Monday 5 September 2016


Yesterday I had the privilege to meet Dr Amir Farid Isahak at the wedding of Yuvaraj's sister. It was a pleasant moment where the good Dr exchanged some of his experiences on seeking the Nadi, and shared several messages from Agathiyar.

Dr Amir, a medical consultant and Founding President of Guolin Qigong Association Malaysia and Vice-President of the Malaysian Reiki Association, has been practicing and teaching Qigong and Reiki. Being a doctor of Modern Medicine by profession, he is also a practitioner of Holistic Science and Alternative Medicine too. He is a prominent speaker on various health and spiritual subjects and was a contributing writer for a local daily, having his own a bi-weekly column, some three years ago.

Siddha Heartbeat had carried his article earlier. I had also included these in my books. I reproduce below two of his writings on the Siddhas.

Dr Amir wrote on the Nadi, "THE AKASHIC ENERGY" on Sunday, September 9, 2007 in the English daily, THE STAR.
ONE of the most amazing phenomena I have ever come across is that of the Akashic records or Nadi astrology. Akashic records are records of your life – past, present and future, written by Siddhas over 10,000 years ago. The records are written on wooden Nadi “leaves” and are read by trained readers.

My first exposure to this was nine years ago, when I first met my Kundalini Master Jagath Guru Mahan Paranjothiar ( during his visit to Kuala Lumpur. I actually did not know what to expect, as I only went there to pay my respects to a great spiritual master. Before meeting Guruji, I was asked to meet Swaminathan, one of his disciples.

Uir Nadi

Swaminathan is a gifted Uir Nadi reader. When the “reading” started, the subject’s Akashic records would appear in Sanskrit on a shiny metal plate, but only he could see the writings! Even though he could speak English very well, in order not to disturb his concentration and flow, he had another disciple interpret for me. When he started reading my past, it was all accurate. In addition, when the reading of my future was done, I was stunned. After the reading, Swaminathan kissed my hand and called me “Guruji”!

When I was introduced to the real Guruji, he surprised me and his senior disciples who were in the room when he said that he had travelled the whole world looking for me. When I told him that just six months previously my Sufi master had come all the way from New York also looking for me (I had not known either of them before) to tell me about my spiritual mission, he smiled and said that they both received instructions from the same GOD! Both of them also said that my son would continue my spiritual work. My son’s name is the same as my first Sufi Shaykh’s, Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani.

Nadi leaves

Many years later, my fascination with this subject was rekindled after seeing a Discovery Channel documentary, and I decided to investigate further.
I went for a reading. It took over 1½ hours just to select my Nadi leaf. This was done through a process of elimination. When the correct leaf was found, what it contained was astounding. TheSiddhas even “spoke” to me through the leaf. They said, “You will be astonished by our powers. You will be seeking knowledge about Siddhas and be blessed. You may be a Muslim, but you are fated to know all these. You will get more knowledge and become like a Siddha yourself. You will get very clear high-level knowledge in your mind. You will discover many truths, and will encounter many surprises. You are fated to know secrets. You were born into this world to know the Truth. “Wow. What can I say? My journey has just begun, and I will continue to share snippets of it with my readers.

It was explained to me that from the time of creation, everything already had its energy imprint and that the Siddhas had knowledge of this imprint and were able to know almost everything about every individual ever born and to be born into this world. Akasha actually means the inner mind or super conscious realm that merges with the cosmic realm that contains all the information about the past, present and future. The Siddhas had the ability to access this information by their faith and practices.

As a Muslim, this is not foreign to me, as GOD had told the Prophet (peace be upon him): “When my servants are close to me, then my ears become their ears, and my eyes become their eyes.” (From Hadis Qudsi, meaning that those who are close to GOD will have access to knowledge that is not available to others.)

In energy healing, nadi refers to the channels through which the life force (prana or qi) flows, interspersed by the chakras (energy centers). It is estimated that there are about 72,000 nadis traversing the inner body.

The Nadi leaves referred here are the channels of information to the entire human race. If they take the good advice, they can live in peace and harmony. Therefore, the Nadi leaves are important for the health of humanity, since they carry advices and remedies for our physical, emotional and spiritual problems.

