Thursday 25 March 2021


July 19, 2011

The Sidhas

Introduction to the Path of the Sidhas

Sidha Margam, a Tamil word, when translated into English means the path of the sidhas. Who are the sidhas? They are men who strived to achieve godhead by means of performing austerities together with living a life of discipline. They then taught their disciples this path. Together they then laid them out in writings for the future generations to cherish and follow. They perfected means to enable the body to remain alive for generations and eons and to this date are believed to be living amongst us. Today they do communicate through the nadi readings by nadi readers from the Valluvar clan in India. They also do appear to some disciples in person. Their writings are available in the Tamil language. Sage Romarishi mentions in one of his writings the names of some of these sidhas. They are:

Karuvurar, Bogar, Agathiyar, Sathainathar, Konganar, Brahmasidhar, Machamuni, Nandhithevar, Korakar, Patanjali, Edaikadar, Chandikesar, Vasamuni and Kamalamuni

The Teachings of Sidhas

The sidhas regard this birth as very auspicious and rare. The sidha known as Avvai in her writings says 'Rare indeed is to take a human birth, Rarer than that is to be born with a perfect human form, sight, hearing and speech. Amongst them it is rare to see one who does austerities and charity. When one does austerities and charity the gates to godhead is opened.’ The sidhas had searched the nooks and corners of this earth for god and finally realized god in them. But not everybody can realize god in themselves immediately. So they paved the path where one would have to go through the four divisions of Yoga namely:

1. Sariyai, 2. Kiriyai, 3. Yogam and 4. Gnanam.

The Importance of Understanding Karma

For one to realize god without any hindrance one has to know ones karma. A lot of importance is given, in the initial stage, to karma by these sidhas. These karmas are revealed by the sidhas through the nadi readings.

Know the Rights from the Wrongs

The nadi is a comprehensive reading of what you are undergoing currently; what you had done in the past and what to expect in the future with lots of option thrown in. One is required to perform appeasement and atonements (Parikarams) to one’s wrongdoing to other beings. Ramalinga Swami, a recent sidha from Vadalur, in his ‘Manumurai Kanda Vasagam’ mentions the probabilities for one’s rebirth.

‘Did I create fear in others?
Did I hurt my loved ones?
Did I summon and tarnish others,
Did I stop others from making donations?
Did I smear my friends?
Did I sabotage friendships?
Did I speak gossip that lead to families being destroyed,
Did I I refused to help one in need,
Did I increase taxes and rob others,
Did I make the poor suffer?
Did I act unjustly?
Did I stop the means of income of others?
Did I entice others and cheat them,
Did I rip work but refused to pay accordingly,
Did I adulterate rice with pebbles?
Did I ignore the hungry?
Did I refrain from feeding the poor?
Did I exposed those that had taken refuge with me,
Did I aid those who committed murder?
Did I scout and spy on behalf of thieves,
Did I snatch properties belonging to others and lied to them?
Did I sleep with those who had lost their virginity?
Did I abuse virgins who I had a responsibility to protect?
Did I rape those who already had had a husband?
Did I lock up birds in their cages?
Did I not feed the calves?
Did I build up this body by consuming meat?
Did I poison drinking water?
Did I fell trees that gave us shade?
Did I destroy others out of revenge?
Did I demolish public halls?
Did I not listen to my parents?
Did I not greet my guru?
Did I not give my guru his dues, for his sustenance?
Did I envy the learned?
Did I find mistakes in the writings of the wise?
Did I offend devotees of Siva?
Did I offend the yogis?
Did I prevent the public from conducting their prayers by shutting the doors to the temples?
Did I smear the name of the Lord?
What sin did I do, I do not know’, questions the saint.

A New Beginning

The nadi could tell one’s past. Further revelations are made if one sincerely follows the instructions faithfully to the very word. Once the atonement for one’s sins is performed a new leaf starts. The sidhas start to guide you according to your vision and mission. If you surrender unto them, they take hold of you, and there starts a new chapter in your life. Our life although it is predetermined is not rigid. It is in a state of fluidity. Anything is possible. The options are put before you. The paths are numerous. The choice is yours. Each path we chose will determine a new fate, a new set of occurrences and experiences. The idea in having taken birth is to gain all kinds of experiences.

