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Showing posts sorted by date for query jyothi. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, 17 August 2023

ATTAINING THE LIGHT FORM 2 - Tavayogi & Agathiyar

Tavayogi in referring to Agathiyar's "Sowmiya Saagaram" states our purpose here is to understand the origin and end of Param or Para Sorupam or Siva or Siva Rupaa Rupam or Vettavezhi, the void that shines as Jothi. One who has attained the knowledge of the secrets of the Vettavezhi Prapancham will transform their physical form into a subtle form, and settle in the Jothi that is the source of the subtle too.

வெட்டவெளி பிரபஞ்ச ரகசியம் உணர்ந்தவர்கள் தன்னுடைய தூல உடலைச் சூட்சுமமாகி அந்தச் சூட்சும உடலுக்கு ஆதாரமாக மற்றும் காரணமாக இருக்கின்ற முதலும் முடிவுமாக இருக்கின்ற ஜோதியில் ஜோதியாக இருப்பார்கள்.

Agathiyar reveals to his student Pulastyar that the Siddhas are in the form of Jothi, in the Jothi and as the Jothi and that, that Jothi is Sivan.

அகத்தியர் தன்னுடைய சௌமிய சாகரம்  (111), தன்னுடைய மாணவனான புலத்தியருக்கு ரிஷி முனிவர் பிறப்பைப் பற்றி கூறும்போது,

காணவே சிவஞானம் உணர்ந்தோர் தானும்
கருணையுள்ள மாதவத்தோர் பெருமை தானும்
பேணவே தூலமதைச் சூட்சுமமாக்கி
பிலமான சூட்சுமத்துக் காரணமாய் நின்று
தோணவே ஆதி அந்தம் ஒன்றாய் நின்று
துலங்குகின்ற சுடரொளியில் சோதியாகிப்
பேணவே பூமியில் வந்து அவதரிப்பார்
பிறந்தாலுஞ் சிவயோகி யாவார் பாரே

மேற்கண்ட பாடலின் பொருளானது சிவஞானம் உணர்ந்தவர்கள் அதாவது வெட்டவெளி பிரபஞ்ச ரகசியம் உணர்ந்தவர்கள் கருணையுள்ள அந்த தவப்பெரியோர்கள் பெருமையை வாய்விட்டுச் சொல்லமுடியாது. அவர்களெல்லாம் தன்னுடைய தூல உடலை சூட்சுமமாகி அந்த சூட்சும உடலுக்கு ஆதாரமாக காரணமாக இருக்கின்ற முதலும் முடிவுமாக இருக்கின்ற ஜோதியில் ஜோதியாகி இருப்பார்கள். இந்த பூமியில் வந்து அவதரிக்கின்றபோது சிவயோகியாக ஆவார்கள் என்று கூறுகின்றார்.

மேற்கண்ட பாடல் விளக்கத்தின் மூலம் சித்தர்கள் வெட்டவெளியில் ஜோதியில் ஜோதியாக கலந்து நின்று மரணமில்லாத பெருவாழ்வைப் பெற்று வாழ்கின்றார்கள் எனபது ஆதார பூர்வமாகத் தெரிகிறது.

Tavayogi explains further that when Siva initiated creation in association with the Jothi that stood as Paraaparam, Sivam came forth from the Param neither with form nor formless, registering itself only as a sound. The first sound created was sustained in space. From Siva came Sakti. Sound (Natham), Sivam, and Sakti, identified as AUM, gave forth seven forms namely: Sivam, Sakti, Sadasivan, Maheswaran, Rudran, Vishnu, and Brahma. The manifestations of the divine energy that takes various forms for its purposes are from one source and finally merge into it once it serves its purpose. That source is light or Jothi or Sivan.

He wrote in his book "Andamum Pindamum",

The flame that is lit in an oil lamp is Sudar. When it envelops the space it is referred to as Jothi. In the beginning, there was a light that enveloped all. That was Jothi. That was Sivan. From the passive Sivan came forth the dynamic Sivam. 

இன்று பெரும்பாலோர் ஜோதி வழிபாடு என்று சொல்லி விளக்கில் என்னை ஊற்றி நெருப்பு பற்றவைத்து திரியில் எரியும் நெருப்பை வழிபடுகிற காட்சியை காண்கிறோம். விளக்கிலே எரிகிற நெருப்புக்கு சுடர் என்று பெயர். அதாவது ஒளியின் திரட்சி நிலைக்கு சுடர் என்று பெயர். ஒளியின் படர்ந்த நிலைக்கு ஜோதி என்பது பெயர். உதாரணமாக இருட்டறையில் விளக்கு ஏற்றி வைக்கிறோம். விளக்கு திரியில் எரியும் நெருப்பு சுடர். அறையில் உள்ள பிரகாசமே ஜோதி. அதுபோல் ஆதியிலே வெட்டவெளியிலே தோன்றிய பிரகாசமே ஜோதி. எங்கும் வியாபித்து இருக்கக்கூடிய ஜோதியே சிவன். அந்த சிவன் என்ற ஜோதியிலே இருந்து சிவம் என்கிற ஆற்றல் உண்டானது.

Tavayogi writes further. Breaking its hold on gravity one is lost in weightlessness. Similarly, man too, travels the chakras, and once he breaks the body's hold on him is freed. But unfortunately, the common man cannot travel the journey as long as he is a captive of the physical and material body. A transformation and transmutation within the depths of the body is required prior to venturing further on. The experience of this internal process that comes with the internal journey is Gnanam and Soruba Siddhi. The Siddha path leads to this experience. Man who himself is a lesser part of the bigger source through enhancing the spirit and the hidden power in him grabs the rope and makes his way little by little, to eventually merge with his source. 

பூமியின் ஈர்ப்புச் சக்தியான மையப்பகுதியை கடந்து எந்த ஒரு பொருளோ புவி ஈர்ப்புத் தன்மைக்கு அப்பால் சென்றால் அது வெட்டவெளியில் சுதந்திரமாக மிதக்கிறது என்று விஞ்ஞானம் கூறுகிறது. அதேபோல் மனிதனும் தன்னை கீழ்நோக்கி இருக்கும் மூலாதார சக்தியை மேல் நோக்கிச் செலுத்தினால் பிண்டத்தின் ஈர்ப்புச் சக்தியை கடந்தால் மனிதனும் வெட்டவெளியில் சுதந்திரமாக இருக்கலாம். ஆனால் மனிதன் உடலில் இருக்கும் வரை மேல்நோக்கிப் பயணம் செய்ய முடியாது. ஆகவே பஞ்சபூத உடலை வேதியியல் மாற்றத்தால் மாற்றி மூல அணுவாக மாற்றி புவியீர்ப்புக் கோட்டை கடந்து வெட்டவெளியில் சேர்ந்து  சுதந்திரமாக  உலாவுவதே ஞானம் ஆகும். அதுவே சொரூப சித்தி எனப்படும். அதை போதிப்பதுதான் சித்தர் நெறி. பிரபஞ்சத்தின் சிறிய அணுவான மனிதன் மூல சக்தி என்கிற கயற்றின் நுனியைப் பிடித்து கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக பிரபஞ்ச பேராற்றலின் பரமாணுவை அடைந்து அதோடு ஐக்கியமாக முடியும் என்று கண்டுபிடித்தான். கண்டுபிடித்து அடைந்தவன் சித்தன். வெட்டவெளியில் ஜோதியாக இருப்பவனும் சித்தனே. வெட்டவெளி ஜோதியாவதே ஞானம். அதுவே பிரம்மரகசியம்.

Agathiyar told me Gnana was not given by him, but I had to earn it by placing concerted efforts in moving within. The experiences that unfold during this journey of going within and traversing each chakra till we reach the highest is indeed Gnanam. He added that the experiences would vary from person to person. 

Tavayogi would sing Ramalinga Adigal's plea இன்று வருமோ yearning for the day when he could join the rank and fold of the Siddhas who had merged into the Light. He would automatically cry each time he began to sing this song and bring tears to our eyes too. 

இன்று வருமோ நாளைக்கே வருமோ அல்லது மற்றென்று வருமோ அறியேன் எங்கோவே - துன்றுமல வெம்மாயை அற்று வெளிக்குள் வெளி கடந்து சும்மா இருக்கும் சுகம். 

When I sang this verse to Agathiyar, he questioned me asking if I knew its meaning? I told him I only knew how to sing but never understood its meaning. Agathiyar says, 

"வெளிக்குள் வெளி கடந்து" அப்பொருள் அறிவாயா? உன்னை நீ முழுதும் அறிந்து உன்னைச் சுற்றி இருக்கும் கணங்கள் அறிந்து எதுவும் நிலை அற்றது என்று நீ அறியும் அத்தருணம் வெளிக்குள் நீயே வெளி கடப்பாய். அத்தருணமே சும்மா இருப்பது."

Agathiyar explains to me that when we fully understand ourselves and gain self-realization; when we understand the Ganangal or Gnanas or "body of attendants or "the company and assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims" or "council or assembly convened to discuss matters of religion or other topics" (Source:; and come to finally realize that nothing is permanent, at that moment we shall enter and remain in the void of space (Vezhi Kadappathu). That is just "being" or Summa Erupathu. Everything dissolves into IT; a state of sunyam or void or silence. When we go within its silence is heard. Mere or sheer existence in its presence is known. No labels, forms, or sounds. Just existence. This is the state mentioned by Agathiyar. I had a taste of it for a brief moment recently where I just was in the state of "Being" where only a vast expanse existed.

A friend and a reader of this blog sent me Krishnaveni Amma of Kalyana Theertam's understanding of Light many years back.

"I read your post on Jyothi. Some time ago, Amma spoke about Lord Shiva as effulgence itself. That was how He stood at Tiruvannamalai,...A pillar of light. His true nature. But, how could the rest of Creation visualize Him? The light as we know it, is impure. The internal Jyothi that the Masters want us to "see", is the same effulgence, and, is pure. Creation comes forth from the Divine Mother, and for any creation to take place, it needs space and time to incubate, mature, and be released. Such is the nature of the Divine Mother. She is the heat, of that effulgence. Together, as Lord Arthanareeswara, they incubate and bring forth Creation. All possible forms and sources of light in the cosmos have heat, as an indispensable accompaniment. He, in His pure form, is pure effulgence. Out of His infinite Grace, He brings forth Shakthi and begins Creation, for our salvation."

