Wednesday 5 October 2016


Agathiyar forgave me and expected me to forgive others too. This element of forgiveness is very important in all faiths and cultures. It lets us move on and not brood on the past. That very instant we realize that a big burden is released off our chest. As it is we are already carrying a baggage of karma on our shoulders and need to lay that down somewhere, sometime and somehow, so why carry the hurt in our hearts too? 

Forgiveness does not come easy though. One has to learn to let go for are we not here to learn to redress our weaknesses and wrongs.

It's interesting to note that many survivors of near-death experiences have come back to narrate their tale. Among these stories there is always a common factor and denominator. They were always asked to forgive others (which they should have done while alive) before being lead to the other world.