If you set your mind on something it will materialize eventually, unless the power above us decides otherwise, which happens rarely and only to some selected souls who have a bigger mission that they themselves envision.

Having understood karma and its domino effects we are required to tread carefully so as not to incur more negative karma but instead increase the positive karma. One has to refrain from performing even the positive karma eventually for that would result in being born again to enjoy the fruits of one’s action. For one who is spiritually inclined he would have to even forego doing good that results in good karma and having to take birth again in order to reap the benefits of the good done in the past life. So to end this circle of birth would mean having to do nothing. When you do nothing you do not tread on others feet, you do not mess up others life, you do not change things and create happenings, and you do not resists changes. You do not actively participate in the happenings around you but instead you will be just watching.

After a period of meditation and having received God's grace one would if required be asked to go back to a mission to educate and bring more souls into the fold of god. This action by the person who would most probably by now is a re-known saint does not create bad nor good karma for he would be carrying out activities that would not enslave him but instead be for the betterment of the entire public that comes into contact with him. He could then choose to leave of his own will when the time was right.

Our Mission

Each on of us comes with a mission. Without realizing it we move on creating blunders and creating more karma that needs more lifetimes of birth to undo. Once we surrender unto the sidhas they hold onto us and show and guide us often giving us options, advice and guidance. Our mission will then be revealed by the Sidhas.

How Do We Approach The Sidhas?

Sidhas have trodden the path to godhead. By holding on to them we too can see and experience all that was seen and experienced by them. We need to get their attention, sincerely adhere to their instructions and guidance, and pray that they show solace and shower their grace onto us. The Sidha Margam is the simplest path to godhead. When we call out the names of these sidhas, their attention falls on us. Through their teachings and guidance, we build up the body and soul to make it a suitable dwelling for the Lord. Once god and the sidhas shower their grace you are assured you have the blessing and strength to undertake your mission with an assurance of success.

I came to know much about life and how to live it in a fruitful manner from the Nadi, a medium through which the sidhas communicate to their believers, followers, and disciples. Below are the blessings that one receives as a result of following the dictates of the sidhas.

The sidhas give the following advice and assurance to their disciples:

The Sidhas Speak On:

On Karma:

‘Birth is a result of past karma. If karma (both good and bad) is erased there is no reason to take birth again. The disciple needs to live his life, distinguishing between the good and bad karma, which takes shape as a result of links with the past births. Confusion too is a result of past karmas and it does not make advancement in spiritual practices possible. The disciple needs to perform tapas and penances to end this circle of birth. He needs to cleanse all karma is through prayers.’ The sidhas give assurance that the disciple’s karma shall be cleansed by prayers. ‘The karma shall be burnt away by the very fire of meditation’, say the sidhas.

On The Nadi:

The sidhas give instructions through the Nadi. It is a means of communication between the sidha and the disciple.

‘All those who come in search of the nadi, have the blessings of the sidhas. Never belittle the nadi readings for it is sacred,’ they tell us.

On Morality:

‘Do not worry. Do not fear. Do not be sad. Do not cry any more. Weep no more. Do good. Be joyful. Be truthful, do prayers and meditate. Be compassionate. The disciple shall see the results. The disciple shall see positive and clear changes in him. People around the disciple shall challenge and argue with him but the disciple needs to be aware and not get dragged into these discussions. Feed the poor and the animals. Help the needy. Do charity. Live a life of virtue. Control anger as temper shall destroy all merits gained through meditation. Do not utter harsh words as they shall take shape’, they warn us.

‘The disciple needs only to fulfill his responsibilities towards the family and nation. Be pure at heart and the disciple shall be at peace.’ They also say that ‘When the disciple is truthful, he shall face challenges. In those circumstances do nothing, and the disciple shall see bliss, they assure us.

They advise us further to take things one step at a time.

On Marriage:

The sidhas encourage their disciples to marry and carry out their responsibilities to their families. They ask that their disciples walk the path to godhead without deserting the families.

