Friday, 24 January 2025


I had written in several earlier posts that "one now walks the dark alley where unknown fears step before us. It has yet to be given a face and a tag. But it is felt and known. Eventually, I believe one shall leave this dark woods and arrive into the light". This phase has never been spoken about. If all the other phases of Sariyai, Kriyai, and Yogam have guidelines, methods, discipline, ways, techniques, and practices given by those who have trodden the path before, here in this final lap it is one of self-discovery of one's self, facing the soul and all that it carried since its parting from the source or Param to become an individual soul or Jeeva that carried desires to know and learn the mysteries of creation.

The unfounded fear has left. I have regained my sleep. I am at peace with myself and all around me. I am simply existing. Nothing to look forward to. No further step to take. I am where I am supposed to be. No further accumulation of either wealth or knowledge. No further reading. As I told a friend and reader, I would have myself learn from experience and live by example, in that way, I only take what is applicable for that moment in time and place. I'm happy with this. 

Just as there are many snares laid out in the material world, there are many mines laid out in the spiritual field too. One has to walk with caution. But if we were to step on it take it as a learning experience and move ahead. We were meant to learn from this experience too.

To a parent, Agathiyar implied that the freak accident his daughter had was not an act of karma but carelessness on his part. Many of our troubles are of our making. Not heeding sound advice from the Siddhas or not carrying them out as and when directed, then we find ourselves sailing the troubled waters.

If initially we are told that Karma shackles us, and are given ways in the form of pilgrimages, prayers, and remedies as the keys to open the lock, later we find ourselves caught in it willingly, not able to tear away from its claws. We become slaves to Karma. It is only with total surrender that we can escape from its grips.