Saturday 4 July 2015


When I accompanied Supramania Swami to his Guru's ashram and Jeeva Samadhi, he walked straight ahead not even realizing that their was a column in his way, until I had to hold his arm and pull him away. Only then I realized that he was oblivious to what was happening around, right from the moment we alighted from the car. He walked up to the Nandhi and sat there, looking towards the direction of Yogi Ramsuratkumar's Samadhi where a Shivalingam now stands. We sat there almost and hour, during which time he hardly looked away from the inner sanctum. He was not distracted the least by all the activity going on during the Pradosham rituals. I sat beside and slightly to the back of him and kept watching Supramania Swami watch intently the libation or Abhisegam performed both on the Shivalingam and the Nadhi alternately. What did he see? What was he watching so intently? These questions went on in my mind. 

After the rituals were over he stood to leave. We returned to his Kudil in Thiruvannamalai.

Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi while speaking about his master, mentions above this single-pointed-ness in an interview at
Like, whenever I went to temple means that deity, I never visualized any stone or any simple idol, for me it was a Divine sitting there. So I used to keep talking and that was like a best friend so that type of thing was always there. I visualized that Divinity so my mind was focused. So that was how I think, when I met Swamiji all that focused mind fell in love with Him, simply went on to Him and I became mad after Swamiji.
Uvaraj tells of how Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi opened his closed eyes to see him while he stood in line at the Vinayagar temple for his blessings, initiating him into spirituality in the following video. He moves on to talk about how he came to Agathiyar and to meet many masters.