Sunday, 26 February 2023


Why do we need a guru? Though there may be numerous reasons given one that stands out is that the guru supervises the practices given. For instance, when Agathiyar told Mahindren to show all those gathered around the Vaasi and Asana techniques, hence initiating them into Yoga, both my daughters were exempted. The elder was in her early stages of pregnancy while the young had just had a procedure done to her eye. Now when the doctors certified that her eye had healed well, Agathiyar told her to learn from me and put into practice these said techniques. I initiated her this morning. Similarly when I hurt my back in 2010 Agathiyar said that the practice had activated the Kundalini that resulted in a ripple effect. He asked to stop all further practice. Then he came along to ask me to continue it when he told me to go within in 2019. So too did he ask Mahin to stop his practice for the time being. This is how the guru monitors the changes that take place in us as a result of the practices given and advises appropriately.

I had always wanted to meet someone/anyone on the way to repeating the same feat as Ramalinga Adigal did – dematerializing into thin air and becoming Jyothi or light. I met Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal when he was 67 years of age in 2005. As I could not witness nor follow his spiritual evolvement from being a commoner to the status of a full-fledged guru and turavi or mendicant, I very much wanted to be a witness to Tavayogi achieving the state of becoming Jothi just as Ramaliga Adigal had achieved. Stating this to him, he very humbly answered that it will not take place in this birth and that he has to come back (take another birth). Then along comes Jnana Jyothiamma through whom Agathiyar chooses to show us her spiritual advancement and subsequent flowering. We were blessed to have made her acquaintance, and given the opportunity to witness the workings of Agathiyar and the Siddhas on her. My family and I were a witness to many miraculous events that took place in her life. Just as the saying goes, “Narudan poo sernthu manakkum”, which means the string that holds the flowers together as a garland will take on the aroma of the flowers too, we prayed that we might be showered with the rain spatter by just watching her majestic journey. She was humble enough to share every single moment on this path with me during the hours and hours of conversation that I had with her on SKYPE and through emails.

After the initiation that took place behind closed doors at Kallar ashram, she was brought to the attention of the world through an amazing spectacle Agathiyar showed at Kalyana Theertam. The show of lights was only seen through the lens of the camera, feverishly handled by Dr. Ram Subramaniam of Tirunelveli. Henceforth began a journey of sheer amazement and astonishment. Wherever she went the Siddhas showed their presence. We saw how all the Gods and Goddesses have worked on an individual of their choice who had all the merits and qualities of becoming a Siddha and a guru. So it was understandable that Tavayogi never kept her under his wings but instead let her fly freely to explore the path initiated. He handled me quite differently though. He initiated me into Agathiyar's mantra too and other practices as in Yoga and in lighting the Homam and let me explore its depth. Much has been written about him from my perspective. Let us hear what Molly Menon who later bloomed into the lotus Jnana Jothiamma has to say about him. These are from her emails to me over a period of time from the time she messaged me first to her arrival at his ashram and the subsequent visits. 

On July 3, 2011, she writes to me for the very first time seeking to know about Agathiyar and Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal’s ashram at Kallar.

Hello Mr. Shanmugam, I am Meena Menon form U.S.A. We had been communicating about Guruji Tavayogi. I am also known as Molly Menon/ Mrs.Menon.

When I mentioned that Tavayogi told me she had called him recently she replied, telling me that she was indeed leaving for Kallar. Upon reaching India, she e-mails me on Thursday, October 20, 2011. At Kallar, Agathiyar through Tavayogi magically and mysteriously initiated her. Jnana Jyothiamma had planned to spend six months at Tavayogi’s Ashram but Tavayogi sent her away after her initiation asking her to return to the U.S.A. She left after a couple of weeks, missing the Annual Guru Puja and Jayanthi celebrations. She went back reluctantly to the U.S.A.  On Saturday, December 17, 2011, she emails me to inform me that she was back in the USA. She recounts her precious moments at Kallar.

Hmm .. dunno what to say ... choked up ... really .. all kinds of feelings sweeping thro me ... too many memories ... two weeks ... an experience of a Yuga ... that's all I can say.

If Tavayogi came to know that he was an old soul in his meditation, having taken birth again to uplift us, Jnana Jothiamma was told the same through a subsequent Jeeva Nadi reading at Kallar before she left.

If Valmiki Ramayan .. history of Rama was written 18,444 million years ago. then his father King Dasaratha would be well before that and Vashishta was his father's guru (also his) ..... that means according to Agathiyar I was there with all these Mahans long before 18,444 million years. No wonder Karuppetta termed it as Jenmandram Connection and Agathiyar also mentioned likewise... I am glazed out totally ... After getting to know all this from the Source .... anybody would renounce the world.

She wrote.
"It started thus .... it started with a call ... instructions from the Divine ..... and I was in India before even I knew what was going on ... only to get back after two weeks to the United States ... and then again get back to India after five months. ..... as the highest power in the universe ‘wanted an audience with me at Kallar’. Will anybody believe what I'm saying? They think me stark mad .. totally screwed up ... beyond the point of no return". 

The Mysterious part is .... my Jeeva Nadi reading went missing, from my study table ...After I returned back to the United States after getting my Dhiksha, I placed it on my study table immediately upon reaching home. I used to gaze at it every day. It was more than a precious ornament to/for me ... something so very precious .. especially as Agathiyan had mentioned to me in that Nadi that there will not be any more Nadi Reading for me. It was right on the same spot I placed for two months ... Then disappeared suddenly ...

I could not understand at all, what happened to me at Kallar that day of my Initiation. I used to gaze at my Jeeva Nadi reading book and recollect all the incidents that happened at the Ashram right from the day, I entered it. The peacock that entered the Ashram mysteriously and also left mysteriously. Every night it used to knock at my door. I used to feed it too... I took a number of pics of that peacock. All of them disappeared too from my mobile...Neither did I go to the Ashram for getting Dhiksha nor for getting my Nadi read. Both the above-mentioned terms, I have not heard before and I did not know the meaning of either of the two.

All I knew and was aware of was, that something ... some strong force was taking me there. Secondly when for the first time in my life, I saw Agathiyan's pic in Sadhguru Venkatraman's site, I felt that I knew this Sage ... or can I say ... some sort of intense longing I suddenly had to see Him somewhere and somehow. I did not know where ... but I had a deep yearning that I needed to see Agasthya Maharishi .... There was an enormous yearning within me. It was at this time, around July 2011, the Divine showed me a wonderful Athma ..... an Athma who was very dear to Agathiyan and I stumbled across his site .. INDIAN HEARTBEAT .... and what I read there, left me breathless. Here I find a person, who, along with an Enlightened Master seems to have gone to all the places the Noble Sage had trod. Thus started a beautiful relationship with you shan ... with Tavayogi and not to forget my dearest sister Mataji Sarojini. My heartful thanks to all her family members, including Mataji and Tavayogi, who took care of me while I was there, and my humble prostrations to my Swamiji Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal, for having shared with me some of his Divine experiences with Agathiyan and also some advice. At the holy feet of our Father Agathiyan , I submit myself for having accepted me, protected me, guided me, and is still protecting and guiding me. What can I give back to our Father for all that HE has given me? My utmost devotion to His holy paadham.

After much yearning to return to Kallar, eventually Jnana Jyothiamma returned to participate in the Annual Jayanthi celebrations for Agathiyar at Kallar. After the Sarva Dosa Nivarana Maha Yagam which was the highlight of the two-day celebrations at Kallar was over, and receiving the blessings of Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal she left Kallar again and this time around spent her time in numerous towns and ashrams.  

Friday, 24 February 2023


When I complained about the noise and din in my neighborhood that was not conducive for me to go within as it disturbed me Agathiyar said that this was to be expected as we are living on the outskirts of the city. Furthermore, he added that one shall face the same but in other forms if he were to hide in the jungle. As he had said I need not adorn the robe of a mendicant as did my guru and that I shall achieve the same living with the family and society he added that what Jnana Jothiamma and Tavayogi went through was even more severe. He had spared me the troubles they went through he said. Though I do not know much about Tavayogi's life transformation I know how Agathiyar stood by Jnana Jothiamma and transformed her as she shared every bit of it. So I went back to her emails and discovered several similarities though not as severe, as Agathiyar told me. This is from her biography that I had compiled and published online some time back.


Returning after a brief visit to my home Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM), Agathiyar commanded Jnana Jyothiamma to go into solitude, refrain from seeing people, and stop all forms of communication through all media. He provided her secure accommodation through a samaritan who gave let her stay in one of the units that the housing developer had built in Chennai. She stopped coming on Skype but continued mailing me about her progress and transformation. 

Maha Deepam

Dear Shan, My journey and connex with you and Agathiyan is truly Amazing. Today, when I traverse down memory lane and recollect the situations and circumstances that dragged me to that temple, on the 'Maha Deepam Day,' this year... That day, being the "Deepam Day ".....Eight Abhishekams and One Massive two-hour Havan/Yagam...I participated. Can You Even Imagine what My condition would have been at the end of it all......I could hardly move my body. In other words, My body was not with me.....FROZE. The Highlight of it, at the Final Abhishekam of Lord Muruga, I mentioned to you, suddenly a gush of Air, went through my right Ear and I heard a Mantra being spelled and that time, inside the Sanctum, though the Abhishekam was going on, The Sanctum appeared Pitch dark to me and on the Lord's Vigraham...I SAW WHAT I HAD TO SEE.

The Kind souls out there helped me to get back to my Hotel..totally Disoriented and Lifeless...I had to cancel my reservations for that time and I left the next day...

