Knowing that I will fall for the very mention of his name, Agathiyar, some time back warned me to be careful with people who use his name when seeking advice, etc. In the beginning of my pursuit on the path after he came as a statue to my home, many strangers would knock on my door and ask to see him. Soon, they would turn up regularly and begin to open their can of worms. My wife and I, who were new to this faith, out of excitement, would go beyond the limits and start to advise them, eventually landing ourselves in trouble. I soon found out how some hide many facts and only reveal a little. With each solution we gave, they would open up a bit more, hence making the earlier solution irrelevant. Consulting with Tavayogi over the phone, he practically gave me a slap on the face asking why I interfere. Instead, he would ask me to show them to Agathiyar and have them cry their heart out to him. But Agathiyar later asked me to whom I shall turn to in the face of adversities if he were to shut his ears. I understood that while he wanted me to listen to others, Tavayogi taught me to stop reacting to their plight.
A devotee and friend hid some aspects of his problems and only shared that he was asked to carry out a Yagam after a Nadi reading. He asked me if I knew someone who could do the rituals. That was about the same time Agathiyar had told a host of a puja to henceforth take up the puja doing it themselves rather than depend on a third party, for it was apparent that they did not learn a thing in the 23 years that someone came to carry out the puja in their home for them. So I passed on the message to him too, telling him to take it up himself. Today, I learned that he had gone for a Nadi reading for a favor, and Agathiyar had proposed that the Nadi reader carry out a specific ritual or Yagam for him. The reader listed the cost. That is when he consulted me, asking if I knew someone who would do it. I saw through the whole divine game and laughed it off, as Agathiyar used to tell me.
I was telling myself that I would rather sleep with the enemy than with someone I knew. An atheist is clear about his stand. He does not believe and would never come near. Now, my fear is about those who profess that they are on the path of the Siddhas but hide behind it. Honesty and discipline are the foundation of the path, besides faith and belief. Later, a total surrender is required before one can reach the limits of the path.
Some have asked why the all-knowing Agathiyar does not know our problems and why we have to tell him. Thus, they choose not to believe that he can manifest and speak through another. Even the police or the local council or government agencies only investigate and take action when a report is lodged. Then I realized that it is similar with the doctors, too. When everyone meets me, they are immediately drawn to the lump on my forehead and ask what it is. But none of the doctors I saw for other ailments asked about it nor addressed it. They are waiting for us to ask to look into it. Then, a series of tests would follow to determine what it is, beginning with a visual check. This is how we have to voice out to God too, though he knows everything. Agathiyar says we must verbalize our problems and be heard so that the Prapanjam can help or heal us. In doing so, we set our ego aside, and the soul directs us to the larger soul of which we are a part.