On Food:

‘Take natural foods. Consume pure food. Take food devoid of salt, sweetness, sour and pungent.’ They advise us, giving the reasons too. ‘When meditating excessive heat would arise in the body of the disciple. Since heat shall increase hence there is a need to take only sattvic foods to counter the heat. The disciple’s body shall generate heat due to yogic practices. Counter the heat by taking cooling stuff.’

On Worship:

The disciple needs to help finance the building of temples and other places of worship. She/he is encouraged to conduct prayers and practice asanas and breathing exercises. The disciple is encouraged to visit and pray at the abodes and dwellings of sidhas. The sidhas are happy to see the disciple pray to them daily. ‘Happiness shall prevail in the lives of the disciple as a result of these daily prayers to the sidhas’ says the sidhas.

The disciple needs to be steady in his or her mission even when confronted with people who shall shake their faith. The disciple is advised not to heed these harsh and discouraging words but instead to carry on with the prayers. There is much good in prayers, they assure us. All the disciple’s problems shall be relieved step by step through prayers. The disciple is encouraged to conduct research, continue the aforementioned practices, prayers, and rituals to the utmost satisfaction without any error.

The disciple is encouraged to recite the Maha Mantra – ARUTPERUNJHOTI, ARUTPERUNJHOTI, TANIPERUNKARUNAI, and ARUTPERUNJHOTI. They ask that besides the mantra ARUTPERUNJHOTI let the names of the sidhas be the maha-mantra for the disciple and to repeat it daily. The sidhas request the disciples to chant Lord Murugan’s name too for it is LIGHT.

‘Bliss and joy is acquired by chanting the Lord’s name.’ The sidhas mention that they too are in the form of light in this world. Thus they ask that we light up the home and worship this LIGHT.

They ask that the disciple perform prayers at temples to appease the planets and to garland the gods for then they shall be pleased. The disciple shall spread the sidhas teachings through prayers and service. She/he is requested to stay on this path. The disciple is to continue consistently with the spiritual practices that the disciple currently following. She/he is advised not to get distracted. He is reminded not to give up on prayers. ‘Worship sidhas and attained much’, request the sidhas.

On Pilgrimages:

The sidhas encourage disciples to go on pilgrimages that would help change one’s perception of god and to know and learn more about the sidhas. Some spots and persons which are a must (visit) are Thiruvanamalai, Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal in Kallaru, Thavathiru Rengaraja Desigar in Turaiyur, Palani and Bhogar’s Samadhi, Sage Agathiyar’s temple at Agasthiyampalli, and the caves in Courtalam, Pothigai, and Sathuragiri. The sidhas shall wait with open arms for the arrival of their disciples, they assure us. The sidhas promise that they shall receive the disciple and accompany them on their pilgrimages to these shrines, caves, and samadhi.

On Yoga:

The sidhas advocate the practice of Thega Sudhi, and other breathing techniques (pranayama). Preferably, these practices should be enhanced through a guru, they say. The disciples are to practice meditation daily as a result of which they shall gain full concentration. The disciple needs to just concentrate on his meditation while the sidhas shall take care of the disciple’s other needs.

To enable advancement in the disciple’s practices and meditation, the disciple is requested to sit on a seat made of wood during meditation, to place a white cloth above it, and to meditate for twelve minutes daily with eyes shut and the sight focused between the brows and chanting the sidha’s names. To progress further in the spiritual endeavors, he/she is to meditate sitting on the Tharpai grass.

The sidhas assure the disciple that, ‘The disciple shall receive great benefits from this practice. The thinking ability shall improve. Temper shall be gone. Health shall improve. The body shall become robust. The disciple shall gain clarity. She/he shall see changes in them during these stages of meditation and prayer. The disciple shall attain through meditation, knowledge and speech attributes and others benefits. All efforts and practices shall not be in vain. The disciple shall achieve the highest meditation through the Sidha Margam. The disciple shall gain all that the sidhas and elders have attained.’

On The Guru:

‘God is father, mother, and guru to the disciple. Advancement in spirituality comes with the aid of a guru. He shall receive guidance and blessings from the gurus. The guru opens up the mind of the disciple. The mysteries and secrets of the body, soul, and world shall be revealed through the guru.’

