Monday 2 September 2024


Just as in any administration or office there are those who work hard to reach the top and there are also those who talk their way up, so is it with the spiritual path. But the Siddhas truly put us to the test to arrive there. 

The idea of a Siddha revealing our past and giving us remedies is to make us atone and regret our past mistakes and never repeat them. But most of us carry out the remedies and go back to doing all the things we did before. This defeats the purpose of seeking the Nadi for solutions. It is akin to turning a deaf ear. Agathiyar says that only when one regrets his actions and repents that his Karma is wiped out in its entirety. No amount of remedies, puja, and pilgrimage to holy places would cleanse us. 

The next step would be to forgive oneself. Only then does the divine forgive us. Next comes surrender first to his course and dropping our likes and dislikes. Then there comes total surrender to him where thenceforth the divine now charts the course. He is the captain and we are passengers on his boat. Accept whatever comes our way. Carry out his directives. And all shall be fine. One has to become a child once more. When the child asks her father to toss her into the air she does not hold on to anything, not even him knowing that he shall catch her. That is how we must approach God. But man's ego feels threatened that he is losing his grip and control in life. He has been in charge all this while and he feels threatened to lose his hold. Agathiyar taught us to even drop our hold and attention to him and his images that we hold on to dearly too. Only then can we progress to begin to see him in everything. This shall be the tail end of the journey then. 

Both Agathiyar and I agreed that it has been a long journey. To me, I only remember this short lifespan of 65 years. He remembers us being together crores of lifetimes he says. We have apparently journeyed together. But I never learned I suppose. So I had to come back again and again and again and again and...... When shall this end? It ends when each of us become him, Agathiyan, a Jeevan Mukta. That was the message he gave us several days before my 60th wedding and asked me to share it with those who turned up for the big day and to readers of this blog and viewers of my YouTube channel.