Saturday 29 November 2014


Lord Skandha reveals the existence of the Sri Agathiyar Gnana Peedham in Kallar to devotees through the Jnana Skandhar Nadi. Lord Skandha speaks about the patron founder of the Ashram Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal, the worship of Agathiyar, Thava Murugar, and the Mystical Rudraksha Shivalingam at Kallar. Lord Skandha also mentions the Jeeva Nadi in Tavayogi's possession.

Agathiyar reveals his exact time of birth and speaks about the significance of the 108 Sarva Dosa Nivarana Maha Yagam and celebrations at Kallar in the following Nadi reading. Agathiyar assures us that the donations forwarded towards the Ashram are put to good use.

Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyaar speaks about the significance of Agathiyar's Jayanthi and Guru Puja held annually at Kallar. She introduces her guru Tavayogi Thangarasan Aigal and Agathiyar to the devotees gathered on the grounds of the Ashram during the celebration. Mataji speaks about the Ashram and how the Ashram has served devotees.