The sidhas ask that the disciple fulfill the responsibilities towards the guru without a second thought, full-heartedly and without mistake. The sidhas remind the seeker to choose the right guru who shall lead him further on. They remind him to chant the name of the guru daily. They add that if that is not possible, allocate a day in the week in prayer for the guru.

They reveal that ‘Gurus come around so that the disciple shall know the truth. The truth shall be revealed through the guru.’

The sidhas encourage the disciples to gain merits by visiting gurus and places of worship. And they ask that the disciple be patient for the time will come when this transmission takes place. ‘With the blessings and grace of sidhas the disciple shall be protected from harm’, they promise.

On Sidha Margam:

Siddha Margam is THE path. The sidhas say, ‘Live your life as the sidhas do. The disciple shall live like a sidha in this world. The disciple shall live like Sivam too.’ The disciple is assured that he/she shall see changes taking place. The sidhas shall give visions and conduct miracles just for their disciples. They shall appear to the disciple. They shall perform miracles. ‘Miracles would take place. Miracles and visions shall take place at the abodes, caves, and samadhi of sidhas. The disciple shall witness miracles happen every day’, the disciple is assured.

‘The disciple needs to establish himself firmly in the path of the sidhas. Be faithful to this path.’ Let God's name flow through the breath of the disciple, they ask of us. ‘Let the thoughts revolve around the sidhas. Sidhas shall live in the disciple. God shall live in the disciple. The disciple shall become one with the sidhas. Let the sidhas show the disciple his path. The sidhas shall show the disciple the path. Receive the advice of sidhas with devotion. Spread the sidha teachings.’

The disciple becomes a true friend and is highly regarded by the sidhas. ‘The sidhas shall love the disciple as much as the disciple loves them. Once a disciple comes to this Margam, others around him too shall follow the disciple on this path. Family members and others shall benefit from the disciple's association with the sidhas. The family and others too shall have the blessings of sidhas. The sidhas shall care for the disciple and his family. The sidhas shall grace their presence in the disciple’s home.’ They are greatly moved by the devotion of the disciples. ‘Never miss the worship of sidhas at home’, they remind us. ‘Invite sidhas to the home’, they tell us. Make them a part of the family too, they ask of us. Then great saints shall live with the disciple, they proudly declare. When the sidhas are established in the home of disciples then the disciple has no need to spend his life at an ashram. ‘Sidhas shall visit the disciple’s home then.’

The sidhas shall tests the loyalty of their disciples occasionally but they shall not let down the disciples. ‘When confronted with danger call out to the sidhas and we shall protect’, assure the sidhas. ‘Admire the sages and decorate the sidhas in the heart's eye. The sidhas too shall decorate the disciple similarly. The sidhas shall advise and witnesses the disciple do prayers and meditation.’

The sidhas say further, ‘Follow the path of sidhas and all the disciple’s wishes shall come true. All the disciple’s efforts will pay off. The disciple shall see much progress come his way. The disciple’s aspirations shall be realized. The disciple’s asking shall be granted. The sidhas shall provide the disciple the knowledge to spell away ignorance. The sidhas shall be present in the disciple’s thoughts, word, and deed. The disciple shall realize joy and bliss each day. Let the thoughts be centered on sidhas day and night. The disciple shall attain a sweet voice, youth, and clarity of thought through prayers to sidhas. Follow the advice and guidance of sidhas. The sidhas shall send their messengers to deliver their word to their disciples. The disciple shall realize the reason for his birth. Research into the reason for taking birth. The sidhas shall be a companion. Just as the parent takes care of the child, the sidhas shall take care of the disciple. Live with pride that you, a disciple of the sidhas, have chosen to follow the path of the sidhas.’

