Monday 17 April 2023


The Siddhas work is never done. They work 24/7. There is never a moment of sleep. This Agathiyar conveyed when he came last evening. When a Siddha treats a devotee he or she expects a miracle cure. We expect to be cured or relieved instantaneously. But the fact is that our body too should be in a certain state of wellbeing to recover fast. It might take days for it to recover to a good state of health if we already carry numerous ailments within. At other times the Siddha might only bring a quick relief if he has to attend to other urgent matters or be elsewhere. The recipient might need to be attended to again at another time. Hence the need for further treatment arises. 

Several days earlier he told us that the homes of selected devotees were not a hospital, and neither was he a doctor to attend to all sectors of society and all health issues. Hence, he passes them on to others qualified to treat. He comes specifically and personally for those in his path. One needs to have some knowledge about the Siddhas and his abilities and capabilities or powers if you might want to call it, before seeing him. Similarly, he told Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyar of Kallar Ashram, who took over the Jeeva Nadi reading from Tavayogi, that the Nadi in her possession now was for the upliftment of souls to the state of Gnana, consistent with the name given to their ashram, Agathiyar Gnana Peedham. It was not to be read for seekers wanting to know solutions for petty issues. In both instances, Agathiyar asked that the devotee, seeker or recipient learn about the Siddhas and perform a Siddha puja before either coming to be treated or coming for a reading. This will bring on faith and believe in the Siddhas. Seekers need faith and believe in them to carry out remedies and respond to treatment given by the Siddhas. This was true for those who wanted to invite him in the form of the murthy or statue at AVM too. 

Agathiyar used to tell us upon his arrival at AVM in the past that he came from Kailash, Pothigai or Kallar to attend our puja or prayer or call for help or SOS. After delivering he would leave shortly just as we visit the gardens or Poonga Vanam in the evenings for a fresh breath of air. These days he stays to lecture us on good morals and the need to uphold dignity sharing some case studies with us, reminding us not to fall for lure of Maya. He speaks about all subjects, educating us further. We have since stopped reading, watching and listening to others. I believe Agathiyar Vanam that was a garden where he stopped by to look at the flowers blooming or rather look in on the blossoming of his devotees and subjects, has now evolved into the name he gave us Gnana Kottam, or a venue where Gnana thrives. It has become a place of learning now after the Siddhas took their abode here. 

When he asked me to follow in the footsteps of Tavayogi who remained a silent guru, I asked him if I should continue writing. He replied asking me to do so since Siddha Heartbeat was his voice he said. I am blessed to be an instrument in his hands.