. 

I am grateful to Jnana Jothiamma for mooting me to live stream the puja from my humble home. After returning to the USA in 2011 from Kallar ashram she was swept in loneliness and detached from everything else. The only thing she looked forward to was seeing life the puja that I streamed personally for her on Ustream. Along the way, someone else from the USA wanted to watch too. I switched to YouTube and streamed it beginning on 29 September 2016. 

When someone commented on a photo of Supramania Swami that a friend in Bangalore posted on his Fb account I decided that I would not let anyone ridicule my gurus and deactivated all the websites and YouTube accounts. Later when I told Tavayogi what I did he asked "Why son, let it be. People will come to know about the Siddhas (through this medium)." If he was taking the stand preaching to live audiences, I was made to understand that my writings and videos had a far-reaching impact on the lives of seekers and aspirants. Many wrote to me and shared how the postings had brought them solutions when they were much needed. Agathiyar too in my Nadi readings used to encourage me to write. 

Initially, I would consult Suren who followed the blog to find out if I had revealed too much and if there was even an iota of ego in my writings. These postings were a show of my love for Agathiyar and a means of showing my gratitude to him and had nothing to do with promoting my self-image. Agathiyar came recently and told me to stop writing about him and instead write about the internal changes that were taking place in me so that others keen to reach the state of Jothi would come to know what they have to transcend. I am blessed to share for I had read Ramalinga Adigal share his joy with all too. In the earlier days of my worship, I would tell my wife if only I could touch and transmit the immense joy I derived in conducting the Siddha puja. Today I am grateful to Agathiyar for allowing me to share the inner transformations taking place. 


As a line in this song goes, if you are forever a secret, I shall end up becoming mad. If you keep evading me, where shall I go, Dear Lord? If you are going to keep hiding away, where shall I go? Believing that you were in Annamalai I saw you as the light and kept you in my vision. Though I always say your name, you are yet to come before me. Where shall I seek you? I came to Thillai, but you remained a secret. Having taken many births just to see you, is it fair if you keep avoiding me? All these births and efforts would not go to waste then.

In a song by Sadhu Om, we hear the same plea, that this birth is a waste if he does not show up.

God plays hide and seek with us, just as a parent plays with his child. But if the child has much fun playing the game, but for an aspirant who yearns to see him it drives him crazy. Flipping through the pages of the sacred texts, nothing is known. The Siddha songs are said to be enveloped in Paripaasai. Even translations do not do justice to these texts. Then comes along Ramalinga Adigal and breaks the code. He makes it available to us in simple language, as he had just lived some 200 years ago. What the Siddhas spoke about and kept a secret was divulged by Adigal so that we too could take in the ambrosia. Each song of his brings sweetness into our mouths and melts our hearts. He is eager to lead all those keen to know provided their search is genuine, and they are willing to toe the line. The cry is heard by the most compassionate being, and he comes standing at our door to hear us out. Now we need to follow and place an effort. Soon he helps bring down the divine grace, and then the grace shall do wonders as we watch the divine play unfold within and without. 

But the starting point is to listen to the guru. I guess the reason Agathiyar and the deities keep feeding us divine knowledge, the knowledge that leads the way to gain emancipation, is because we listen and follow what I see as lacking in others. They tend to put off carrying out these divine instructions to attend to other matters first without realizing if they listen to the Siddha directives everything changes for the better. Tavayogi asked me if I was carrying out what was told implying that people who come around listening to him talk do not do so. If they listen only then can he move on to the next subject. This was in response to my question as to why he spoke the same things at each venue. As I was eager and had a hunger and thirst to know more he bored me to the core with the same script and text. Hence the question was raised. 

Gowri Arumugam during her visit to Kallar took up the venture to produce an album for Agathiyar after Tavayogi requested her to do so. We teamed up and the album titled "Agathiyar Geetham" was launched in 2018 by the grace of the Siddhas. We saw it as a divine task that the divine gave us and we got to fulfill it.

