Sunday 23 September 2018


My idea of coming into spirituality was to know my creator; come face to face with this intelligence that takes care of us and provided us with all the essentials, taking into consideration all the minutest details, so that we could live a wonderful and purposeful life. 

I wanted to explore the realm of the Gods first hand and not through the ocean of spiritual and religious materials available, be it through books, spiritual talks or hearsay. 

I wanted to see the divine through my own eyes and not through another's.

I wanted to partake the peace and bliss that is said to be derived and was much talked about and said to be within us.

I wanted to explore the mysteries that is associated with walking this path. 

And with that expectation did I begin walking this path.

Understanding my yearning the Divine came to my aid and guided me well, providing me well, and blessing me with all his compassion and grace. 

Coming to the religious and spiritual side of life, I came with great expectation that I would soon be in the company of great humanitarian souls, rich with high values and virtues, and full of compassion and love. I found them. I found them in the AVM family. 

Traveling this road I met numerous strangers whom I began to see as angels in disguise. Soon we became a family. They became my extended family - AVM.

We at AVM have just one thought and that is to carry out the dictates of the Siddhas and leave the rests to them to take care. Taking this stand, we soon saw that the Divine was visibly guiding us through this journey and subtly working on strengthening our soul and spirit (Atma Balam) too.

When it comes to the Siddhas it is always a day of celebrations, invoking them, feeling their presence among us and receiving their blessings. You have to be here to understand it all.

Although there is much to understand and the journey is long, we are in no hurry to reach the finish line. Let us walk the path, taking in the sights and smell of nature around us, occasionally stopping for a rest and continuing the journey.

It is true that love binds any relationship. We see love flourish in AVM. We are bath in love and laughter. 

Although life deals a blow at times, the love for Agathiyar helps us retain our sanity. 

Although life reveals the dark side of others, the love for Agathiyar makes us accept and move on with our lifes.

The love for Agathiyar overrides and overshadows everything else.

We are glad we took the bait, Agathiyar's invitation to the path.