Everything seems to me like a Dream Floating by...Kallar was Agathiyan's CALL ...Nattatreshwar Temple was Murugan's CALL...Vadallur was Valallar's CALL Thiruvanamalai was SHIVA'S CALL...(Also Vallalar). The Direct Experiences I had with the 'DIVINE." in all these places...Was on another plane...I could confirm this after my last visit to your place and the happening there... To Quote Mahi..."I think that room (Pooja room) was another Portal for those two hours OR Agathiyan must have erected Screens ...SO VERY TRUE...

The reason for all the Jyothi on me till now wherever I went for the last two years and why I see it in my place nowadays wherever I go..etc..and the intense Murugan's energy in me..which almost collapsed me at Palani and my current situation..healthwise. How Vallalar also gave me Deeksha at Thiruvannamalai ....very shortly...Murugan will give me the final Solitude...He says all the Siddhas will be at my place that day when Murugan gives you this Deeksha...NO REBIRTH FOR ME....will write a bit to you when I recover. Asked me not to talk with anybody...complete MOUNAM...inside n outside...and not to post anything too...will Elaborate on the reason at a later date... keep away from everything. I told you a couple of weeks back..that after this pusam...He has asked to keep away totally...and to take Murugan from Vallalar's place and take HIM home..and told me what to do...I called Sripathy and he came to the place where I was and delivered Murugan to me...Will tell u a bit more after I recover at least a bit. I cannot open my mouth and talk...with great difficulty, sitting up and jotting these few sentences. "I am also there in Shanmugam's house in Malaysia and the Siddhas and I do a lot of tricks and Miracles There. He is my son and he has my ARUL..(mainthan).." Will post you some pics later...I am collapsing on my chair now...bye you all...(Anand Jyothi ...will be my name after 4/5 years) told me this too...

As you were narrating to me your experiences in that temple, little did I realize that there was something HUMONGOUS....waiting for the same temple...You know that the entire process of my visit to Nattradreeshwar Temple was mysterious right from the start of the journey...

Agathiyan had mentioned to me in my Jeeva Nadi reading about my present birth....which is my seventh birth ...and the significance of it to attain "IRAINILAI.".

My very first birth...(as a human being.) was near the Cauvery basin...Now, this makes everything very clear as to why all those experiences and incidents happened to me that day....' KARTHIKA DEEPAM DAY"

I have been keeping you posted on all the mystical experiences, I had and still have. Do you remember the first call I got from a strange number, I ignored? Then since the call was originating from the same strange number thrice, I answered the call and the person at the other end told me his name was Kandhan. Remember this episode? If you refer to the blog...Miracle at Nattradreeshwar, you can read that from conversation excerpts. That time, you asked me to leave immediately, as it implied some urgency for my presence there and we both argued this matter, when I mentioned to you, that I was planning to leave after January, which would be two months later...Then again within a week, I got the call from the same number, I felt that something is going on in some other " Plane " and number what that lad on the other side of the phone number and the name of the person to be contacted at the temple, what HE gave me...I could not make any sense of it...Everything was very confusing. Then I got back to you again,...this time ..with a different message from the same lad on the other side of the phone, and when I called the priest of that temple, I found that they too, were asking me to get there soon. Everything was so mysterious. So finally, Agathiyan asked me to be there on Karthika Deepam day, which was just three days after this call. So I went to Nattradresheewar temple.....FINALLY.....All the happenings there, right from the start, you had posted and you can refer to that. for the continuation of this mail.

Now ...the story unfolds...

That Cauvery region was MY FIRST BIRTHPLACE AND DAD HAD EXPLAINED ALL ABOUT THIS IN THE READING CLIP, which I HAVE ATTACHED. Also mentioning the important aspect of the star Hastha, in connection with Rudra. Now, to begin with, I had gone...rather dragged to "my first place of birth"...the Cauvery region. Second, that was on Hastham Star as Karthika Deepma that day was on Hastham and Agathiyan had asked me to conduct some rituals for both... I and my son both are on the same Nakshatra. I had mentioned all about it on the blog... Thirdly, I had forgotten to take my camera with me, Now I realize it was a great reason...

After hearing from Agathiyan, I now understand fully, that my purpose of going there on my birth start was to fully absorb myself in that environment and the now I Realize that ...that day was the starting DAY ...for the washing off of my major Karma...

You will know what this means after you hear the reading clip attached. I was wondering that day itself, what connection do I share with that Businessman's family, whose great-great-grandfather, constructed that temple at the instructions of Agathiyan...

The massive Homan, which was conducted that evening, before lighting the main Deepam, I was told that it was an Exclusive family affair when all the family members and relatives of Mr. Mayilswamy is only allowed. It is known as 'Astra Homam".

I was the only one outside in that entire Congregation and they all took care of me very well...WHY ?? WHAT made them do so? What was the connection between me and them and especially the grandson of that gentleman...a lad in his teens, who looks very pretty like Lord Muruga...This lad took me to a room constructed below the temple...where a big Rock was there and he told me that this was the Rock where Agathiyan meditated to obtain the siddhi...Mahima....when HE was instructed by Lord Shiva to balance the Earth...I was told that nobody is allowed there. Then how and what was I taken there by this young lad...As per Agathiyan's reading to me....that I was born to an Illustrious and spiritual very first birth...maybe I was born to that great-great-grandfather's family, whom Agathiyan instructed to build the temple. Maybe...I strongly feel so.

Agathiyan...through a squirrel spoke to me that day. Then when the last Abhishekam for Lord Muruga was going on, I was near the sanctum, and suddenly a strong piercing breeze shot through my right ear, whispering a mantra. It was that time when I looked inside the Sanctum...though the ritual was going on...I could see NOTHING, except a flicker of blazing light on the HEAD OF MURUGAN'S MURTHY...

Can you imagine, I participated in 8 Abhishekams and one massive yagam that day......4 of mine and 4 of that lad. He was the same star Hastham...What more do we.. want now?

And I think to make sure that I do not have any obstacles that day...of any sort...I mentioned that there was a senior man who accompanied me on the Coracle and talked to me as to what he was accompanying me...(chq the post )...Who was this elderly gentleman who came along with me?

When I thanked the elderly chief priest (as he was the one who accompanied me in the morning while crossing the river)..... after everything was over and in a semiconscious state planning to leave the temple...he told me that he did not accompany me that morning ". IT MUST BE YOUR APPA...AGATHIYAN .." HE SAID...Even the ferryman told me that I was alone that morning and no one had accompanied me? Then Who was this PERSON WHO TOOK ME OVER IN THE MORNING?

Secondly, who was the lady on whose lap, I laid my head while returning from the Temple in the Coracle? SHE WAS EVEN KEEPING HER HAND ON MY HEAD. IT WAS SOOTHING...SO SO SOOTHING. As I did not see the lady as I alighted, I asked for her. To which the other priest who accompanied me told me there was no lady ..only we three were there... I STILL MISS HER WARM TOUCH. I WAS EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED AND SICK BY THE EVENING ..THAT I WOULD HARDLY WALK NOR EVEN SEE CLEARLY...

Nadi Reading

Dear Shan, I had a five-and-a-half hour non-stop Jeeva Nadi ( 3 bundles ) reading yesterday..with 15 mins gap in between...where Agathiyan and Vallalar were in full force and form...I will send you a few 2/3 days when I recover a bit. Dad told me EVERYTHING...INCL WHO I AM...the reason for my birth ..and what and where I would be final resting place...Pothigai. Dad said I would have to leave back to my son after Thai mth...he'll tell me the date and won't be back for a long time..till me 64 yrs...

But I guess her yearning to be with Agathiyar was too strong that Agathiyar had to take her with him before all that he said could materialize.

Dear Shan, I feel a lot better today. So I thought before I get the next bout, I'll pen a few words to you. Funny, how life had taken its course. For a very long time, I had been praying to daddy that I wanted to ascertain the following from HIM. I wanted to know what all I was seeing, hearing, and witnessing, and whether the happenings are all REAL ..and not just a figment of my imagination. Many things are happening and I understand now fully well, that all I am doing physically also...I feel something/someone is doing ..and not me...... We, as humans tend to think astray, due to Emotional factors. You know all through Agathiyan has been consistently repeating that I do not need a Nadi reading. But deep within me, I felt, I wanted to hear from last time, certain matters that are within me. So I pray to HIM every day to grant my wish. Something is telling me some things always many things...Can I act according to that voice? It is my Imagination? Or my Possessiveness and deep Obsession with Agathiyan, that ...maybe my thoughts and happenings are all wrong...I wanted to know these from DADDY. As these may require lengthy explanations, I prayed to daddy to give me a Nadi reading and clear my heart. 

Suddenly Selvam called me on Monday and asked me if I could make it over to his place on Tuesday as Agathiyar wants to talk to me...." Ayya wants to talk to you "and he told me what all I should take and keep the Nadi ready" ..and further added that my health is not good enough to travel, but told him to tell me not to worry as HE would take care and that MY PRESENCE WAS NECESSARY...So I went to his place. Selvam greeted me and will tell you in a nutshell... 

When she recovered and felt better she sends me the following mail. Jnana Jyothiamma had wanted to have a Nadi reading for some time now. On October 15, 2014, she surprises me with news of her sudden five-and-a-half-hour non-stop Jeeva Nadi reading.

On his table, I saw three bundles. He said Jeeva Nadi ...he had separated into three bundles...each to be read at a particular Hora...and showed me a bundle which was a little small in length but a thick one and pointing that to me ..Ayya had asked him to read that at 1 pm sharp...Surya Hora...

The first lengthy one was started...daddy came after worshiping Lord Shiva...and HE told me ... the FIRST SENTENCE...AMMA, I AM Agathiyan TALKING TO YOU. I HEARD YOUR SINCERE PRAYERS. I WAS WAITING FOR THE RIGHT DAY AND TIME. I ALSO HAVE MANY THINGS TO TELL YOU." Selvam's gaze was fully one that time and he repeated this sentence thrice....and said Ayya is calling you Amma...First time I ever heard HIM calling me amma, instead of magale...Throughout the reading till the end, on and off, he addressed me only as Amma and not magale...not even once...