The Siddhas know when to initiate a move and also when to stop us. It happens for our good. As they see the past, present, and future they keep us on track. Though they help us out with material things too their agenda is to make each one of us a Siddha. Who then is a Siddha? A Siddha is said to be forever immersed in the bliss of the dance of Siva. Let us hear further from Agathiyar and Tavayogi and watch a movie depiction of Ramalinga Adigal's life story. 



Tavayogi after taking up monkhood left his wife and three children in his hometown Tirupur and began to travel as a mendicant. His first stop was the caves of Uthiyur. He found himself a spot in a narrow cave opening and had a timber gate placed in its opening to keep out the large animals. I was blessed to be shown and sit with him in his scared spot during my 2nd pilgrimage to India in 2005. 

Later traveling to Kasi and other significant places, he came south again and sat at Sathuragiri for some eight years. The day he climbed Sathuragiri he was pale and weak on the verge of collapse. He thought his end had come. Just then an old man showed up and enquired about his condition and passed him a piece of bread and left. Eating it Tavayogi's energy was renewed and the gasping for air and the pain in his chest went away miraculously. Today I understand that he was spared that day as he had several tasks to perform first. Just as he intended to go into samadhi, Agathiyar told him to look up a place known as Agathiyar Vanam and set up shop. He located the place as present-day Kallar near Thuripaalam. He began to receive devotees. Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyar who knew him from the days of their guru Chitramuthu Adigal became his apprentice coming over to the ashram from her hometown to help out on occasions. Tavayogi fed the locals whenever he had funds coming in from devotees and well-wishers. He provided clothes for the native children on special occasions. 

In 2004, he set foot on Malaysian soil in the footsteps of his guru Chitramuthu Adigal and Paramaguru Jeganathar Swamigal after getting a calling from Agathiyar to preach about the Siddha path abroad. Figuring how to go about it, he borrowed some money for the air ticket and followed an Indian citizen working in Kuala Lumpur. As the man worked most of the day Tavayogi was cooped up in his quarters. He thought to himself that this was not what he came for. Contacting a local devotee he was brought to a Vishnu temple where he gave his very first speech about the Siddha path. A Malaysian who was told that he would meet his guru located Tavayogi at Kallar ashram the following year. He made arrangements for Tavayogi to officiate his local affiliate of Tavayogi's Agathiyar Gnana Peedham. That is when I met up with Tavayogi and a beautiful guru-disciple relationship blossomed and grew until his passing on in 2018. 

I was blessed to meet Sarojini Ammaiyar in 2005 when Tavayogi called her over to help coordinate the feeding that I requested after hearing and seeing photos of Tavayogi having done it. She roped in the local native people to prepare the day's food. I saw the joy in these children when the word spread that there was going to be a food fest. Though it was only simple food these children saw it as Deva Amirtham or ambrosia as good food was beyond their means. Their parents went into the woods and collected wood that brought in a daily wage of a mere few rupees. Watching these children go barefooted to school, I requested that we provide them clothes and shoes. As Deepavali was just months away we bought them shirts and dresses too. But as word went around of our purchases we had to deliver the goods immediately instead of on Deepavali as the pressure was on us from these kids to give it to them. They received the clothes with joy. When my brother joined me at the ashram later after his event with fellow journalists ended at Trichy, we carried out another feeding session. 

While at Kallar Tavayogi initiated the Aandu Vizha or annual celebrations for Agathiyar. Soon this evolved into the Sarva Dosa Nivaarana Maha Yagam after the Tzunami of 2004 hit several shores in India and around the world. These festivities were moved to coincide with Agathiyar's Jayanthi. I was blessed to carry out a similar puja in my home AVM concurrently until Agathiyar shifted AVM's fest to fall on Thaipusam. 

