Thursday 10 April 2014


If I had 49 nadi readings to date, Jnana Jyothiamma only had one, and the transcribe, what Mataji noted down as Tavayogi read the Jeeva Nadi at his ashram some three years back, too went missing. Mysterious indeed.

Jnana Jyothiamma wrote to me,
The Mysterious part is .... My Jeeva Nadi Reading went MISSING, from my Study Table...
After I returned back to the United States after Getting my Dhiksha, I placed it on my study Table Immediately on reaching home.. I used to gaze at it everyday. It was more than a Precious Ornament to/for me ... Something so very Precious .. specially as Agathiyan had mentioned to me in that Nadi that there will not be any more Nadi Reading for me. It was right on the same spot I placed for two months ... Then disappeared suddenly...
I could not understand at all, what all happened to me at Kallar that day of my Initiation. I used to gaze at my Jeeva Nadi reading book and recollect all the Incidents that happened at the Ashram right from the day, I entered it. The peacock that entered the Ashram mysteriously and also left mysteriously. Every night it used to knock at my door. I used to feed it too .. I took a number of pics of that peacock. All of them disappeared too from my mobile..
The peacock that entered the Ashram mysteriously and also left mysteriously
Neither did I go to the Ashram for getting Dhiksha nor for getting my Nadi read. Both the above mentioned terms, I have not heard before and I did not know the meaning of Either of the two..
Shan, I had mentioned this too in my second mail to you from the United States, thus ...
"Sir, you mentioned, you had your Nadi read and thereby met Tavayogi. But I did not have any reading read for me . I think it must be Sainath (Shirdi Sai Baba), who guided me there."Both he and AMMA guided me."
All I knew and aware was, that something ... some strong force was taking me there. Secondly when for the first time IN MY LIFE, I saw Agathiyan's pic in Sadhguru Venkatraman's site, I felt that I knew this Sage ... or can I say ... some sort of intense longing I suddenly had to see Him somewhere and somehow. I did not know where ... but I had a deep yearning that I needed to see Agasthya Maharishi .... There was an enormous yearning within me.
May be for a month or two I regularly visited Sadhguru Venkatraman's site just to see Agathiyan. I felt a deep connection with daddy ... a very strong bond ... deep attachment. I cried number of times looking at HIS pic and I really used to wonder as to why I feel chocked when I see the pic of Agathiyan.
It was at this time , around July 2011, the Divine showed me a WONDERFUL ATHMA ..... An Athma who very dear to Agathiyan and I stumbled across his site .. INDIAN HEARTBEAT .... and what I read there , left me BREATHLESS. Here I find a person, who, along with an Enlightened Master seems to have gone to all the places the Noble Sage had Trod.
Thus started a beautiful Relationship with You shan ... with Tavayogi and not to forget my Dearest Sister Mataji Sarojini.. Mataji and I ... still talk about the good happenings at the Ashram, while I was there. We shared many memorable moments that we still share our Experiences.
My Heartful thanks to all her family members, including Mataji and Tavayogi, who took care of me while I was there and my Humble Prostrations to my Swamiji Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal, for having shared with me some of his Divine experiences with Agathiyan and also some advice.
At the holy feet of our FATHER AGATHIYAN , I SUBMIT MYSELF for having accepted me , protected me , guided me and is still Protecting and guiding. What can I give back our Father for all that HE has given me .....? My utmost devotion at HIS HOLY PAADHAM.....
Shan, what is more mysterious is .... Mataji had also a couple of photo copies of my Jeeva Nadi reading, as, to their astonishment ... some details of both ..Tavayogi and Matji were also mentioned in my Nadi.
Like, The reason as to why and how Tavayogi came to that place Kallar and built the Ashram etc .. and Agathiyar praising Mataji for her services to the Guru in full EARNESTY AND DEVOTION.
Even the photo copies what she took of my Nadi reading, also disappeared. During one my my calls from USA , she told me that one day, she was searching for the papers to read them again and was unable to locate it. I knew the place in the cupboard where she kept it .. coz it was she and me, who placed it there. I told her to search that place ... and the whole cupboard ... She did. Those photo copies WENT MISSING too. No Trace of my reading anywhere ...
She told me on one occasion while I called her up, that one day as she and her daughter were searching the whole room for those papers, Tavayogi happened to pass that room. With a twinkle in his eyes, he asked them as to what they were searching . . Mataji, quickly answered him that she was searching for some papers. He smiled and told her to keep on searching.
Brief .. but memorable and divine .... my Fortnight stay with Agathiyan at HIS ABODE ...

So, when people ask me .. did you go to Kallar to get Dhiksha? I reply "NO'... as in the first place, I did not even know such a term existed and what it meant.
Then when they ask me next, if I went there to get my Jeeva Nadi read,... I tell them that for the first time in my life I heard the word Jeeva Nadi .. or for that matter .. Nadi, was from my friend's Shan's Blog. ... which is the Truth ...
Shan, in an earlier Instance , I had mentioned thus ...."When I was performing my duties as a mother and a wife, the Divine were performing their duties on me."
I did not know I was ready to receive their Grace. Agathiyan knew that I was ready and HE BESTOWED IT ON ME... Hence forth as per His Instructions, I will carry HIS name to the nook and corner. Naan Unnak Ulle Irundhu Vazhi Nadatherein .... IS what HE told me...
Ennathil Kalandhu ,

Ennathe Suthamaaki,
Athane Suthamuum Arputhammai Therndh yeduth
Enn Agatheeswarane ... Vaa ... (
Shan, you please translate this also in Tamil ..... These are the first lines I read about daddy ... which brought me close to HIM ... These words had a very deep impact on me THEN and still DOES.
That is what "FAITH" is all about...
For ALL the Favors HE shows and the JOYS He Bestows........ Just TRUST AND OBEY......
In an earlier mail she wrote,
I deeply cherish both ... my Jeeva Nadi Reading as well as the Fortnight I spent with Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal at his Ashram ..... Sri Agtathiyar Sri Tava Murugan Gnana Peedum ....

