Tuesday 8 November 2022


I think I have come to understand the Siddha way in reaching emancipation or liberation. Let us first look at the general scenario where one has no knowledge of the existence of the Siddhas. He goes to the temples to pray. Then he takes an interest to learn Yoga. He seeks out a Yoga master and enrolls for lessons. He follows what is taught. He might also seek a spiritual master or follow another who frequents one. He might stay or leave. If he stays, he follows what is taught. He then begins to worship his master. When the masters pass away, he is left in the lurch not knowing what to do further. He goes back to his old ways.

For some whose prayers seem not to be heard nor answered, they land themselves coming to the Siddhas and the Nadi for answers.

The next scenario is where one comes to know of the existence of Siddhas. He gets a calling to read the Nadi. He is told of his karma. He acts accordingly to what is said in it. He is shown a master in the way of the Siddhas or finds one. He follows what is taught. He begins to experience these teachings. The practices taught when done diligently brings on changes and a transformation within. In the event the master passes away the Siddhas continue to aid in directing him. He is never abandoned. The Siddhas who initially brought his problems to the attention of God, eventually bring him to realize God.

In the former scenario though the aspirant and seeker places his efforts in its entirety, he does not see results and is disillusioned. I too did not see the results of all my Yoga practice and Puja, reading from books and carrying them out in the initial years. I did not see the results as my karma stood in my way. For others who placed effort they might face trouble in their ventures and health though I was spared both. 

In the latter scenario the initial step is to have a Nadi reading to ascertain the extent of our karma and its effects on our present lives. Remedies are provided, not to escape from its effects but to soften it. Many leave at this stage only to turn up again for another reading when trouble brews. To those who are genuinely kindled to know further about the Siddhas and their mystical Nadi, they are shown to the recitation of their names and their puja. To those who are steadfast in the ways of the Siddhas they are shown a master who begins to guide them. Soon the master steps aside and prepares us to communicate directly with the Siddhas. After his demise we are not lost as we carry on what was taught and shown earlier. The Siddhas guide us further in the absence of the master. We begin to have conversations with the Siddhas.

To summarize the Siddha way, it begins with faith in their existence. It starts with our surrender to them. It begins with shedding of our ego and claiming and holding on to their feet. They then bring on the grace of God. With their grace anything is possible and can be achieved. Though we might try and place concerted effort towards reaching higher goals in the spiritual realm, it is only with their grace that the doors shall open wide. Grace is the only element or component that can bring on change and transformation in us. Grace comes with worship or puja to the Siddhas. They in turn lead us to God. They place a nice word to him. We are accepted into their fold. The formula then is: Worship of Siddhas = removal of karma + an appointment with God = Receiving the Grace of God = Attaining the state of Liberation.

And so, the divine energies came through a devotee last night to treat my aching back after the former pain came back during the hours of my attempt to sit in meditation earlier in the morning. They gave me a thorough body massage "breaking a few bones" and releasing the wind or Vata, phlegm or Kapha and bile or Pita. It was sufficient that they took note of my agony and gave me first aid. I continue to carry out the other treatments and remedies they gave me in the past. All shall be well as it has always been.