When he was coerced to seek treatment for a urinary infection Tavayogi was diagnosed as having three blockages. Agathiyar in my Nadi reading told me that the Siddhas hearing our appeal to extend his lifespan carried out the Yagam. After the operation he returned to Kallar and settled the affairs of the ashram, handing over both the ashram and the Jeeva Nadi that he read to Mataji as if he knew his end was near. He was re-admitted to the hospital shortly after and returned to his ashram, his soul leaving us after some two hours upon arrival at his ashram. There was no old man to pass him bread this time as his work here was done. Agathiyar had further tasks for him in his realm. He had sowed the seeds and seen them nurture and grow into AVM. Now his wish was to see each home turn into AVM as conveyed by Lord Murugan and Agathiyar recently.

I guess when the purpose, job, and tasks are done everybody has to leave. All the saints once their work was done left smiling though they succumb to the diseases and illness of the flesh. Yogi Ramsuratkumar told his devotees that he could do much more in the subtle realm. Bhagawan Nithyananda too consoled his followers the same. Agathiyar tells me that my gurus are not available to guide me in the physical form as he had urgent work for them in his realm. Agathiyar tells me he stood in for them whenever the need arises. Dhanavanthri says that they shall guide us from there.

I too had appealed to Agathiyar to take me as I saw no purpose in living as I had carried out all his dictates without fail. I believe he was happy and satisfied. So was I. So why am I lingering around I asked myself? Hence the request was placed to him several times. But he says that he has much work to be done through me. One of them was revealed recently. I had to turn each home into Agathiyar Vanam. 

Monday 27 February 2023


It is fine if you want to quench your thirst to know the means to reach the many states spoken of by the saints reading about them in the books or watching videos. But ask first if the author or presenter has gone through or is going through these states for the books and videos do not come to our aid in times of need especially if the energies that arise as a result of the practices we did following what is written or shown in self-taught tutorials and videos become out of control. When I experiences certain unusual phenomena over a two-day period that was beyond my expectation and imagination, I was blessed to have Agathiyar explain what took place. When I asked him if I should carry out any further practices he replied that it was not necessary and that it (the energy) shall do its work. I am blessed to have Agathiyar keep tabs and keep track of what moves within now. Otherwise, who do I seek to get clarification and further guidance after both my gurus have gone into samadhi? Agathiyar tells me that my gurus are supposed to be on hand to help me go through this period just as I had wished they were around, but since Agathiyar has some tasks for them in his place, Agathiyar himself had come to lead me on. How do I repay the grandmaster for his compassion and kindness? 

On the other hand, if you have a guru and have tried out certain practices given by him, always keep in touch with him. Do not get initiated and try to work on your own. In the event something goes wrong please go back to him and not seek a solution with another. Only the guru shall know what went wrong. 

Do not switch gurus in your journey too unless he has passed on. Do not hop around as in a job hunt. A rolling stone does not gather moss. Stay with one for 12 years and you shall know him and he too shall know you better. The benefits of staying on shall be seen only after then. 

Spiritual unfoldment is not something achieved in a few days or instantaneously. Yes, you might go through certain spontaneous reactions but do not expect them to repeat over the next few days. Anyway, why would you want to go through the same however blissful it is. We have to learn to let go of even these blissful moments and continue our journey. Otherwise, we would stagnate and begin to enjoy these moments as my wife says we begin to get high on it.

I remember how Tavayogi ushered me out of Agathiyar's shrine at Agasthiyampalli the moment he knew I saw Agathiyar open his left eye in his granite statue thanks to him. Again he ushered me and my brother out of Agathiyar's shrine at Papanasam after seeing me ask my brother if he saw Agathiyar open both his eyes in the granite statue. This is how he treated all these miracles. He would never allow us to stay back to watch longer for now I understand how our mind would begin to doubt and question these miracles. We would then begin to investigate further. That is how it was when I told those gathered that Agathiyar was watching with his eyes open in his bronze statue at AVM in the beginning years. Everyone began to verify for themselves with some hitting the floor.  Then someone said yes he saw the right eye open. Another said he saw the left. And so it became a subject of dispute. I learned my lesson and understood Tavayogi's earlier stand. 