He started reading to me the first bundle, wherein Agathiyan tells me all about my parents and their ancestor's birth, the reason for me being born to them, and about my husband. He mentioned in detail about all my siblings ...their names and where they all are stationed currently and my relationship....and why I am the way I am. That was for almost an hour and a half. He then stopped for 15 mins and both of us had some water to drink ...

By that time it was 1 pm, and He took out that specific bundle that Agathiyan asked him to read during Surya Hora... In this, Agathiyan answered all my questions, which I had been harboring in my mind for a long time...

First HE said......"We are all with you. Everything you speak and pronounce, is only as per my will, as all that you say and do what WE are doing...Went on to add, we know who you are and what you are doing, but people do not know that. They think you are speaking, just to boost your EGO., They act as good persons in front of you, accept everything and speak ill of you behind your back. They are doing it coz of Poramai (I think this word means Jealousy in Tamil)...They do not know, that I, Agathiyan, and the Siddhas are with you and that we are doing and not you. Certain people will go and HAVE ALSO GONE to the extent of getting the help of negative Energies to DECAPITATE YOU TOO. SOME HAVE TRIED. THEY CANNOT BE SUCCESSFUL. I AM WITH YOU ...DON'T FEAR. I HAVE ENCLOSED YOU INSIDE A "RUDRAKASHAM "AND HIDDEN YOU FROM EVERYONE."

All this is happening coz of three factors...Agathiyan continues...."You have a very small portion of your SANCHITHA KARMA REMAINING...WHICH YOU HAVE TO FINISH OFF THIS JENMAM AND WE WILL HELP YOU FINISH IT THIS BIRTH ITSELF...So that everything has to be completed for you in this birth. You will become Anandh Jyothi and merge with the Jyothi.."

He further adds.."Amma, since you have to complete your Karma, this birth, the effects of my Father Saniswaran will be heavy and strong..and very hard and painful. This is also a major factor, in why people look at you and feel otherwise about you. THEY will all Realize their mistakes eventually and will come to you...COZ AFTER YOUR 62ND YEAR...WE WILL SEPARATE YOU FROM EVERYBODY AND I have already fixed a spot for you in Pothigai...from where we all will act through you for the welfare of humanity ..and you be the Universal Mother. People all over, will realize who you are to Us and come to you for Upadesa and Satsang...So do not worry what people say or think about you...You are a Siddha inside. We all know it...You have Kavi in your eyes. External appearance is not required. ..The intensity on all fronts is so bad, coz of your time...It'll get over by Iypasi end and gradually we'll tell you what all to do." ..HE further continues.."Since you have disrespected an Aghori in one of your births, and this sin will be carried over for seven Jenams and you were on Intense Thavam the last jenmam the sixth one, and finished a major portion of your Sanchita Karma, the small portion that is remaining was carried over to this jenmam and I will help you to finish that some intense Pariharams for Shiva. They may be very hard ones, but don't worry, I will send some of the Siddhas to be with you and help you finish it.."

He gave me some Pariharams to do on my birth star, for 5 months since mine and my sons are the same ...these take care of the Eradication of his karma too... One pariharam is at the Mayana ground...Kaliamma will help me with I have to appease Lord Rudra.

The next mth, after finishing my second mths Parihar, I have to do a massive ritual for Agathiyan and the 18 Siddhas...He specially mentioned ..." for me (HIM) and the 18 Siddhas"..(dad did not say 17 Siddhas and myself...Lot to understand from this shan).

For this Simultaneous instructions in my reading were given to Selvam too, that, he should conduct it in my presence in the same room spot where this Nadi reading is being read. and dad mentioned the date too when it should be conducted and specifically told me that...Murugan. Shivan, all the 18 Siddhas, and I, Agathiyan will BE PRESENT THERE...THIS THE A VERY MAJOR AND AN IMPORTANT ONE FOR YOU AMMA...AS YOU NEED TO FINISH OFF YOUR SANCHITA KARMAS. AND FREE YOUR SOUL TO MERGE."

He told me to go to Swamimalai and Palani ..and told me that Murugan in these forms...Jnanapandithan ...HIS GRACE AND ARUL IS REQUIRED FOR ME TO HELP ME CROSS OVER THE SAMSARA.

'I will be sending Bhogar again to your Illam to hand over some more medicines. You don't have to go anywhere. I will help bring them to your Illam." Dad said.

Selvam says that this is a huge ritual...wherein all the 18 Siddhas, Murugan, Shivan, and Agathiyan have to be invoked and Abhishekam did with 16 items for EVERYBODY INDIVIDUALLY...and then a Ritual. ....Agathiyan went on to add, how HE and HIS Guru Murugan, had arranged Bhogar to come over to my place and give me the medicine, Navabhashanam for consumption and told me that Bhogar will be coming again to hand over some more to me He said that I don't have to go here and there, and What is required...Agathiyan says...will be brought over to where I am. Bhogar too mentioned the same thing to me that day when HE was at my place..a couplet about Kanni pazham..etc....what do you go in search of it, when it is with you...If you scroll the msgs back, you can read it...

Agathiyan told me that since Murugan's energy is inside me...


He further advised me to call the Siddha doc who is currently treating me and tell him to get me Kumari Leghyam immediately and take that also for 3 balance the heat and fire energy. Kumari is an organic Aloe Vera Extract,...I called up the doc, and told him what dad said and by the last evening, he had sent the freshly prepared Leghyam and asked me who recommended this. I told him it is Agathiyan's suggestion.


Agathiyan specifically mentions that all the 18 Siddhas, Himself, Murugan, and Shivan will be to bless me..and this has to be done specifically on the date mentioned by HIM mth.

Selvam told me that he would accompany me to finish that huge Pariharam at Swamalai and that Mayanam..which is about 15 km from Kumbakonam Therefore me not to speak, nor post, nor divulge anything to anyone... As he was speaking THIS. I was constantly thinking about you and silently in my mind, I told HIM...I want to tell Shan, at least a bit... It was then, he suddenly said...Shanmugam, who is in my Mainthan. I am with him ..and in his place..and I perform all the miracles from there...He has my Blessings. I thanked Agathiyan silently in my mind and took this as an indication ...rather a permission to share at least a bit with you..about me ...Remaining portion of that second one where all the above said was mentioned, is full of Deiva Rahasyam, which I have to understand and do accordingly. So this is just 30% of what I am able to tell you. Maybe later, I may get permission to reveal the remaining.

Now, the third bundle... is completely about my son...His birth for many yugas, why born to me he is undergoing his karma now...etc..and me, after finishing mine..will have to go over to his home in the USA and help him get relieved of the remaining bit too...Agathiyan told me...Then HE told me about my son's past lives, his current life, and what and how he will be and told me ..Aavan enn magan". I thanked daddy from the bottom of my heart, for having heard my fervent honest sincere pleas and helping me to realize a lot more through these exhaustive 5-hour readings...for having helped us out in Dire situations and for constantly remaining us that HE is always there with us .....

Selvam wrote the whole reading in three books..a recorded it on the pen drive, which I will collect next month when I go there for that pooja with my laptop. I do not know how to edit it. I will try to get someone to do the editing and will send you the mp3 too edited one...


My dear Shan, I edited some more from the first reading, out of the three readings, in that five-hour session. You know that the entire process of my visit to Nattradreeshwar Temple was mysterious right from the start of the journey...

As you were narrating to me your experiences in that temple, little did I realize that there was something HUMONGOUS....waiting for the same temple...

Agathiyan had mentioned to me in my Jeeva Nadi reading about my present birth....which is my seventh birth ...and the significance of it to attain "IRAINILAI.".

My very first birth...(as a human being.) was near the Cauvery basin...Now, this makes everything very clear as to why all those experiences and incidents happened to me that day....' KARTHIKA DEEPAM DAY"

I have been keeping you posted on all the mystical experiences, I had and still have. Do you remember the first call I got from a strange number, I ignored? Then since the call was originating from the same strange number thrice, I answered the call and the person at the other end told me his name was Kandhan. Remember this episode? If you refer to the blog...Miracle at Nattradreeshwar, you can read that from conversation excerpts. That time, you asked me to leave immediately, as it implied some urgency for my presence there and we both argued this matter, when I mentioned to you, that I was planning to leave after January, which would be two months later...Then again within a week, I got the call from the same number, I felt that something is going on in some other" Plane " and number what that lad on the other side of the phone number and the name of the person to be contacted at the temple, what HE gave me...I could not make any sense of it...Everything was very confusing. Then I got back to you again,...this time ..with a different message from the same lad on the other side of the phone, and when I called the priest of that temple, I found that they too, were asking me to get there soon. Everything was so mysterious. So finally, Agathiyan asked me to be there on Karthika Deepam day, which was just three days after this call. So I went to Nattradresheewar temple.....FINALLY.....All the happenings there, right from the start, you had posted and you can refer to that. for the continuation of this mail.

Now ...the story unfolds...

That Cauvery region was MY FIRST BIRTHPLACE AND DAD HAD EXPLAINED ALL ABOUT THIS IN THE READING CLIP, which I HAVE ATTACHED. Also mentioning the important aspect of the star Hastha, in connection with Rudra. Now, to begin with, I had gone...rather dragged to "my first place of birth"...the Cauvery region. Second, that was on Hastham Star as Karthika Deepma that day was on Hastham and Agathiyan had asked me to conduct some rituals for both... I and my son both are on the same Nakshatra. I had mentioned all about it on the blog... Thirdly, I had forgotten to take my camera with me, Now I realize it was a great reason...

After hearing from Agathiyan, I now understand fully, that my purpose of going there on my birth start was to fully absorb myself in that environment and the now I Realize that ...that day was the starting DAY ...for the washing off of my major Karma...

You will know what this means after you hear the reading clip attached. I was wondering that day itself, what connection do I share with that Businessman's family, whose great-great-grandfather, constructed that temple at the instructions of Agathiyan...

