Sunday 1 November 2020


The Hindi movie "PK" that questions religious dogmas and superstitions and exposes the most common weakness in man where he readily falls prey or is easily swayed by "Godmen, managers, and agents of God," moves us to think and ponder and reassess our faith and belief, practices and rituals. "The film centers on a humanoid alien who is stranded on Earth, the planet he was supposed to study. In his journey, he experiences many aspects of humanity, including religions, customs, languages, attire, practices, and beliefs" something akin to and most likely we have come to do too ( We keep coming back for the sole reason that we have not learned our lesson yet here or at least not thoroughly and for the soul reason too, that of gaining Soul Power or Atma Balam. Besides coming back to correct the mistakes done; to perfect the work given to us earlier; to complete what was left undone or left unfinished; or whatever work that we never got started doing in the first place before, our purpose here is to raise the spirit in us and others too. Man generally has a specific and individual task assigned to him that he needs to see through and serve. Besides this, according to Agathiyar in his 5 tenets given to us, he asks that we help fellow humans, animals, plants, and even minerals to evolve further in the chain and cycle of spiritual evolution. Man has the means to help all of the above to move to the next level. 

From, we are furnished with the latest studies on the relationship between dogs, cats, and humans and how they mirror human genetic patterns.
To some extent, dog genetic patterns mirror human ones, because people took their animal companions with them when they moved. ... Greger Larson, a co-author from the University of Oxford, said: "Dogs are our oldest and closest animal partner. Using DNA from ancient dogs is showing us just how far back our shared history goes and will ultimately help us understand when and where this deep relationship began." Dogs are thought to have evolved from wolves that ventured into human camps, perhaps sniffing around for food. As they were tamed, they could then have served humans as hunting companions or guards. Many animals, such as cats, probably became our pets when humans settled down to farm a little over 6,000 years ago. 
In the movie "Robin Hood", Robin tells King John, "Empower everyman and you shall gain strength." In the movie "Dr. Strange", we learn that "When man's mind is elevated, the spirit is deepened and the body heals." The soul is both the bridge and the medium between spirit and body say the Siddhas. Empower the soul to gain Soul Power or Atma Balam and it shall elevate the mind, deepen the spirit, and heal the body.

Jonathan Pangborn tells Dr. Strange: "I’d given up on my body. I thought my mind’s the only thing I have left I should at least try to elevate that. So, I sat with gurus and sacred women. Strangers carried me to mountaintops to see holy men, and finally, I found my teacher. And my mind was elevated, and my spirit deepened. And somehow…"

Dr. Stephen Strange: "Your body healed."

Jonathan Pangborn: "Yes. There were deeper secrets to learn there, but I didn’t have the strength to receive them. I chose to settle for my miracle and I came back home."

In another scene from this movie, we are shown the Astral Body's journey and encounter briefly when it is forcibly set free from the physical body. When the Ancient One suddenly forces Dr. Strange’s Astral Body out of his physical body for a brief moment, he returns stunned and questions her.

Dr. Stephen Strange: "What did you just do to me?

The Ancient One: "I pushed your astral form out of your physical form."

Dr. Stephen Strange: "What just happened?"

The Ancient One: "For a moment, you entered the astral dimension."

Dr. Stephen Strange: "The what?"

The Ancient One: "A place where the soul exists apart from the body."

Dr. Stephen Strange: "Why are you doing this to me?"

The Ancient One: "To show you just how much you don’t know. Open your eye."

The Ancient One then suddenly throws him out into the alternate dimensions too to experience it. Dr. Strange is then brought back into his body.

The Ancient One: "You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind, and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality. This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life-giving. Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places where powers older than time lie ravenous and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse, Mr. Strange?" (

Similarly, the Ancient One hits Hulk in the chest, pushing Banner's Astral Body out of Hulk's body momentarily in the movie "Avengers - End Game". 
The Astral Dimension, much like the Mirror Dimension, coexists alongside the Material Plane. However, to access it, one must successfully be separated from its physical form, existing in a state of pure energy. Time relative to the Material Plane is slowed down to a crawl when one enters the Astral Dimension. (Source:
It is interesting to note that the Mirror Dimension spoken of and depicted in "Dr. Strange" has a similarity in that the rishis put to work whatever discovery of theirs in this space/ plane/ or dimension first before man taps into it gaining inspirations and ideas. This space is where it is all discovered, assembled, tried, and tested before taking form and shape in the physical dimension.

We are time after time told that this human birth is to be treasured. Adi Sankara says, “Only through God’s grace may we obtain the three rarest gifts: Human birth; the longing for liberation; and discipleship to an illumined teacher.” 

Swami Muktananda quotes Saint Sundardas in "Where Are You Going - A Guide to the Spiritual Journey", published by Syda Foundation, 1989, “The great Saint Sundardas wrote, “You have attained this human body through God’s grace. You cannot attain it repeatedly. This human body is a priceless jewel. Do not throw it away.” 

Swami Chidvilasananda in "Inner Treasures", A Siddha Yoga Publication, 1995, mirrors Sankara’s thoughts. “The Indian scriptures teach that earth is the place where you come to work out all your karma, the consequences of your actions, both good and bad. This is where you have the opportunity to learn the greatest lessons and ascend to the highest awareness. Even celestial beings want to take birth in this place. It is the work of the Saints to awaken people from samsara, the world of the wandering, from this chakra, this wheel, the cycle of birth and death.’’ 

Shantideva, a Buddhist master from the monastic university of Nalanda, India, describes human birth as a rare gift. He says, “Only as a human can you be devoted to God, the creator." He reminds us not to waste a rare opportunity to devote oneself to God. He says, “This human leisure, opportunities, and faculties are very rare to obtain and easily lost.” He questions us, “If one squanders the chance to fulfill the aim of human life, how will such an opportunity arise again?” 

The Siddhas regard this birth as very auspicious and rare. Siddha Avvai says, “Rare indeed is to take human birth, rarer than that is to be born with a perfect human form, sight, hearing, and speech. Amongst them, it is rare to see one who does austerities and charity. When one does austerities and charity the gates to Godhead are opened.” 

Another Siddha, Manikavachagar, amply expounds in his Thiruvachakam - Shivapuraanam" that, “Having taken all these life forms to achieve his present state that is being born as grass, worm, trees, various animals, stones, rocks and pebbles, various creatures, Asuras, and Devas, and having exhausted myself in doing so, I found the truth to exist under your feet and thus I entered your home, my Lord.” 

In "The Cave of the Yellow Dog", a Mongolian film, a grandma of the Buddhist faith explains the concept of birth and how difficult it is to gain a human birth in a simple manner and through a simple illustration to a child. The grandma shares life's philosophy to this small child who happens to arrive at her tent while looking for her pet dog that had gone astray.

Child: "Will I be reborn as a person in my next life?"

Grandma calls her over: "Come I shall show you something." She gives her a needle and a tray of rice grain. She has the child place grains onto the tip of a needle. "Tell me when a grain of rice balances on the tip of the needle."

Child: (after several attempts): "That's not possible."

Grandma: "That's how difficult it is to get a human birth. That's why human birth is so valuable. See my child how hard it is to be born as a human being."

Gowri Arumugam sends the message across through her song and video that "You are worth more than you think." Do not be disheartened. Have hope for the future and faith in yourself.