Monday 27 May 2024


When many take the stage and vomit ideas and their understanding of the uncomprehensible divinity only to boost their existing egos, Ramalinga Adigal who started young and had seen the divinity in all its glory and experienced the mystical and magical workings of the divine, declares that he was still an illiterate in understanding the divine play.

After having traveled far he tells us that there is much that is ahead and beyond words. These states have to be experienced and cannot be explained by mere words.

Believe not if someone were to say that he knows all for even the great lady saint Avvai tells us that what we know is only palm-full; what we do not know is enormous as is this world. Yogi Ramsuratkumar had mentioned to a disciple that he saw seven moons when the latter was disappointed that the former was not looking in the direction were stood the majestic moon shining in all its luminosity. 

One has to be humble to admit he does not know. When Agathiyar asked the Siddhas what they knew many shared their findings and discoveries in numerous fields. When he turned to Bhogar, the latter replied he knew nothing. When Agathiyar questioned him again, he replied the same and added that "I know nothing except your Holy Feet, my master."

I have seen close aids of gurus jump the wagon and reply before their masters do to questions placed before them by devotees. A good student would remain silent until he is asked to speak. 

No amount of speaking, explanation, discourses and Satsangs would bring us to know the truth. Lord Dhakshanamurthy who kept explaining to his four students eventually remained silent sensing that an answer would prompt another question in them and there would be no end to these intellectual sessions. The moment he went into his original state of silence divine knowledge and wisdom dawned in his students.

Both Tavayogi and Agathiyar had me experience life both the material and spiritual before clarifying their inner and subtle meanings. They had me hit the dirt road and find out for myself rather than hold classes. Each man shall bring on unique experiences in his life. Life is indeed varied in all manners. So are the means and methods, the way and the journey, the path and the travel for each. Finally, it is a solo journey towards his kingdom and into his waiting arms.