The massive Homan, which was conducted that evening, before lighting the main Deepam, I was told that it was an Exclusive family affair when all the family members and relatives of Mr. Mayilswamy is only allowed. It is known as 'Astra Homam".

I was the only one outside in that entire Congregation and they all took care of me very well...WHY ?? WHAT made them do so? What was the connection between me and them and especially the grandson of that gentleman...a lad in his teens, who looks very pretty like Lord Muruga...This lad took me to a room constructed below the temple...where a big Rock was there and he told me that this was the Rock where Agathiyan meditated to obtain the siddhi...Mahima....when HE was instructed by Lord Shiva to balance the Earth...I was told that nobody is allowed there. Then how and what was I taken there by this young lad...As per Agathiyan's reading to me....that I was born to an Illustrious and spiritual very first birth...maybe I was born to that great-great-grandfather's family, whom Agathiyan instructed to build the temple. Maybe...I strongly feel so.

Agathiyan...through a squirrel spoke to me that day. Then when the last Abhishekam for Lord Muruga was going on, I was near the sanctum, and suddenly a strong piercing breeze shot through my right ear, whispering a mantra. It was that time when I looked inside the Sanctum...though the ritual was going on...I could see NOTHING, except a flicker of blazing light on the HEAD OF MURUGAN'S MURTHY...

Can you imagine, I participated in 8 Abhishekams and one massive yagam that day......4 of mine and 4 of that lad. He was the same star Hastham...What more do we.. want now?

And I think to make sure that I do not have any obstacles that day...of any sort...I mentioned that there was a senior man who accompanied me on the Coracle and talking to me as to what he was accompanying me...(chq the post )...Who was this elderly gentleman who came along with me?

When I thanked the elderly chief priest (as he was the one who accompanied me in the morning while crossing the river)..... after everything was over and in a semiconscious state planning to leave the temple...he told me that he did not accompany me that morning ". IT MUST BE YOUR APPA...AGATHIYAN .." HE SAID...Even the ferryman told me that I was alone that morning and no one had accompanied me? Then Who was this PERSON WHO TOOK ME OVER IN THE MORNING?

Secondly, who was the lady on whose lap,l I laid my head while returning from the Temple in the Coracle? SHE WAS EVEN KEEPING HER HAND ON MY HEAD. IT WAS SOOTHING...SO SO SOOTHING. As I did not see the lady as I alighted, I asked for her. To which the other priest who accompanied me told me there was no lady ..only we three were there...


In the Jeeva Nadi reading, where Agathiyan mentions that I had performed Intense penance for 6 births and towards the 5th and 6th births done SHAKTHI Pooja too...This clearly explains my CLOSE PROXIMITY with the various Roopas of Mother Goddess...And also clearly understood why Mother Goddess guided me to the reason is clear as to why Agathiyan HIMSELF had to Initiate me and Energize me...ONLY THEN HE SAYS THAT THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO HELP ME FINISH THIS LAST BIRTH OF MINE ..THEREBY FINISHING OFF MY SANCHITHA KARMA ....THIS BIRTH ITSELF. HE even mentions the phrase..'Irai Nilai".

So beautifully, Agathyan had mentioned towards the end of the reading, that HE wanted ..EVEN ME TO KNOW THE CONNECTIONS WHAT HE AND THE OTHER SIDDHAS HAVE WITH ME...HIS "THODARPU". ONE COMPLETE CIRCLE........I always used to tell you that daddy made me COMPLETE... I knew Agathiyan made me COMPLETE......BUT NOW I KNOW HE MADE ME COMPLETELY ....."COMPLETE". MY FATHER, MY GURU AND MY BEST FRIEND.....HELD MY HAND ...HELPED ME TO CROSS OVER THE ILLUSIONS ........WHAT WAS I WAS PLUNGING MYSELF INTO...


I only wish the world to know Agathiyan and my connection with HIM...Not my karmic deeds...That is personal..rt? Am sure all the Siddhas will talk to me on the day of my siddhar pooja... Dec 25th...

In the reading, the word mayanam is mentioned...That is the intense thing I need to do in the Shamshan, where Kaliamma will be with me....for appeasing RUDRA, AM WAITING TO SEE MY LOVELY MOTHER AND TALK TO HER.....Amme Sharanam !!

Everything over after that.....all my Sanchitha karmas......Rudra will remove that Aghori's curse, what was cast on me... The as dad mentions...I would get SHANTHI DHEESKA year.....Think these are the total cleansing to be completed...

Am sure you know what Shanhti Dheeksha means.

So do not post this Jeeva reading clip AT ALL...WHAT I already sent you, you can post...after Jan 20th...Will tell you when I get back from Kumbakonam in January...Extracts of that and this mail will be useful for the bio...

Agathiyan says my second birth was in Rishikesh, and after some time was serving Vasishta Rishi...Even there I did not do ..rather perform my duties or service for whatever I was sent,.... again involving myself with a Gandharva ...Finally came back to Agathiyan realizing my mistakes and Agathiyan says HE pardoned me...(this was mentioned in my Jeeva Nadi reading read at Agathiya jnana peedam)...

Third and fourth births too..was born in various kulams and I think I did not do any atonement then too. It was from my fifth birth onwards, I realized fully and I started by Serving The Mother Goddess and doing service for the atonement of my past sins.

Was a Brahmachari in my sixth birth, This was also mentioned to me by the Ma Kali. I think, the remaining portions, It was carried over to this present birth when step by step as and when I remember shall tell you...

Now this present birth, when I think of all what I did...I think the Divine (Agathiyan...I fully know this now) had sent many messengers to help me finish off a major chunk before I could meet Agathiyan...THE SUPREME.

For eg, it was Shankar, who opened many vistas of spirituality to me. He suggested that me and my family, conduct Rudra Abhishekam to Lord Dakshinamurthy every month on Hastham Nakshatra day and simultaneously a full Libation to Lord Muruga ...both at Thiruchendur. Temple.....Shatru Samaram Place...

Now I understand that all this I had to ward off the enmity attacks on me..which dad had very elaborately explained in my reading...

After the rituals were over, we (hubby, me, and my son) used to feed about 500 sadhus every month and this went on for almost a year...The procedure was that we fixed a small hotel near the temple and the hotel manager used to tell the sadhus about the Annadhanam ..and just after our poojas got over...we three and Shankar used to come over to that hotel...By that time, a huge congregation ..almost a village would have assembled there. It used to take almost three hrs for us to finish the annadhanam. After every batch of 70 finished eating, we three...hubby, son, and I ...would remove and collect the Banana leaves from which they took the food. All of them used to bless us...I never could understand what all this was all about...Shankar used to stand aside and just watch the happenings...It was we three who did all the work...It was at the last ritual, that the chief Priest called me over... into the Sanctum of Lord Murga and whispered a shiv mantra into my ears, cautioning me not to disclose that to anyone...which I have not done to date...He told me this...." I giving you mantra Deeksha".

Being a young girl in my twenties with my husband and my son as my foremost Priorities...what am I to understand of all this...Think Murugan had taken note of me that day itself and after discussing with Agathiyan...THEY WOULD HAVE SET THE BALL ROLLING.....AND STILL, IT IS ROLLING. ...Hahaha...'A rolling stone gathers no moss".....

This is my Thiruchendur experience. Next mail I shall tell you my Thiruvanamalai Experiences ...when Ma Kali was sitting on my head and breathing on my neck.....chasing me there ..every Purnima day.......for a year and, in between that my Rameshwaram and Dhanishkodi Sourjourns too.....

Coming of Murugan

Agathiyan also asked ME to remove and collect the Murugan statue from Vallalar's home and to take it to my place till HE gives me further instructions. I called up Sripathy and told him I want that Murugan...AND THAT GUY BRINGS IT OVER TO SELVAM'S PLACE AND HANDS IT OVER TO ME. SELVAM SURPRISED. I WANTED TO GIVE SRIPATHY SOME MONEY HE WOULDN'T ACCEPT AND THE SHOCKING THIS IS...HE WAS BEHAVING AS IF HE DOESN'T KNOW ME AT ALL...CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? This same guy spoke to me for hours together when I went there a couple of mths back...

It was that time when Murugan was brought in, and suddenly Selvam happened to glance at Vallalar's photo kept on the altar...WHERE WE THREE SAW BUSMUM FORMING INSIDE ...INSIDE THE PHOTO FRAME...AND NOT OUTSIDE. I filmed it. But no permission to make it public...



Verbally you can tell all those surrounding you, including your friends...but don't forward nor post anything to anybody. You had witnessed daddy thrashing me a few times coz of my loose mouth. NOW


On Oct 9th, 2014, Bhogar came to my altar and told me..."Enn Nenji Inge Irruku". 

On Oct 4th Murugan, who was worshipped by Vallalar's people, came out of his home into MY HOME AND MY HEART...AUM SARAVANBHAVA.....NAMO NAMA SRI GURU PADUKABYAM.

This statue is made of solid clay, about 80 years old. Vallalar's last eldest brother was worshipping it and after he passed away was passed on to Sripathy's mother, and after her passing away some 30 years back, was still there at the same place in Vallalar's home, when Murugan ..was waiting for me to pick HIM up from there..through Agathiyan's Instructions...

Jnana Jyothiamma recounts all the happenings that have taken place to date.

Kalyana Theertham

It was Agathiyan in Full Glory at Kalyana Theertham, Manifesting HIMSELF as Jyothi for the World to see...So HE captured me and had a Field day That Day....with me... Yesterday may be Murugan (Othiappar), thought...WHY don't I (HE) play my Mighty Game ..?. I have got the same Bait...So Let me show my PLAY.......And Once again...THE MOVING JYOTHI......Mind you...same time...around 1.30 pm...when my second bundle was being read. Both of us saw Murugan shaking HIS head in the pic...So I clicked HIM on and off...Listening at the same time too...Be fully day, I may even Hold ...Dad and HIS Guru ....hand in hand and bring them to you.....Dear Shan, Till today, I had not seen Murugan fully ..the one at my home. That day when I brought it, it was nightfall, and my health was so bad that day, I could hardly walk from the lift to my door, which is only a few steps away. Then the next day, felt a Lil better, but not good enough. I couldn't do anything after that. The whole of yesterday, me in bed...My doc just prepared a nerve tonic and sent it to me be taken along with the others. This too was suggested by Dad. You can just imagine the Intensity...I will not have to survive this severe Bout...IF AGATHIYAN IS NOT WITH ME ..It'll take quite a while to recover...Can you imagine my health condition, that I cannot even stand or sit for more than 10 mins....Am uploading a video. Will send that too to you. You can keep all these and make use of it as and when required...


