What drove me to take things into my own hands and indulge in worship back in those days of my bachelorhood was an incident that made me ponder as to why we should rely on others to bridge God and us? I had happened to step into a temple as an argument was going on between the priest and his wife outside their living quarters. Seeing me enter the priest rushed to me inquiring if I wanted to do an offering or Archanai? I was a regular at this temple but this time around I chose to turn it down. I was questioning his state of mind then and ask myself if an offering done by him on my behalf would have good vibes? I took up doing puja immediately doing them at dawn and dusk daily, learning from whatever books I could lay my hands on. That was the start of my inward journey and of losing my dependency on others to bridge the way to God and me. I took control of my religious life and decided what I wanted to do with it. After some 8 years of worship, although I was blessed with a good life, I became rather disorientated as to why God seemed to "torture" and "punish"" people and have especially his devotees or bhaktas take on the pain and suffering? God who was described as the most compassionate worked otherwise in their lives. I had no answers. Seeing my sorry state, I was asked to take a break by Lord Shiva in my dream. It took me 13 years to get back on track and begin my worship again in 2001. The following year I was told about karma and how it affects all including me in my Nadi reading. I began to understand the reasons for others' sufferings and never questioned it again. I engaged in Siddha worship henceforth after the Nadi reading.
I have come to understand that man could not possibly get total relief from their sufferings by merely visiting temples. Who can we approach at the temples for a solution to our problems? The priest? the chairman? the committee? or the deity? when some are embroiled in battles of their own makings. We are often shown to a general ritual that encompasses the warding off of all ill effects and that brings on good times, for a fee of course. We must understand that we are suffering because of our past deeds. Hence to cleanse or rid their bad effects we have to lose something else, in this case, cash and money. Only time shall tell if the ritual did work out in our favor and did help us to beget the grace of the divine.
Of course, we can feel our burden lessened by "talking" to God in these temples and gain an assurance that he shall take care of our problems and troubles by performing simple rituals before him. We are told that God who resides in the statues also comes into us as vibration provided we have prepared this body and mind to receive it. We bring back the good vibes generated in these temples through the continuous performing of rituals that energize the deity, temple, and its grounds. But there is no magic that can undo the wrongs we have done in our lives. No deity, Godman, or guru can relieve us of them. We have to live with them. The only consolation is that with devotion comes the grace of God. With his grace comes a discount voucher. We can use this voucher to get a discount on the karma that lingers over our heads. That is all. Only on rare occasions do we see the divine work its miracles and completely wipe the slate clean, leaving no imprint.
Hence we tend to notice that there is a spike in the Siddhas coming in numerous ways to aid man in these trying times. The Siddhas have come to speak to devotees in meditation, in dreams, through another, and of course through the Nadi. Even if we wish to have a Nadi reading, one also has to have a calling to have a Nadi reading, we were told by Agathiyar in the past. Both the seeker and the reader too have to be in tune with the divine and be in a state of mind conducive for the message to come across accurately. Those who come with faith and sincerity shall have most of their questions answered and shall be given solutions. Those who come with hidden agendas either to discriminate, judge, find faults, cause harm, negate, or tarnish the good name of the Siddhas and their vehicle of communication, the Nadi, or the readers, shall be identified and recognized and made known to the reader. The Siddha shall go along with their game, taking them for a ride too. Henceforth they shall have no mercy shown. Those who have had previous readings done are reminded to take heed of the Siddhas advice. We hear that many a time Agathiyar had stopped communicating through the Nadi when man refused to change and amend his ways.
Agathiyar in a recent post on Sitthan Arul at https://siththanarul.blogspot.com/2020/12/969.html gives us a message and a reminder in the context of those approaching him for a Nadi reading that comes as a warning and also clears the air on what the Siddhas expect from us. We are told not to take for granted, neither see it as a right to have a reading by the Siddhas. We are told that it is a privilege that we have to earn first.
Agathiyar with a tinge of sadness says, "Even after many years, there is no reduction in their karma (the seekers), neither is there any change in them, as they continue to ignore all my advice and lead a disastrous life gathering more karma. It is important to understand that every life is here to settle its score of karma. Hence it is best that one does not harm the other. "Only with honesty and sincerity and devotion shall one step before me for a (Nadi) reading. I shall only address those who have followed all previous advice and have had their fate give way to them. Get your house in order first before approaching me for a reading", states the Maha Muni sternly. He also had a stern reminder for those who use his name and indulge in wrongdoings, or commercialize his good name, reminding them that he knows who they are and that he will come after them. We have been asked to keep this in mind till the end of life.
"அப்பனே! எமது ஆசியை, அருள் வாக்கை கேட்க முன் வந்திருக்கிற சேய்களின் கர்மா, அவர்களின் மனஎண்ணம், இவைகளில் இத்தனை வருடங்களாகியும், முன்னேற்றமே இல்லை. எத்தனையோ அறிவுரைகள் கூறிய பின்னும் தவறாய் வாழ்க்கையில் வாழ்வது, அதன் வழி கெட்ட கர்மாவை சேர்த்துக் கொள்வதில் திறமையானவர்கள் ஆகிவிட்டார்கள். பிற உயிர்களும் நம்மைப்போல் கர்மாவை கழிப்பதற்காக இந்த பூமியில் வந்தவர்கள்/வந்தவைகள்தான் என, எந்த கெடுதலும் செய்யாமல் வாழ்வது மிக முக்கியம். ஆகவே, அருள்வாக்கு கேட்க விழைபவர், வாழ்க்கையை தவமாக நேர் முறையில் வாழட்டும். அதன் பின்னர் அவர்கள் விதி விலகி வழிவிட, அப்படிப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு யாம் வாக்குரைப்போம். அதுவரை எம்மை நாடும் சேய்களின் கர்மாவை அவர்களே சரி செய்துகொள்ளட்டும். எமது நாமத்தை கூறிக்கொண்டே தவறு செய்கிறவர்கள், எமது நாமத்தை கூறி, வியாபார பொருள் போல் உபயோகிப்பதையும் யாம் அறிவோம். அவர்களுக்கான பலனை, யாமே முன் நின்று கொடுப்போம்.
நிழல் ஒளியுள்ளவரைஉயிர் மூச்சுள்ளவரை
ஆசை அறுந்து போகும்வரை
குரு கடைசிவரை
இறை உள்ளொளி வரை
இதை உணர்ந்திடு மானிடா!"