Man has to investigate. That is his nature. He can never take anything at face value. We have to return to being a child. A child questions us and moves on. Later as his Self or Jeevatma surfaces and the Paramatma in him goes behind the veil, he too begins to question like us adults. Welcome to the world of adults, we tell them.


For most of us when we die we are greeted by our ancestors. But those who hit the nail and made it into sainthood, are greeted by the whole lineage of gurus. Just imagine both scenarios. The former spends some time with his loved ones and returns for another journey. The latter moves with his gurus, carrying out work for the further advancement of mankind here. These are the Siddhas. My gurus, Supramania Swami, Tavayogi and Jnana Jothiamma too have joined their ranks and are continuing their tasks in seeing each soul return home. Ramalinga Adigal in defeating death entered the world of Gods, saw a myriad of Gods and Goddesses and other beings that he describes in the lines of his song ஆணிப்பொன்னம்பலக் காட்சி. He says that the inhabitants of the higher worlds stood in awe and asked each other who was this mortal (Ramalinga Adigal) who had come thus far? 

"At the portal in the tower,
there were Sakthis-s and Saakthaa-s in crores.
Their hues were white, red, and scarlet.
There, all of them asked, “Who is this man?”,
but I went past them.
I went past them,"

ஆணிப்பொன் னம்பலத் தேகண்ட காட்சிகள்
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி - அம்மா
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி.
ஜோதி மலைஒன்று தோன்றிற் றதில்ஒரு
வீதிஉண் டாச்சுத டி - அம்மா
வீதிஉண் டாச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
வீதியில் சென்றேன்அவ் வீதி நடுஒரு
மேடை இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
மேடை இருந்தத டி. ஆணி 
மேடைமேல் ஏறினேன் மேடைமேல் அங்கொரு
கூடம் இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
கூடம் இருந்தத டி. ஆணி 
கூடத்தை நாடஅக் கூடமேல் ஏழ்நிலை
மாடம் இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
மாடம் இருந்தத டி. ஆணி 
ஏழ்நிலைக் குள்ளும் இருந்த அதிசயம்
என்னென்று சொல்வன டி - அம்மா
என்னென்று சொல்வன டி. ஆணி 
ஓர்நிலை தன்னில் ஒளிர்முத்து வெண்மணி
சீர்நீலம் ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
சீர்நீலம் ஆச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
பாரோர் நிலையில் கருநீலம் செய்ய
பவளம தாச்சுத டி - அம்மா
பவளம தாச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
மற்றோர் நிலையில் மரகதப் பச்சைசெம்
மாணிக்கம் ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
மாணிக்கம் ஆச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
பின்னோர் நிலையில் பெருமுத்து வச்சிரப்
பேர்மணி ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
பேர்மணி ஆச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
வேறோர் நிலையில் மிகும்பவ ளத்திரள்
வெண்மணி ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
வெண்மணி ஆச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
புகலோர் நிலையில் பொருந்திய பன்மணி
பொன்மணி ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