Dear Shan, I had been receiving some Insights today...this is one Right from early morning...something in me is on an Overdrive. I penned them down and sent them to Geetha thro Skype and to you thro mail. All the teachings and the writings of all the Rishis ...are an offshoot of the Vedas...which was already existent in the Cosmic Spread/Circle...Since the Rishis are highly Sattvic Entities, they got Intuited and could tap into the Cosmos and receive them. Further, since there was only ONE VEDA initially..and very very Laborious, and humans could neither understand nor decipher them...VYASA...divided them into the existent four Vedas...rig, sama. yajur and atharvana.....Since the Rishis were spread all over the world..they all received it and wrote it down in many languages according to their locale and environment.....Vedas are not authored. They are intuited by the RISHIS..and authored by generations later...Vedas are Sashwath... ETERNAL... EVER EXISTENT...SASHWATH... ETERNAL AND EVER-EXISTENT...Since the Rishis were born at different times and different Yugas, and in different places,..their words and teachings may vary according to the times, ...but the knowledge of the Vedas was always there ... Ever Existent. got this insight NOW.... save this... the Rishis composed the sutras. (brief aphorisms) clarify the teachings. 

In the Nadi, where Agathiyan says that sometimes HE had to plead with BRAHMA to give some sanction to the afflicted soul... I understand it this way...Daddy may have to deepen His Tapas and intuitively get sanction....for the afflicted least to some extent...Daddy is slowly INDUCTING ME TO VEDANAth SALA.....COZ IT IS FROM THERE ALL THE RISHIS TOO GOT THEIR WISDOM.....

Many things started to unfold in me...Adi Shankara is from Kerala. Viswamitra....though not a brahmin.... coined the Gayathri also from Kerala...THE MOTHER ..KALIAMMA told me once...Kerala is Shastra and Karma Bhoomi...While the others are ALANKARA BHOOMI... It is very clear to me now...

Penned down what all came to my mind... Now I understand why I was hell-bent on knowing Agathiyan's and Subramaniyan's teachings and requested daddy to show me someone who will translate them into English hence you and I got connected Geetha. through Tng..........

IT IS A STEPPING STONE FOR ME...Some of their works have been they are passed down thro the generations. NOW I CAN VISUALIZE THE ONGOING STEPS AFTER KNOWING THE BASICS FROM YOUR TRANSLATION.....Amazing discovery basics from ur translations...There is nothing above the Rishis...Agathiyan, through HIS ongoing Tapas, helps the Afflicted souls, who have faith and devotion in HIM.....

Dear Shan, Had a brief chat with Mahi a couple of hours back. I uploaded the latest reading that I had and made it private. Dad had given the Siddha pooja date for me as Dec 25th, 2014. Therefore, along with brief edits from my first lengthy Jeeva Nadi...along with the second one..(a few edits you need to do there, like removing the date of reading and place )...and coverage of the Siddha pooja too...I will send you two videos after the Pooja gets, after Dec 25th. This is a part of Dad's instructions to me. HE asked me to hand it over..(the videos) to the Shivan Adiyars AT THIRUVANAMALAI TOO....what you process, I laughed when HE mentioned your name with Emphasis...His second Instruction to me...not to disclose nor invite anyone over to my place...' WE WILL NOT ALLOW THAT.

So after I send you all the videos after Dec edit the place and the time when the reading was taken and also certain things...I'll tell you that time ..what HE instructed me... Since HE mentions that HE is spreading me all over, you can post the videos that I give you.....He mentions this in my Nadi reading. You can hear that. Hence we can release all the videos of mine, which you had removed temporarily....from the Siddha songs and speech parade post in your blog and release them back...Dad has no objection as HE had mentioned all are HIS doings...

Except for my whereabouts and personal and private conversation with Agathiyan..regarding my spiritual activities...I can send you to post ..Don't tell anybody when I gave it etc...Just post it with some caption etc and don't entertain any gossip questions...

Like molly menon living with the light...surrender and devotion etc...we can put them back...You are in the Forefront and I am in the background...I always prefer it this way...forever...

He mentions that the Pooja had to be done to the Jeeva Nadi chuvadis of all the 18 Siddhas and also Agathiyan's Jeeva Nadi ...invoking them...etc...You can hear it in the reading...I think dad wants this pooja to be seen by ALL.....His constant mentioning of making people know that I am HIS daughter...He mentions the same format...I had written.

The only important factor is ...I need to be in Isolation for some more time..both here and in the USA..then get a full-fledged Thuravi.....Sanyasin... Shan, to quite some people I had mentioned some time back that I am in the USA ...Even dad had mentioned in the Nadi that I need to be there. So makes it even...rt?..There must be a strong reason why dad mentioned it in my Nadi.

So if ANYONE ASKS YOU ABOUT ME...YOU CAN EITHER IGNORE THAT ..OR YOU CAN TELL THEM ..THAT YOU ARE NOT SURE OF MOVEMENTS...PLS DO NOT TELL ANYONE...ANYWHERE ..WHERE THE NADI READING HAS BEEN READ...Except for Mahi...(if you want and feel like it).....I don't think you should reveal the place of my reading to anybody...It'll spread; like wildfire...and we all know daddy too..who insists that I be in Isolation...till my time is ready...


Do you remember right from 2011 I used to address Agathiyan as a COSMIC CRAFTSMAN?

Sri Kumar calls him JAMES BOND...A GUY WHO SWINGS INTO ACTION WHENEVER THE NEED ARISES. (lunar calendar)... In the very early stages..say about 32 years back, when I used to ask Kaliamma...' WHO ARE YOU. ARE YOU AN ALIEN?", SHE used to reply thus..' I AM ENERGY. and you and I (SHE) are not separate/different"...and kept repeating the same sentence whenever I questioned her. I remember telling HER.."Ma, pls change your dialogue. it's getting boring."

Those days, being a young housewife with a husband and child, my priorities were my family and I could not understand what THEY all meant. But after being Initiated by Agathiyan and having got connected to HIM, I can now understand every word that was spoken to me by the Divines Energies of the MOTHER and also by THE ALL PERVADING ENERGY...AGATHIYAN. Just for your information, I always address HIM as Agathiyan..and not Agasthya or Agathiyar, becoz HE told me to address or call him AGATHIYA... Likewise all the other Roopas /forms too...I used to ask the same question, as I saw they appeared in different Forms and had different Mannerisms... To my astonishment. THEY too told me the same .."I (THEY) AM ENERGY...

Now from this extract....'The Synthesis of energy" (There is naught but energy). It mentions that, when we refer to any Master, we refer to the ENERGY of the Master, as the energy is called by different names.

I was and now am sure of this statement. IT IS A FACT . coz ..let us take the case of dad...Agathiyan. Agathiyan had spoken to me through Tavayogi, through you, and also through two more people apart from giving me instructions and messages through meditation or sometimes, when if I observe Silence...bereft of any thoughts, I can hear...

"Inimitable style of Agathiyan "

There is a difference...SAME ENERGY MANIFESTED IN DIFFERENT WAYS...according to the need, the time, and the environment of the disciple/person concerned. This is so very clear in my (Precinct) spiritual journey with HIM.


For example, the Vedas were already THERE. The Rishis, got Intuited in this knowledge as THEY are always in the 'SATTVIC STAGE" and THEY brought it to us..and finally complied by Sage Vyasa as the four forms of Vedas...Rig, Yajur, Sama and Aatharvana.

My inner self always told me that it was HIS HE is a Cosmic Principle, though HE lived in flesh and blood. I was taken aback, when I read the same sentence in the mail you sent me ...the lunar calendar...

Though all the Manifestations are HIS Formations, yet HE is Unmanifest...This concept was vividly shown to me on July 27th Oct the morning hours at Agathiyar Vanam. Those words that I heard that time and day and all actions all I witnessed that time and day...though in a crowd..yet everything being completely hidden......TRANSFORMED ME COMPLETELY. "TRUTH IN RAW FORM"...THAT'S WHAT IT WAS.....WHO IS AGATHIYA OR AGASTHYA MAHARISHI.....I SAW AND UNDERSTOOD IT VERY CLEARLY...Agathiyan furthered my process/progress.

Finally, regarding the role of Saturn in one's life, you mentioned to me that Agathiyan mentioned in one of your Nadi readings thus...Except for Siddhas, every human being has to undergo the Saturn cycle, as it will affect even the Yogis/Sanyasis Saturn is KARMIC CLEANSER TO A LARGE EXTENT. I can fully understand what Agathiyan meant through your Nadi reading when HE mentioned that every human has to undergo this cycle of Saturn...

Dear Shan, I was going thro all my first day's readings....that 5 hr I go through it frequently to get familiar with the Nadi language of the Siddhas..... Oct 13th was my five-hour Jeeva Nadi reading with Selvam and all this conversation happened on Nov second two sessions with daddy..... a lot of confusion for both of us...either it is on my first reading day or my second reading day....when...suddenly I thought I would edit the current one and send it to you...for listening. pleasure...the conversation, after the reading...

This is the second time me hearing this part of the reading...first one being at Selvam's place...I find to my surprise about another 40 mins of the conversations is gone...deleted....and at the end...AN ABRUPT VOICE...It is not Selvam's voice at all. So I edited it and sent that to Selvam and called him and told him after the pooja to tell me if we had any more conversation left even after the recorded reading abruptly got cut ..and secondly...if it was his voice at the end... He called me an hour back...and with a shock, he said...the voice at the end is not his...It is true...I could detect it myself too..and he also said many other things we spoke about are not there. I told him it got deleted... We both saw many things happening there during our conversation..and this conversation was after the 5 hrs of "thunderous showers." of dad's communication with us...(think so...unable to tell the correct day)...

