Tuesday 7 May 2024


At times I used to wonder why we stand before holy men, mendicants, and monks troubling them with our petty troubles. So too do we stand before the Siddhas in prayer seeking solutions. They have already left behind their material likings, issues, and troubles to search for inner peace and quietitude. They must have forgotten the means and the ways having lost touch with current times and the needs of ours. What they can offer is their experiences, the means and the ways, the methods, and the practices that they observed and carried out to arrive where they stand now. But we are not prepared to take on that role as yet for we are caught in the trap and lure of the world. To leave would be to discharge our duties and responsibilities, incur the wrath of others, and add to our existing karma. 

How do we face pain and suffering? We pray that the pain and suffering ends. While looking for means to end the pain as in seeking medical attention, meanwhile we live the pain and suffering, exhausting a portion of our karma. Listening to our prayers, the divine comes to our aid as medical practitioners, treatments, procedures, and drugs that help bring relief. 

How do we face death then? Fear and anxiety step in as there is no surety that we will last another day. We pray that our lives are extended. We want to live longer. But for what? Agathiyar says when the shelter or home that this soul built from scratch was on the verge of collapsing it is only logical for the soul to move house. Death is in actuality shifting to another home and another neighborhood, starting life anew with other souls as in living with new neighbors. Death doesn't end it all. What ends is the present life and the things that we have come to grasp. The soul keeps traveling moving in and out of numerous homes, exploring the world. 

We should not think that the Siddhas or God would do our liking. They do not interfere with fate and what has been written unless called for. What is done cannot be undone but it can surely be repaired to a certain extent. Hence we see the Siddhas dishing out remedies when asked for. The soul or JeevAtma seeing us suffer due to our karma and our ways sends out an SOS that is picked up by the Param or ParamAtma. The Param lights up the path. A path is shown for us to travel henceforth. A new destiny is charted provided we heed the signs and live by it.