Tavayogi has compiled a list of names of sidhas which he chants with us during prayer. The names are as listed below:

Om Agathiyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Agapai sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Asuvinit devar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Athiri magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Ambigananthar Thiruvadigal Potri 5

Om Arunagiri nathar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Arulnanthi sivachariyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Allama pirabu Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Alukanni sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Asideva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 10

Om Alagananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Aritha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Anjanadeva rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Atchayadeva rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Atitha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 15

Om Aritsa magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Atreya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Asuvalayana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Anantha sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Edaikadar Thiruvadigal Potri 20

Om Ramalinga swami Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Rama devar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Ramananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Umabathi sivachariyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Ubamanyu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 25

Om Kadaipillai sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Usana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Uthayagiri sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Auvaiyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanjamalai sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri 30

Om Kaduveli sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kannananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanni sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanabathi dasar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kananathar Thiruvadigal Potri 35

Om Katamba magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kabilar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kamala munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Karuvur devar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kalluli sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri 40

Om Kalaicoathu munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kaubala sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanaramar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kagabujandar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kasibar Thiruvadigal Potri 45

Om Kalangi nathar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Karka magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kausa magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanaga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 50

Om Kangeya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Katya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kabala magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kakeya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kartikeya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 55

Om Kalava magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kalinga natha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kala magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kanba magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kintha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 60

Om Kiruthu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kusarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kutsaga rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kugai namasivayar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kuru namasivayar Thiruvadigal Potri 65

Om Kutambai sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kumaragurubarar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Guru dhaksanamurthy Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Gururajar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kurumbai sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri 70

Om Kurmananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kongana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Korakar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kausigar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Kautamar Thiruvadigal Potri 75

Om Sangarshana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Satumuga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Satanantha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sangu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sanatana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 80

Om Chandira kula magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Savitira magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sangiyayana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sandilya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Santirayana magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 85

Om Sarat vanthu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sali hotra magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Satvikadeva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sanga muni sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sangara magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 90

Om Sangili sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Satchithananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sattanathar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sandikehsar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sathyananthar Thiruvadigal Potri 95

Om Chitra muktar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sivayogama munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sivananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sirungi magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sivayambuva manu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 100

Om Sugabrahmar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Suntarananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sundara murthi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Suta munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Suriyananthar Thiruvadigal Potri 105

Om Sula munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Saykilar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sethu munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Sorubananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Somaga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 110

Om Saunaga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Jambu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Janagar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Janantanar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Janatanar Thiruvadigal Potri 115

Om Janakumarar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Jabali magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Jeganathar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Jeya munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Gnana sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri 120

Om Damarananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Danvanthiri Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tayumanar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tatisi magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 125

Om Tamba magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Talapiya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tathuva gnana sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Trikona sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Thiru gnana sambanthar Thiruvadigal Potri 130

Om Thiru navukarasar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Thiru maligai devar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Thiru valuvar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tirunabindhu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Dhurvasa munivar Thiruvadigal Potri 135

Om Teraiyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tevatatta magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tevala magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Tevarata magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Nanthanar Thiruvadigal Potri 140

Om Nanthisvarar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Nathantha sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Narathar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Nagaradeva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Nondi sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri 145

Om Pandri malai sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pattinathar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pathragiriyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Patanjaliyar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Paratuvasar Thiruvadigal Potri 150

Om Paramananthar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Parasa rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pampati sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Bagadeva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Parvatha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 155

Om Bhaskara magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pingala munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pidinakisar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Bhirugu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Brahma munivar Thiruvadigal Potri 160

Om Pirunjaka munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pirungu magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pipala magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Punnakesar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pulatisar Thiruvadigal Potri 165

Om Pulippani sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Pundariga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Puru kotha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Punai kannar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Bhoga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 170

Om Macha munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Mayuraysar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Manikavasagar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Markandayar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Malangan Thiruvadigal Potri 175

Om Matanga magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Manu rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Marisa magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Mandavya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Mukthananthar Thiruvadigal Potri 180

Om Mutkala magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Meikanda devar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Maunach sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Megasanchara rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Maitraye magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 185

Om Mrityunjaya Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Yakgnadeva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Yuhgi munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Yoga sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Yogananthar Thiruvadigal Potri 190

Om Rohma rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Raipriya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vasudeva magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vama devar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vala kilya magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri 195

Om Vasistha magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Varata rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vara rishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Varagimigi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Valmigi Thiruvadigal Potri 200

Om Veda magarishi Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vyakramar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vyasa munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vilaiyathu sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Vidana munivar Thiruvadigal Potri
Om Waythantha sidhar Thiruvadigal Potri 206