Muslims are not allowed to go to fortunetellers because we are to do our best, pray for divine assistance, and then accept that whatever happens is predetermined, and good in the eyes of GOD. To go to fortunetellers may cause the person to believe in what is being predicted, at the risk of losing sight of the fact that it is GOD who determines everything, including our future. The subject of fate and destiny is something very complex and confusing to most. While everything is already written down, not everything is revealed by GOD, even to the Prophets, Saints, and Siddhas. With his permission, these chosen people do get accurate information about the future, and the information can be in detail. That is why all Prophets made prophesies, as part of the signs of prophet hood, and as guidance and warnings to their followers and all humanity. The Saints and Siddhas also are given similar gifts of prophesy, although at a less significant level and power compared to prophets. There are fortunetellers, psychics, clairvoyants, modern-day “prophets”, bomohs, sinsehs and other traditional soothsayer who predict and prophesies with varying accuracies. Their source is the lowest realm of the cosmic database. Some even predict “4-digit” numbers accurately, which goes to show that this realm is accessible to anyone who ventures in, for good use or for gambling and black magic. It is also the realm that dark spirits have absolute access to.

Akashic records are at a higher realm, available only to those who are destined to know their future. If you go for your reading, be assured, you record is there. If you never go for your reading, be assured the Siddhas did not waste their time writing about someone who was never going to have his record read. Even children’s records are read by their parents in preparation for their future upbringing. There have been over 10 billion humans since the first man (Adam for some of us), and the Siddhas have written for all those who will go to have their readings done, until the end of time.

The Siddhas are also the guardians of Siddha Medicine, one of the three traditional medical practices recognized by the Indian government (the others are Ayurveda, the ancient health and healing philosophy and practice based on Vedic sciences, and Unani, the youngest, which is actually Greek medicine practiced by Arab/Muslims and staying faithful to the Hippocratic dictum to let food be our medicine, and medicine be our food, and to religious commandments). There are experienced Siddha physicians here in Malaysia and recently, they hosted the world congress of Siddha Medicine. I will study this fascinating field and report to you from time to time.
Dr Amir wrote again regarding the Siddhas, THE WANDERING MASTERS, on Sunday October 4, 2009,
Siddhas are often described as wanderers on the path of love. However, their physical journeys are nothing compared to their spiritual ones.
ABOUT two years ago, I wrote about Nadi astrology and the Siddha Siddhas’ predictions for me (see Akashic Energy at You will enjoy reading today’s article better if you read this previous posting first. Since the Siddha had written that I was one of them, my Nadi astrologer had reported this to his Guru when he returned to India. The Guru then sent his greetings to me and indicated that there were more messages for me.
Recently, I went to see my Nadi astrologer Guru Ramesh again since I thought it was about time I found out what the further messages for me were. This time I was surprised because Guru Ramesh kissed my hand in respect. When I asked why he did that, he replied that since he had read my Nadi leaves, he knew whom I was.
The Siddhas
Siddha means “one who is accomplished” and refers to enlightened masters who have spiritually perfected themselves through subjugating their egos, meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques), and rightful living. They acquire wisdom, knowledge, and supernatural abilities, which include the ability to heal. Their service is for the well-being of all humanity.
I find much similarity between the Siddhas and the Sufis, who are also people on the spiritual path of love, wisdom, and enlightenment. Both are steeped in mysticism, and are often misunderstood, and sometimes said to be mad! I now have five Sufi masters guiding me, and I know many fascinating Sufi stories. However, the Siddhas preceded the Sufis by several thousand years. Their story began more than 5,000 years ago. Certainly, they have more stories to tell.
In Hindu mythology, Siddhas were said to have lived in Siddhashram, in the holy lands of the Himalayas, where many sadhus, Siddhas, and yogis lived. Nowadays, the Siddhas of South India are better known. They are called Siddhas or Cittars in Tamil Nadu. Their lineage continues to this day, though they are more known for the practice of Siddha Medicine rather than their spirituality. However, Siddha Siddhas do exist, but most are hidden. Their popularity will mushroom as more discover their amazing predictions written in the Nadi leaves. In the southern tradition, there were 18 principal Siddhas. Of these, Siddha Agasthiyar was the first, and is believed to be the father of Siddha Medicine. In addition, he communicates with me through his writings on the Nadi leaves. My other Siddha guide is Siddha Bhogar, also a master of Siddha Medicine, astrology, astral travel, exercise, and cosmic energy. It is therefore not surprising that I am a medical doctor delving in alternative/complementary medicine, qigong exercises, and energy healing.
Advice from Siddha Agasthiyar