பொன்மணி ஆச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
பதியோர் நிலையில் பகர்மணி எல்லாம்
படிகம தாச்சுத டி - அம்மா
படிகம தாச்சுத டி. ஆணி 
ஏழ்நிலை மேலே இருந்ததோர் தம்பம்
இசைந்தபொற் றம்பம டி - அம்மா
இசைந்தபொற் றம்பம டி. ஆணி 
பொற்றம்பம் கண்டேறும் போதுநான் கண்ட
புதுமைஎன் சொல்வன டி - அம்மா
புதுமைஎன் சொல்வன டி. ஆணி 
ஏறும்போ தங்கே எதிர்ந்த வகைசொல
என்னள வல்லவ டி - அம்மா
என்னள வல்லவ டி. ஆணி 
ஆங்காங்கே சத்திகள் ஆயிரம் ஆயிரம்
ஆகவந் தார்கள டி - அம்மா
ஆகவந் தார்கள டி. ஆணி 
வந்து மயக்க மயங்காமல் நான்அருள்
வல்லபம் பெற்றன டி - அம்மா
வல்லபம் பெற்றன டி. ஆணி 
வல்லபத் தால்அந்த மாதம்பத் தேறி
மணிமுடி கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
மணிமுடி கண்டேன டி. ஆணி 
மணிமுடி மேலோர் கொடுமுடி நின்றது
மற்றது கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
மற்றது கண்டேன டி. ஆணி 
கொடுமுடி மேல்ஆயி ரத்தெட்டு மாற்றுப்பொற்
கோயில் இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
கோயில் இருந்தத டி. ஆணி 
கோயிலைக் கண்டங்கே கோபுர வாயிலில்
கூசாது சென்றன டி - அம்மா
கூசாது சென்றன டி. ஆணி 
கோபுர வாயிலுள் சத்திகள் சத்தர்கள்
கோடிபல் கோடிய டி - அம்மா
கோடிபல் கோடிய டி. ஆணி 
ஆங்கவர் வண்ணம்வெள் வண்ணம்செவ் வண்ணமுன்
ஐவண்ணம் ஆகும டி - அம்மா
ஐவண்ணம் ஆகும டி. ஆணி 
அங்கவ ரெல்லாம்இங் கார்இவர் என்னவும்
அப்பாலே சென்றன டி - அம்மா
அப்பாலே சென்றன டி. ஆணி 
அப்பாலே சென்றேன்அங் கோர்திரு வாயிலில்
ஐவர் இருந்தார டி - அம்மா
ஐவர் இருந்தார டி. ஆணி 
மற்றவர் நின்று வழிகாட்ட மேலோர்
மணிவாயில் உற்றேன டி - அம்மா
மணிவாயில் உற்றேன டி. ஆணி 
எண்ணும்அவ் வாயிலில் பெண்ணோ டாணாக
இருவர் இருந்தார டி - அம்மா
இருவர் இருந்தார டி. ஆணி 
அங்கவர் காட்ட அணுக்கத் திருவாயில்
அன்பொடு கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
அன்பொடு கண்டேன டி. ஆணி 
அத்திரு வாயிலில் ஆனந்த வல்லிஎன்
அம்மை இருந்தாள டி - அம்மா
அம்மை இருந்தாள டி. ஆணி 
அம்மையைக் கண்டேன் அவளருள் கொண்டேன்
அமுதமும் உண்டேன டி - அம்மா
அமுதமும் உண்டேன டி. ஆணி 
தாங்கும் அவளரு ளாலே நடராஜர்
சந்நிதி கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
சந்நிதி கண்டேன டி. ஆணி 
சந்நிதி யில்சென்று நான்பெற்ற பேறது
சாமி அறிவார டி - அம்மா
சாமி அறிவார டி. 
ஆணிப்பொன் னம்பலத் தேகண்ட காட்சிகள்
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி - அம்மா
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி.

If this seems to be an external travel or soul travel or astral travel, Tavayogi told me it was internal travel plying through the chakras. Agathiyar in telling us that Gnanam was not gifted, but we need to work toward it, said the same that in plying the chakras one shall reach the summit where Gnanam dawns. So how do we start this journey within. Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal asks us to correct the breath, then watch it. Follow the breath to go within. As Aladdin takes Princess Jasmine on a tour of her own city on a magic carpet, our breath is the vehicle to travel within. Agathiyar has taught me to overcome the surrounding noises, telling me mediation is when we can go beyond all noise and disturbances and not create an environment conducive to it free from noise and pests. It is a battle he says. One who succeeds in meditation in the marketplace is indeed a Jnani. 

