Wednesday 14 August 2024


After having us engage in rituals, in 2010, with the coming of him in the form of a bronze statue and in charity, in 2013, with the coming of many youths respectively, Agathiyar had everyone go their way and had me go within in 2019. In going within he had us talk less and engage less with our surroundings. He had us observe our breath. He had us observe our thoughts. As Buddha asked to replace a thousand thoughts with one, that single thought too shall vanish. In sitting still and stilling the mind, we began to observe rather than actively participate. We begin to observe the breath. We begin to observe our thoughts. We regret our past actions. With this comes forgiveness from within. It is only when we can forgive ourselves that we can forgive others says Agathiyar. Our past Karma lets go of its hold on us. We are freed. We come to face our Atma or Soul. It begins to take charge when our identity and Ego fade away. Life is anew and we are reborn. The past dies and a fresh future awaits us. The Atma sends forth a guru to guide us and attain enlightenment of the Soul and achieve Atma Balam or Soul Power. Agathiyar reveals that it is only when we sit still that he can do wonders in us. 

With the Soul enhanced and powered we gear up to do his work or so I thought. But after this phase Agathiyar who had placed me in cold storage, having me go into exile and solitude between the years 2019 and 2022, freed me from any further task. Even just days ago he asked, "Why would you want me to give you a task when I have asked you to remain doing nothing?" This seems to be the final phase. It is a phase of non-engagement in any form. We become the Watcher. We become the silent Dhashanamurthy.