Even Ma DURGA started shaking and smiling...Selvam mentions it. I saw it too... Selvam had explained beautifully the Siddha pooja ...and how we gonna conduct it.....this you can edit and post later..along with the others...but cut out my voice can hear and listen (listening pleasure)... to Selvam's Jnanam...I appreciated him a lot and blessed him...

That day I was so sick. My legs were swollen and I could hardly climb his steps. Both the driver and he had to help me...How on Earth can I be active and speak Tamil with that speed...Do you believe it is me speaking ...Tamil ...with that speed ...and different mode. The person's (me)....voice sounds to me so much like my maid Maheswari's voice...who worked for me about 35 yrs back and on whom all the mother Energies and the Devans came. Except, in between in a low voice when I saw daddy feels Bizarre to voice...

Knowing the Truth

Long periods of total Mounan...In Silence, Not only can I see....but also hear...THEM...If anyone sees this title, they'll think, I have gone insane, with my Brain screwed up royally..or I am Perverted. The truth is is neither of the above-mentioned three adjectives...I have not gone mad. yet ...till this very moment... . By Pleasure, I meant...the Pleasure of knowing that all these Pains (physical ) are gonna cease and end ONE DAY.....and never gonna come back...By pain, I meant..... Excruciating Pain. I Experience ..sometimes in my CNS..( central nervous system...hip upwards), and sometimes PNS (Peripheral Nervous System....hip downwards,). When the former activates itself, giving me torment, the latter subsides and vice versa. By Blow Hot.....I meant, there is a constant burning Inferno within. You won't believe it if I tell you, I feel I am running a very high temperature. My dresses get warm. My bedsheets get warm...But actually fever at all...except very high a burning brick kiln...By Bow Cold...I meant...the weather..the climate is very chill and very windy with intermittent heavy rains. I am wearing the heavy jacket cum sweater that we wear in the freezing winters of MN...In the USA..where the temperatures drop down to -32 *.Even then inside our home, I used to move around in shorts and sleeveless it is internally heated. Just a peep outside without Adequate and heavy woolen clothing will burst your nerves and your nose will start bleeding...Now here in Chennai cold...which is nothing, I am here fully stuffed up. The reason being, the heat ...the fire inside will burn up all the fats, which are highly essential during the cold season to keep one warm inside.

Secondly, the bone marrow and the lubricants get evaporated, due to the excessive heat...And here I am..battling both the external cold and the Internal heat...Sean Connery (First James Bond) would toss on his grave if only he knew that there is a person, using his movie title.." blow hot, blow cold" a different aspect...

I remember, we three (hubby, son, and myself), used to crack a lot of jokes about this name and laugh out...

Today all alone, as a human, me experiencing the real meaning... Well tell me more Joyous can one's life's journey be......But for Agathiyan.......

I couldn't move an inch today...I cried to dad. When the pain becomes very intense, I started to cry...Immediately I get a very strong smell of Navapashanam...I know Bhogar has come and is there...My mind calmed immediately and the pain subsided a lot..... I know the smell of that medicine, as I am taking it... Imagine if I did not have all these medicines.....omg...

There is a Christmas Carol, about three wise men, who follow the star and go to meet the baby Jesus with Gifts. It goes thus...We, three kings of Orient, are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar, Fields and fountain, moors and Mountains, Following yonder Star... Oh! Oh !..Star of wonder, star of light, Star with royal beauties bright. Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to the Perfect 'LIGHT"

When all these memories come to me now...I start to for me as a human, at this stage in life, have experienced all that they were singing and I was singing too, throughout my school days...

I saw the 'STAR." I saw the LIGHT"...I was singing about OUR FATHER ALL THESE YEARS...

He heard me for six births and came to me now to give me total Salvation... A "LONE RANGER"...once upon a time. Now no more a Lone Ranger...Holding on to the hand of the 'LIGHT "., I am Treading on "The Path Of Salvation. hoping to reach the DESTINATION SOON...

The wise men had Gold, Silver, and Myrrh (A medicinal perfume) give as gifts to Baby Jesus, THE KING. But my gift to the Supreme King my Athman. Even that HE had cleansed it and purified it...

He is the Donor and I was the Recipient...At the end of my Journey, when I meet the Almighty...

THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS...TAKES BACK WHAT HE GAVE...THE DONOR BECOMES THE RECIPIENT. THUS THE DONOR AND THE RECIPIENT BECOMES ONE'" ( A similar thing you used to tell me about a guru Shisyan Relationship and I used to make you repeat it. Even when all of you came to see Ram and me off from Kallar ..the very first day you reached Kallar....from the foothills, just before we left. I requested you to say that sentence. You said just a line and told me that you are unable to continue further )...Do you remember this incident?

Pleasant memories..which we will carry with us and cherish ..till the end... I wish during the last hours of my life on this Earth, we all meet and read all silly mad things that all I had written and you safely preserved it...Shan, you are VISHNU. (The Preserver).....and have a HEARTY LAUGH ABOUT THE WHOLE THING...

"Could Auld acquaintance be forgotten and never brought to mind...... etc...was my school's farewell song on.....last day at school. Everyone will cry ... If you check up on this song...Auld Lang Syne (old times sake) may get it...It is a Scottish song and I did a major part of my schooling in a Scottish Mission School...

Tomorrow, being Atham star, my second month Mangala Deepma Ritual in a Sivan Temple as suggested by Dad.

After the Siddhar Pooja on Dec 25th, I would be away for 10 days after Jan 10th and after that, till my Mandalam Austerity for my son gets, over, which has to be done by me....., I will not be coming online too I think only after February end or mid-March, will I be able to use my of today's situation... If I get the readings after the Pooja, I'll send them to you too...You can post everything after January 20th...after I get back...Will also intimate you when I get back... You can understand this, coz we both know ..the subtle hacker that HE IS...both on the type and NOT TO MENTION ON VOICE. PART... HE is watching every move, as HE mentions it too in the reading....Very Strict.....yet Loving too...


Dear Shan, At last, this intense Siddhar Pooja, Sodasi Pooja... was completed yesterday...Everybody came and Blessed me during that time. You can hear Agathiyan mention it in my reading yesterday...I felt everything and everybody in very close proximity...and even SAW. THEM ..Me and Selvam...Selvam told us that nobody...human as far as his knowledge goes, had done "THIS PARTICULAR POOJA" no one even knows such an Intense Siddha Pooja exists...that too without any Yagam and Libation...Agathiyan too mentions that nobody in my KULAM had done something like this...It gives me immense happiness to know that I had laid the Strong foundation for my Descendants...future Generations and coz of this what I did, with the help of Agathiyan and the Siddhas, ...seems, my future generations will be blessed...though I do not have any more births...Even this Agathiyan made me the first in the World...not to talk about the other Firsts... HE seems to stress this point continuously and rather Emphatically son is HIS Maindan....and that I need not have even an Iota of anxiety about him...SO HEART WARMING. LIKE A MOTHER HEN, WITH HIS CHICK TUCKED UNDER HER ARM, PROTECTING HER CHILD FROM EVERYTHING...

Harsha is tongue-tied...both at the magnitude of the Pooja...Selvam's closeness to Agathiyan and the sheer volume of knowledge that daddy had pumped into Selvam.. and his reading...

Pooja started at 11 am and continued till 7 three parts...Harsha had taken complete coverage as far as possible as, both my and Harsha cam batteries got drained out...In between after the second, phase of the pooja for about 15 mins, before the third and final phase of the Pooja, I managed to charge my bloggie through my laptop...


It was when the first phase of the Pooja concluded that I called you and connected Selvam...He had to cut the call, as it was time for the Pooja... you must have seen that in both my previous readings, Agathiyan had mentioned that HE is fully aware of what all the masses are talking about me...both good and bad... In Yesterday's reading, Agathiyan mentions the people who are talking and doing good to me and telling HIM about me ........AND ALSO GIVES A SUBTLE WARNING TO THOSE WHO ARE HARBORING AND HARVESTING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT ME. HE SAYS THAT THEY ARE WATCHING AND HEARING WHAT THOSE KIND OF NEGATIVE PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT ME TOO...and ADVISES ME HOW TO CAST ASIDE AND IGNORE THOSE ...TO TALK ABOUT JANANAM ONLY TO SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE WORTHY AND TO IGNORE THE OTHERS...

Agathiyan gets very Verbal. A very Intimate and different connection between Agathiyan and Jnana Jyothiamma ..Indeed..!

In my first reading with Selvam, dad mentions your name. In my last reading, though HE does not mention your name...HE MENTIONS IN CLEAR TERMS, WHAT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE THINKING AND DOING FOR ME..... ...This reading I'll try and send it by this evening.....till then hold on with bated breath...I have to send you everything by Sunday....know what..even this dad made it clear subtly...coz from Dec 29th ..for a Mandalam...I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO GET DISTRACTED BY ANYTHING...You can hear it in my reading...

My Aaagamams are after that the month of Masi...

All the things and articles are given to me by Agathiyan..through various Shiva Adiyars...I had to take it for the Pooja ....and Energy activated in all. I have to leave it back at Selvam's Pooja and collect them ONLY after my mandalam...Mahamrithyunjaya Pooja gets over... This Mantra which came into my mind as a teenager and remained within since then..started taking root from 2011 onwards..and imagine,, It had reached a point of Culmination and NOW Agathiyan HIMSELF ..had asked me to complete it...and I HAVE TO DO THAT AUSTERITY MYSELF... I NOW, SUBMIT MYSELF WITH UTMOST HUMILITY, WHEN I SAY I WAS NEVER WRONG IN WHAT ALL I SAID AND DID, FROM DAY ONE...RIGHT FROM CHILDHOOD...IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE...DUTIES AS A DAUGHTER, A WIFE, A MOTHER ...AND MY DEVOTION AND SERVICE TO MOTHER GODDESS AND THE SIDDHAS AND ..MY DEAREST DADDY...AGASTHYA MAHARISHI...