There is indeed a link between the two worlds. It is as depicted in the movies and stories that we have watched and heard countless times. If I get to see these worlds I shall share with readers provided Agathiyar approves. He is known to refrain us from sharing certain things for reasons only known to him. Then again, he might ask to share later. My wish is that we could all travel this path and join hands with them in their world, just as they come down and take our hands here. 

Sunday 26 February 2023


Why do we need a guru? Though there may be numerous reasons given one that stands out is that the guru supervises the practices given. For instance, when Agathiyar told Mahindren to show all those gathered around the Vaasi and Asana techniques, hence initiating them into Yoga, both my daughters were exempted. The elder was in her early stages of pregnancy while the young had just had a procedure done to her eye. Now when the doctors certified that her eye had healed well, Agathiyar told her to learn from me and put into practice these said techniques. I initiated her this morning. Similarly when I hurt my back in 2010 Agathiyar said that the practice had activated the Kundalini that resulted in a ripple effect. He asked to stop all further practice. Then he came along to ask me to continue it when he told me to go within in 2019. So too did he ask Mahin to stop his practice for the time being. This is how the guru monitors the changes that take place in us as a result of the practices given and advises appropriately.

I had always wanted to meet someone/anyone on the way to repeating the same feat as Ramalinga Adigal did – dematerializing into thin air and becoming Jyothi or light. I met Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal when he was 67 years of age in 2005. As I could not witness nor follow his spiritual evolvement from being a commoner to the status of a full-fledged guru and turavi or mendicant, I very much wanted to be a witness to Tavayogi achieving the state of becoming Jothi just as Ramaliga Adigal had achieved. Stating this to him, he very humbly answered that it will not take place in this birth and that he has to come back (take another birth). Then along comes Jnana Jyothiamma through whom Agathiyar chooses to show us her spiritual advancement and subsequent flowering. We were blessed to have made her acquaintance, and given the opportunity to witness the workings of Agathiyar and the Siddhas on her. My family and I were a witness to many miraculous events that took place in her life. Just as the saying goes, “Narudan poo sernthu manakkum”, which means the string that holds the flowers together as a garland will take on the aroma of the flowers too, we prayed that we might be showered with the rain spatter by just watching her majestic journey. She was humble enough to share every single moment on this path with me during the hours and hours of conversation that I had with her on SKYPE and through emails.

After the initiation that took place behind closed doors at Kallar ashram, she was brought to the attention of the world through an amazing spectacle Agathiyar showed at Kalyana Theertam. The show of lights was only seen through the lens of the camera, feverishly handled by Dr. Ram Subramaniam of Tirunelveli. Henceforth began a journey of sheer amazement and astonishment. Wherever she went the Siddhas showed their presence. We saw how all the Gods and Goddesses have worked on an individual of their choice who had all the merits and qualities of becoming a Siddha and a guru. So it was understandable that Tavayogi never kept her under his wings but instead let her fly freely to explore the path initiated. He handled me quite differently though. He initiated me into Agathiyar's mantra too and other practices as in Yoga and in lighting the Homam and let me explore its depth. Much has been written about him from my perspective. Let us hear what Molly Menon who later bloomed into the lotus Jnana Jothiamma has to say about him. These are from her emails to me over a period of time from the time she messaged me first to her arrival at his ashram and the subsequent visits. 

On July 3, 2011, she writes to me for the very first time seeking to know about Agathiyar and Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal’s ashram at Kallar.

Hello Mr. Shanmugam, I am Meena Menon form U.S.A. We had been communicating about Guruji Tavayogi. I am also known as Molly Menon/ Mrs.Menon.

When I mentioned that Tavayogi told me she had called him recently she replied, telling me that she was indeed leaving for Kallar. Upon reaching India, she e-mails me on Thursday, October 20, 2011. At Kallar, Agathiyar through Tavayogi magically and mysteriously initiated her. Jnana Jyothiamma had planned to spend six months at Tavayogi’s Ashram but Tavayogi sent her away after her initiation asking her to return to the U.S.A. She left after a couple of weeks, missing the Annual Guru Puja and Jayanthi celebrations. She went back reluctantly to the U.S.A.  On Saturday, December 17, 2011, she emails me to inform me that she was back in the USA. She recounts her precious moments at Kallar.