May I remind you that whatever is written here was written on the Nadi leaves by Siddha Agasthiyar thousands of years ago. Siddha Agasthiyar said that he and the other Siddha Siddhas would continue to bless and guide me. They have tuned my chakras and empowered me. Secrets, miracles, and “new things” will be revealed to me. I am to strengthen my faith as a Muslim through prayers and good deeds, and to be a noble ambassador of my religion. Even though we are not of the same faith, our duties are the same. We both serve humanity in many ways. This brought us together. Through the guidance of Siddha Bhogar, I will be exposed to various healing methods, and will teach others.
There are other Gurus and teachers waiting to guide me, including those from other religions. (You may be surprised to know that among my spiritual advisers is a local Evangelist Bishop who said that he was directed by God to guide me. I accept advice from all wise and sincere men and women.)
However, what stunned me most was when he specifically mentioned that I should visit the ashram of Jegath Guru Paranjothiar Mahan in Tirumurthi Hills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, before more secrets that are spiritual will be revealed to me. Among my non-Muslims teachers, he is closest to me. Guruji Mahan was described as a master who teaches about knowing and loving God, and spreading happiness, gladness, and peace among humanity. Indeed, his usual greeting is “Santhosam” (gladness).Although Guruji Mahan is not a Muslim, preferring to be known as a universal child of God, his teaching about God is similar to the Oneness (tauhid) believed by Muslims, so I am comfortable with his teachings. I believe Guruji Mahan is a living Siddha. Guruji Mahan has always treated me as his spiritual son, even though he is only a few years older than I am. We have known each other for about 11 years, and many times, he has invited me to visit his ashram. I never seemed to have the time, and besides, I was able to meet him often because he came here quite regularly. However, Siddha Agasthiyar said although Guruji would have waited for me until whenever I am ready, the disciple should visit the Guru for the spiritual doors to open wide. He said that Guruji likes me very much and that he will empower me. I will visit him soon. You can know more about him at
Siddha Agasthiyar continued that I am to teach through my speeches and my writings, something that I am already doing now. He also warned me that some would reject what I say (but then even the prophets were rejected!).He also taught me an exercise to fine-tune my spiritual reception so that one day I can see the past, the present, and the future. If Allah wills, it will happen.
Siddhas are often described as wanderers on the path of love. However, their physical journeys are nothing compared to their journeys into the secret chambers of their hearts, where the lover and the beloved (GOD) meet. The Sufis also walk the same path, of finding the beloved, and yearning to be one with him (in purpose, not in form). The Siddhas preceded Islam, and I love and honor them the same way as I love and honor my Sufi masters. From the Sufi and Siddha teachings, let me share with you that the inner journey is the greater path, for it is here that realities are experienced and understood. It is a difficult journey wrought with challenges of the ego, pride, anger, envy, greed, lust, and many more weaknesses that are human. When these are subdued, then finally, the wanderer only wanders outwardly, for once, he has found the beloved in his heart, and he stays “home” there.
The outward journey and the physical forms are necessary training and often illusions to the truth of our existence, and our purpose in life. In addition, remember this – the one who is in love with God, will love all humanity. To love the most compassionate, merciful and just God also means to be compassionate, merciful, and just to our fellow human beings, and to all creation. That is the essence of spirituality, of whatever tradition, faith, or religion.
My Wanderings

As predicted by the Nadi leaves, in the last few years, I have been busy traveling with the Buddhist Amitabha group and the Malaysian religious leaders. In addition to these, I traveled to Brunei, Macau, Taiwan, and Japan to give health talks, consultations, or visit health supplement manufacturing facilities. I also went to Italy, France, Bulgaria, and China for training in aesthetic surgical techniques, lasers, and electro-therapy. While the Siddhas of olden days wander on land preaching love and spirituality, I am crisscrossing the continents on jet-planes, preaching and doing many other things!
The Siddhas are also guardians of possibly the oldest organized healing system – Siddha Medicine. When I do have the time, I will meet the Siddha physicians and learn from them the secrets of this ancient healing system.
To reaffirm that Erai was one, Agathiyar crossed religious boundaries when he sent to Dr Amir, Hindus and Christians as disciples.

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