Hear it in my reading what HE says ..about HE having brought tears to my eyes yesterday...coz even to cry ...I cannot do it now...HE has to bring the tears too...

WE ARE NOT TWO...WE HAVE BECOME ONE...WHAT YOU USED TO READ TO ME ABOUT THE MERGING OF THE GURU AND SISHYAN...My Jenam's Journey nearing completion ..Shan...I HAVE A LOT OF SOULS TO THANK... You have played a very massive role in my life..and will continue too..till my end...

Sevi vazhi keta jnanam...this was exactly what I was telling you for the last 2 yrs about the Mahamrithyunjaya a I suddenly heard it one day...dunno from where. Dad says the same word too...chevi vazhi keta jnanam


This was the end of the Pooja...when that Poorna Kalasam aarthi was done... Agathiyan said that I should not share those pics with anybody.....Hence shan, me unable to send it...


If I tell people, I had the Dharshan of Thillai Lord Natraja....nobody will believe it and will scorn me. It is natural. as it is something unimaginable. Selvam told me only a few Siddhas got that...

I dunno, where I'm heading to...Everything around me is spinning... I was unconscious for a few mins. that the sense, felt I was being lifted. I SAW "BIG DADDY. HE was behind Agathiyan... When I got back to my Normalcy, felt my eyes wet...Dunno when I cried...Hear how Agathiyan describes that "min"...What more do I want shan...tell me.....

Friday, 26 December 2014. This is the starting of the pooja. It started at 11 am and got over at 7 pm...IN two days, will send you 12 more videos excluding this... This is ONE IN A LIFETIME...I CAN SAY...ONCE IN A YUGA....such an Intense Siddhar Pooja...Save these videos very carefully...there will not be another one like this.....I mentioned to you, that I am unable to move both my legs even a centimeter...but nothing could stop me from finishing this. I KNOW AGATHIYAN AND HIS SIDDHAS ARE SURROUNDING ME. I went out on my own..without any help....two weeks back...dunno how I moved. My driver was helping me Physically. Was out the whole day as I had to buy all the materials req...all copper ones...

No one even seems to hear a name like this. Even Selvam told me that he too had not done anything like this. But Agathiyan told us, all the details of the requirement...

On the pooja day, was feeling a bit better, but towards noon, as I was standing for almost 2 hrs...(I cannot even imagine how I could stand for so long..when I cannot even stand for 10 mins at a stretch..)

Hear Agathiyan mentioning this ...HE uses the word...Saramum...Have no words to describe HIS CARE, PROTECTION, LOVE AND COMPASSION, AND PROXIMITY...Just hear the Assurances HE is giving me constantly about my health and my the audio file what I have sent reading. I have edited at least 40%... Except for if you wanna add some pics, notes, etc...not necessary to edit this particular reading file....coz everyone should know how daddy will take care of everyone in a devotee's family...All HE is asking is just to come to HIM...HE FEELS AND I TOO FEEL AN I KNOW YOU TOO FEEL........EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW ..." THE REAL AGATHIYAN. So speech editing in this audio file is not necessary...though it mentions my son and also certain messages to people..Post-it the same way, with all its contents...The portions I've edited are the portions, where Agathiyan even Mentions the names of a couple of people, who speak negatively about me. I didn't want to post that...We both know those names of the people mentioned...fairly well... We'll leave it at that.

So after posting everything, will give you some of my suggestions too...Shan, this Jenam of yours...., both of and I...are keeping you tight, In the second pic, you can see the Mrithyunjaya Linga, which was given to me by the Shiva Adiyar sadhu..along with the other things when I went to Pochizalur Agathiyan's temple for my first aagamum...

Received Jnana rudraksha also through the same sadhu...It is tied on to Murugan's neck and it will have on me after I finish my Mandala Austerity...


Shan, Study how karma works in this case and compare it with my case. In this dad tells him that HE CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO Completely HELP HIM GET RID...OF THE KARMA TOWARDS THE END OF THIS READING. HE SAYS IT IS A PROCESS AND ONLY NIVARNA CAN BE GIVEN. So only after helping one to sustain oneself to be able to overcome the magnitude and intensity of the problem...Agathiyan will mention the word ...karma Pariharam...if it is for total eradication. This is a good insight for us ..shan...

People should understand the wrong notion they are sailing thinking just with one reading and the pariharams mentioned ..that Agathiyan is completely wiping off the Karma. Karma removal is a process...AGATHIYAN SAYS...Only based on one Karmic merit..can that too be done. But Agathiyan says ...that one who comes to HIM for help and relief with faith and devotion. HE WOULD SURELY HELP THAT PERSON ...STEP BY STEP ...TO FREE HIMSELF...

This is a very important thing to note... How does one karmic deed follow one continuously for many births despite doing many pariharams in those births too...coz ONE NEEDS TO UNDERGO THE KARMAS ..BEFORE ONE GETS FULL RELIEF.

Agathiyanconcluded by saying that HE will help anyone who looks towards HIM ..with faith and saying...".the moment you call out to me...I will come running towards you ..."

You can post this clipping too..edited if needed..but by saying that is the reading of a young man's Jeeva Nadi reading ...what says about the effects of intense Karma...if not everyone will think this is my reading...And do not post my karma reading...what I sent you a separate audio file..about the Aghori's curse, etc...It is personal..only for you to know what I meant not to post is...what all I told you about the streak of broad Light and Lord Natraja...

Don't mistake it for this audio file... You post this ...people should know what siddhar Pooja means. and how they sing praises of Vallai...Mathi's guru calls Kanyakumari Amma Vallai. and his samadhi is next to her temple ...The entire Valadur group..worship that Vallalar told his guru ....that Shakthi is Valai ...and SHE is KUNDALINI.....

No wonder...I remember now what MA Kali used to tell me....nee vare ille ..naan vare ille....and said that I would know the meaning of this later...Now I know...

Keep some honey and seeded Panner grapes for dad's Nivedhiyam...Lil bit and consume it after the Pooja... Milk or any other food kept for HIM..should be steaming hot and should be kept with steam coming out...coz THEY take in the steam and not the cooked food...I remember telling this to Mahi when we just got to know each other ..2012...Amma told me this. too...

When Harsha asked Selvam, why he is keeping steaming food and that too beforet he rituals started, Selvam too replied the same way...Except for fruits..all the food..solid and liquid should be served steaming...He told Harsha...

Shankar too told me the same thing... long back... Just felt like saying.....

Sunday, 28 December 2014,

Dear Shan, This is the last ..10th file...only audio....only 60% Harsha's battery too got discharged... This should be posted after the 9th one, which will be uploaded in 20 mins. After this, there is an hour video ...what Harsha suddenly took from my battery-discharged bloggie, That was during the final Poorna Kalasma Aarthi.....with that big kalasam. We cannot post that The Jyothi of Thillaia Natraja is visible...Dad said not to post that...I edited that portion of HIS reading where HE explains about that Jyothi and said that is only for i'll show you whenever we meet.


Pls pls not post this. You can orally say that dad too mentions this...BUT PLS DOES NOT POST.....HIS DICTATES NOT TO...HE TOLD me not to make it public.....and HE MADE IT PUBLIC...There surely is a reason behind HIS saying this... While returning home, Harsha asked me why I cried uncontrollably...I said I didn't ...He says I was about to fall, that time he says Selvam caught me and took the lighted Poorna Kalasam from my hand...

Shan...I feel this Jenam is over for me. That 8 hrs of Pooja.....12-7 over once for all. Never to come back...All I asked Agathiyan in February 2012...was to give me a chance to do a small Pooja at your place.


You were all there with that moment...


Indeed after rereading her account it is true what Agathiyar said about my troubles being a pea compared to what Molly Menon went through to achieve the state and name Jnana Jothiamma. You either survive or don't, these transitions and transformations going on within oneself at this stage. Hence the reason Agathiyar and Tavayogi reminded us that it has to be achieved before 60 years of age when the body will be able to withstand the pressure that is built up and the boiling temperatures of the furnace within. Jnana Jothiamma was a beacon of love and devotion. I am happy she walked the path first and shared every moment with me. Otherwise, it would be an unknown path for me. At least she prepared me to a certain extent. She is indeed my guru too.

A regular reader and devotee who went through this post shared a message "Was reading your Blog about Gnana Jothi Amma. Couldn't finish it, as I was so engrossed in reading that I failed to notice that the battery strength has gone down to 2%" and a wonderful prayer to Jeganmatha to uplift the soul that she came across.

ஓ, ஜகன்மாதா.....முதுமையும், நோய்களும், மரணமும்  நெருங்கிக்கொண்டுள்ளன......

ஆத்மஞானமும், பக்தியுமே  மீண்டும், மீண்டும்  நாடி  கேட்கும்  உள்ளத்தை  அருள்வாய்......

உன்னிலேயே  கரைந்து  உருகும், பக்தியையும், தனிமையையும் அருள்வாய்........

எமது  பூஜைகளும், ஹோமங்களும்  ஆன்மார்த்தமான  நிஷ்காம்ய  பக்திக்காகவே,  ஜகன்மாதே  உனது  ஆனந்திற்காகவே  செய்திடுதல்  வேண்டும்.

அத்தகைய  மஹாபுருஷர்களுடன்  மட்டுமே  ஸத்சங்கமாக  சேர்த்தருள்வாய் !

உலகவிஷயங்கள்  மற்றும்  லௌகீக  அன்பர்களிடமிருந்து  காத்தருளி, இரவும் பகலும்  உனையன்றி  வேறொன்றும்  அறியாமல்  வைத்திரு.....தாயே !

இப்பூமியில்  எங்கு  சஞ்சாரம்  செய்யினும் அங்கெல்லாம்  நீயே....குழந்தையை  பின்தொடரும்  தாயாய்  வரவேண்டும், அம்மா !!