Hmm .. dunno what to say ... choked up ... really .. all kinds of feelings sweeping thro me ... too many memories ... two weeks ... an experience of a Yuga ... that's all I can say.

If Tavayogi came to know that he was an old soul in his meditation, having taken birth again to uplift us, Jnana Jothiamma was told the same through a subsequent Jeeva Nadi reading at Kallar before she left.

If Valmiki Ramayan .. history of Rama was written 18,444 million years ago. then his father King Dasaratha would be well before that and Vashishta was his father's guru (also his) ..... that means according to Agathiyar I was there with all these Mahans long before 18,444 million years. No wonder Karuppetta termed it as Jenmandram Connection and Agathiyar also mentioned likewise... I am glazed out totally ... After getting to know all this from the Source .... anybody would renounce the world.

She wrote.
"It started thus .... it started with a call ... instructions from the Divine ..... and I was in India before even I knew what was going on ... only to get back after two weeks to the United States ... and then again get back to India after five months. ..... as the highest power in the universe ‘wanted an audience with me at Kallar’. Will anybody believe what I'm saying? They think me stark mad .. totally screwed up ... beyond the point of no return". 

The Mysterious part is .... my Jeeva Nadi reading went missing, from my study table ...After I returned back to the United States after getting my Dhiksha, I placed it on my study table immediately upon reaching home. I used to gaze at it every day. It was more than a precious ornament to/for me ... something so very precious .. especially as Agathiyan had mentioned to me in that Nadi that there will not be any more Nadi Reading for me. It was right on the same spot I placed for two months ... Then disappeared suddenly ...

I could not understand at all, what happened to me at Kallar that day of my Initiation. I used to gaze at my Jeeva Nadi reading book and recollect all the incidents that happened at the Ashram right from the day, I entered it. The peacock that entered the Ashram mysteriously and also left mysteriously. Every night it used to knock at my door. I used to feed it too... I took a number of pics of that peacock. All of them disappeared too from my mobile...Neither did I go to the Ashram for getting Dhiksha nor for getting my Nadi read. Both the above-mentioned terms, I have not heard before and I did not know the meaning of either of the two.

All I knew and was aware of was, that something ... some strong force was taking me there. Secondly when for the first time in my life, I saw Agathiyan's pic in Sadhguru Venkatraman's site, I felt that I knew this Sage ... or can I say ... some sort of intense longing I suddenly had to see Him somewhere and somehow. I did not know where ... but I had a deep yearning that I needed to see Agasthya Maharishi .... There was an enormous yearning within me. It was at this time, around July 2011, the Divine showed me a wonderful Athma ..... an Athma who was very dear to Agathiyan and I stumbled across his site .. INDIAN HEARTBEAT .... and what I read there, left me breathless. Here I find a person, who, along with an Enlightened Master seems to have gone to all the places the Noble Sage had trod. Thus started a beautiful relationship with you shan ... with Tavayogi and not to forget my dearest sister Mataji Sarojini. My heartful thanks to all her family members, including Mataji and Tavayogi, who took care of me while I was there, and my humble prostrations to my Swamiji Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal, for having shared with me some of his Divine experiences with Agathiyan and also some advice. At the holy feet of our Father Agathiyan , I submit myself for having accepted me, protected me, guided me, and is still protecting and guiding me. What can I give back to our Father for all that HE has given me? My utmost devotion to His holy paadham.

After much yearning to return to Kallar, eventually Jnana Jyothiamma returned to participate in the Annual Jayanthi celebrations for Agathiyar at Kallar. After the Sarva Dosa Nivarana Maha Yagam which was the highlight of the two-day celebrations at Kallar was over, and receiving the blessings of Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal she left Kallar again and this time around spent her time in numerous towns and ashrams.