Saturday 28 July 2018


This blog entries are of an individual trying to make some sense out of life by treading the path of the Siddhas, following their advise and teachings, those that are practical and applicable to current times. Going on this journey, I came across many mystifying happenings that I began to share. It is purely based on one's experience and learnings from that experience. I have no intention of preaching, influencing nor converting anyone out there to switch their current forms of worship. I too have not switched my faith for another. I am only beginning to see existing teachings, doctrines, beliefs and practices in a different light.

The past is revealed to those who come seeking to know why certain things are taking place in their lives and for want of a guidance. This could be through the Nadi or a Guru. Knowing the past explains the reasons for the present conditions and situations. The Siddha or the Guru then recommends measures to be taken to either avoid certain things from happening or to avoid a continuance of the situations. To those keen to bring a positive change, the masters do begin to chart their lives anew. The old records are struck out and a new path drawn up, bringing closure to the present journey and instead beginning a new one. This happens to only those who sincerely hold on to their feet, listen and follow their advise and not to the numerous accidental tourist who end up for the Nadi reading or turn up at an ashram out of curiosity. It takes years to build a bond with the Siddhas, often testing the seekers to the extreme. The cream are then gathered and the Siddhas work on them further. From an individual blueprint of life for an individual, they begin to draw up a blueprint for the whole where each seeker although assigned an individual duty, comes together for a collective mission.

When I left Kallar Ashram with Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal on a spiritual journey to the sites of the Siddhas, he turned to me and said, "Only now the true journey starts my son!" True to his words, it was indeed an eye opener. Returning back home, I kept aside all the numerous pictures and paintings of deities and gurus whom I worshiped at my altar in my home except for one - that of Agathiyar. I began to train myself to see all the various manifestations of god and guru in Agathiyar. The Erai I worshiped since the day I remember way back, metamorphosized changing from one form to another as I matured along the path. If I had worshipped individually all the numerous deities in the Hindu pantheon once, I soon saw them all as the manifestation of the One.

Holding firmly to Agathiyar, made me slowly drop my dependency on the Nadi; drop my reliance on seeking spiritual counsel from other gurus; drop my urge to visit spiritual spots; replace elaborate and complex rituals with simple prayers; and drop chanting of 'tongue twisting mantras' and instead sit in silence. I began to realize that I too was going through a process of metamorphosis. All these were taking place on its own accord and subtly, without my intervention. I knew it was the will and work of the Siddhas and my Gurus.

Man has to transform from a human to the divine. Each will arrive there in good time. After engaging in the affairs of the world, he would be lifted to the kingdom of Erai one fine day. For that to take place he has to take the first step, the divine will join him, lifting him, carrying him over, and placing him at his side eventually.

If man only sees the mess he has got himself into today, as a result or due to or through his doings in the past, the divine sees it as a design of life. Many messages where brought across in the movie "The Shack". God tries to bring solace and a greater understanding of life and its mysteries, to a father who was heart broken having lost his little daughter to a serial killer.
God: I can work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies. But that doesn't mean I orchestrate the tragedies. We're here to do something that's going to be very painful for you. Son, we're on a healing trail to bring closure to this part of your journey.

Dad: You want me to forgive him? He killed my daughter. I wanna hurt him. I want him to hurt... like he hurt me. I want you to hurt him.

God: I know you do. But he, too, is my son. And I want to redeem him.

Dad: "Redeem him"? He should burn in hell.

God: So, we're back to you as the judge?

Dad: So, you just let him get away with it?

God: Nobody gets away with anything. Everything bears consequences. - What he did... - Was horrible. I'm not asking you to excuse what he did. I'm asking you to trust me to do what's right and to know what's best. Forgiveness doesn't establish a relationship. It's just about letting go of his throat. Mack (Dad), the pain inside is devouring you, robbing you of joy and crippling your capacity to love.

Dad: I can't.

God: You're not stuck because you can't. You're stuck because you won't. You don't have to do this alone. I'm here with you.

Dad: I don't know how.

God: Just say it out loud.

Dad: I... I forgive... I forgive you.

God: Mackenzie (Dad), you're such a joy.

Dad: I'm still angry.

God: Of course you are. No one lets go all at once. You might have to do it 1,000 times before it gets any easier. But it will. Let's go.

Dad: Does what I do really matter?

God: Absolutely. Mack, you are important. And so is everything you do. Every time you love, Mack, or forgive, with every act of kindness, the universe changes. For the better. If anything matters, then everything matters.
Agathiyar tells us to forgive, forget and move on with life. He was most gracious to forgive me for all my faults and mistakes. He wants me to forgive myself next. He expects me to forgive all who had caused harm to me too. He expects me to ask for forgiveness from all those whom I have harmed, if it would make it easier on me, in and through my daily prayers. This is the secret of blissful living. Make this our daily prayer. Settle our karma score daily before we hit the sack for we are not sure we shall live to see another day.