It was Tavayogi, who brought out the fact to me that the Verses written in Agathiyar1000 ... was directly by Agathiyan HIMSELF and also read out a few verses to me..
When I asked him, what prompted him to take up Sanyasam, he gave me a detailed explanation about his life prior to becoming a Monk and how Agathiyan helped him out on his maiden trip to Malaysia

To all our Amazement, Agathiyar answered all the questions I put forward to Tavayogi .... in my Reading.
and in another mail,
That's it ... got up from my bed and unable to sleep. Memories running in my head like a forest on Fire ... too many memories of that day .... My Dheeksha .... Eyes pain .. Ecstasy of having heard daddy .. .felt HIS touch ... seen the huge lighting like ball roll over from inside and burst open my Ajna Chakra .....
and in fb,
during my dheeksha .. if you remember I had mentioned to you .. that he ball of light first started to get activated from the nape of my neck (pons region) .... and traveled thro the other kalas and thro my ajna chakra .... This can be activated only by a siddha.
I sent you this msg to show you ... what I was struggling to express for the last two years. It was the same sort of light/luminosity ..... but in the form of a Scattered Medium Sized Ball ... that came rolling from the Pons region, (within) traveled straight through the back of my head towards the Sahasrar and hit open my ajna chakra .... when daddy gave me Dheeksha. Same kind of blinding light /same luminosity ...... Even today the Physiological effects .. I still feel .... Painwise..
In my Nadi it was mentioned that I was Vashishita's Disciple ... way before 5114 BCE ... even before Rama was born. Does this mean that I was alive when Agathiyna did all this ...... What an Intense Jemandra connection between daddy and me ....

This is the Truth and Authentic info ... as it was stated by Agathiyan HIMSELF in my Jeeva Nadi at Kallar ... about my birth before 5114 BCE ... and me having taken repeated births since then .... to Atone my Sins what I committed while serving Vashista in his Ashram at Ayodhya ....
Jnana Jyothiamma left a comment on the guru and her diksha in this blog,
The GURU.. The PRECEPTOR. Upadhyaya., Raja Guru and Loka Guru... The Tutor who teaches the Sacred Lore, the Royal Guru and The World teacher...

GURU .. or Initiator is an important aspect in Hinduism. HE is the First step in the Ascent of the Staircase to Liberation. The Sanskrit root GUR means.. to Raise, to Uplift.
A Guru removes the darkness of Ignorance or Non-Truth and leads HIS pupil towards Enlightenment and Truth. He further helps the Pupil to look and Examine, to Think and Meditate and to Practice and REALIZE.
After Diksha was Bestowed on me by Agathiyan, the above mentioned are my Experiences with my GURU AGATHIYAR MAHARISHI....
Now talking about Diksha.... The GURU bestows Diksha or Initiation to the Pupil.
Talking from my Experience, I can say A better word for Dhiska is 'EMPOWERMENT," because in it,... the Teacher carries the Pupil in One self, as it were, as the Mother bears the Embryo in her body.... and thereby the teacher/GURU 'Empowers" the Disciple with the "Jnana Energy."
The term Diksha is of two ideas.... Diyate and Ksiyate ---- giving and weakening, that is, Giving or Endowing Knowledge and Weakening or Destroying or Removing lower Impulses and Desires , which stand as Obstructions,thereby Freeing the Individual from the Phenomenal fetters. As there would be a Total transformaton in an Individual, we can say that Empowerment effects a Spiritual rebirth...... in the sense , the Individual is Uprooted form one's Normal Moorings.

This happened in my case. In some cases , during Initiation a New Name is given and One becomes a' Divja " or twice Born or born Anew and Clothed in a Spiritual Body or a Body of Light and Knowledge...
I can Firmly state thus.. The Guru is compared to a Ripe banana Fruit in the midst of a Cluster of Banana Fruits. The VERY CONTIGUITY of the Ripe Banana fruit CHANGES the Unripe ones to RIPE fruits...
For the benefit of the Readers who are Unfamiliar with the meaning of Diksha or Initiation or Empowerment..... these are the different Types of Dikshas , one speaks of in Hinduism... This was mentioned to me by Maan Swamy, who is Presently at ANOOR... near Karamadai.. Sargurnatha Ashram In Coonoor (OOty) and it's different Branches in the surrounding Hills were built by HIS HOLINESS.
Sparsa... Dikska..... .(only a Siddha can Bestow)..... based upon the "deep touch,' which tends the Disciple in a manner of a bird nourishing it's young ones within the warm folds of it's wings.
Kriya... Diksha -------- Initiation through Ritual.

Varna... Dikska----- Initiation through the Alphabet
Vag.... Diksha------- Initiation through mantric utterance.
Drk... Diksha----- Based upon sight, acts like a fish, which bring up their offspring by means of sight alone.
Manasa ...Diksha----- mental, which build like the Tortoise, feeding it's infant, by only thinking of it.