Monday 20 March 2023


The subtle and astral world indeed mystifies us. The physical world can be studied and understood by science but not the earlier two. How do we explain for instance when Yogi Ramsuratkumar came through a devotee and asked us to play again the song written by Sadhu Om for his guru Bhagawan Ramana? How is it that the Yogi came from samadhi and sat with his disciple and my guru Supramania Swami and me at the latter's kudil in Tiruvannamalai? How do we explain Lord Murugan, Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal asking devotees to sing songs of praises to the Lord? How do we explain the Siddhas asking us to recite the Arutperunjothi mantra whenever they come and heal us? How is it that the songs we sing during our worship of the Siddhas at AVM, other homes and temples brings them immediately to sit among us and listen? How is it that the heavens gate open during these moments? The divine actually listens then and praises these singers though they might just be amateurs. Tavayogi tells me that just by listening to these songs brings us to the state of Gnanam. 

The saints have sung the praises of the divine leaving behind these treasures. It is said that music can melt the rock, light oil lamps, bring on changes to nature among other miracles. It is truly mind-boggling. We do not have answers.