Wednesday 2 June 2021


If we thought we were in control of our lives, we realize it is not so when things do not work out in our favor even after putting in the effort. When our hopes are dashed, we realize that there are other elements in play that have contributed to our failures. Looking for answers, we are told that there is a thing called karma, that influences our present lives. It comes by way of laying obstacles, delays, sufferings, pain, anguish, etc. And they point the finger at us. But then that is not fair, we say, to face the music in this life, for actions we had done in past lives. To believe in karma though, you must first believe that there is rebirth. Who then keeps track of all our past karma? How is it computed? How is it then applied in the present? How is it compensated? Is it an eye for an eye? 

If there are those who seem to manipulate their karma well and eventually see the desired results, then there are those who cannot seem to come out of the grips of karma however much they try. Why cannot they escape from the web that supposedly is said to have been spun by them? Is there no hope for them? Do they have to live it out?

Even before we have understood these mysteries we then face situations that are not of our creation. We fall for frauds, fall for scams, are backstabbed, cheated, robbed, etc. We never went looking for these troubles but they come to us knocking on our doors. We are caught unaware and before we realize it, we fall victims to an unknown and unseen force that hits us smack in the face. 

If karma only affected individuals, how do we account for the times when masses are caught in this web? For instance, the many lives of innocent bystanders lost during natural disasters. Or during the many wars fought in the past that took away many lives of the innocent too. And the present pandemic that has come to haunt us the past year and a half. How do we explain this? If we as individuals are told that every action of us brings on a reaction and we are reprimanded for it in this life, and if we are often reminded that it is what we sow that we shall reap, who then is responsible for a catastrophe of this nature? How do we explain what is currently happening around us? Again we voice out that we did not do anything to warrant this. What about the newborn how did he or she contribute to this, when he/she wasn't even here yet when the virus emerged? 

Then again this is all not new going by history, though it might seem to be to us who encounter it for the first time. It is reported that in 1918-19 an influenza pandemic swept across killing an estimated 50 million worldwide ( It looks like history keeps repeating itself only in a different form and intensity leaving its scar behind. 

We have seen how a single man and his ideologies can shake and move the earth be it in politics or religion at times resulting in warfare or at other times the coming together of many in the faith. Does this mean that our actions not only determine our individual lives and that of our families but also sections of the community and society? Do the actions of leaders of nations change the fate of their citizens? Do the inspiring words of spiritual leaders change the destiny of their followers? How then does an individual gain so much power to influence others? When we find it difficult to understand and comprehend and often choose to disagree with our spouse or partner, siblings, colleagues, etc, and are always at wit's end, how are we easily swayed by strangers who amass such huge crowds and following?

Although we were not touched by others across the globe prior to the advent of technology, it has now brought us nearer to others, to witness their plight and joy too. Air and sea travel has permitted us to cross over and participate and witness the cultures and lifestyles of others. If the snail mail took weeks to be delivered in the past, now we video chat with our loved ones daily. Produce from a nation is exported to others across the globe bringing food that was not known to us before to our dining tables. Indeed we are truly integrated and connected in this age of science and technology. Viruses that once spread in a minute locality and were contained within the area now have found ways to transmit spreading their wings throughout the world. 

There are many mysteries not solved by man till now. This is one of them. And the Gods are silent not revealing for now. But we are blessed that they have provided for means to battle the pandemic. Scientists and researchers have come out with vaccines to help keep the virus at bay. The medical profession is trying very hard to treat those who already have come down with it. The authorities are trying very hard to contain the spread of it. 

We read on "the significance of its mounting fatality rate", at "Shots - Health News from NPR", 

"If in the aggregate, the national death toll feels abstract, each death is unique, a devastating loss that ripples through a family, a network, a community." 

We agree that "Its constant repetition in the news can become numbing." "And yet the language of warfare permeates so much of the national discourse about the pandemic. Nurses work on the "frontlines." Coronavirus is described as an invisible "enemy." The country is "battling" the virus." 

Lord Shiva in telling us that we have to set things right, undo the damage we did, and not depend on a miracle cure from him, he is hinting that we have brought on ourselves this suffering. True. A doctor tells NPR, "It's very hard to communicate the severity of this pandemic if you're not in a hospital, where this war is being waged." The obstacle to all these valuable resources and means to win the battle is seen to be people like us who refrain from taking the vaccine for numerous reasons, not following the rules laid out to deter the spread of the virus, and exposing ourselves to the dangers lurking out there and bringing it back into their homes, family, and friends. Even the disturbing visuals of patients fighting for their lives don't seem to perturb many. "People are dying in hospitals, without family members at the bedside, and only healthcare workers are there to bear witness." (Source: NPR). For some of us, the death toll announced is only seen as numbers until someone close is accounted for and adds to the statistics. Would we open our eyes only then?

What would be the spillover from this pandemic if it continues further? "This mass death is going to create trauma." (NPR) Faces that once were part of the family photo will be no more. The company that one had will be no more. The joy and fun at having one around will be no more. The laughter and equal tantrums thrown by one will be no more. What we shall have will be only the memories of them. Let us then live this life fully and cherish it while we still have the time. Let others remember us as good souls once we leave. That should suffice.