Friday 20 November 2020


Coming back from India in 2003 I documented my pilgrimage on my now defunct website indianheartbeat and several travel blogs. The reason was to share my fond memories and experiences with those keen to read and follow. 

Soon when Agathiyar sent aspirants and seekers of the Siddha way and path to my home, I compiled songs that we would sing for each occasion or religious festivities. This was distributed to them. The reason was to share my joy in singing the praises of the Siddhas with those keen to sing and follow. 

Soon we documented these events including the puja at my home that became AVM and at the temples and uploaded them to my Youtube channel The reason was to share our fond memories and experiences with those keen to watch and follow.

I began sharing live the Siddha puja in my home with Jnana Jothiamma who was then residing in the USA upon her requests and yearning in wanting to follow the prayers. Then I migrated from Skype to Ustream to YouTube Live to reach a wider audience as I received requests from more devotees.

It gave us great joy in sharing them. Soon we received feedback from readers of the website that later became the Siddha Heartbeat blog; from seekers searching for the songs and relevant means or methods of conducting puja to the Siddhas, and from viewers who cherished the melodious songs and visuals and interviews uploaded. We came to learn that many made their way to Kallar Ashram after reading and watching these uploads. We came to learn that many took up the worship of Siddhas that was ideal for the family man and simplified and made easy to follow, minus the need to walk away from the family and society in search of the Siddhas. This brought great joy to us as others too could now "walk the path" and gain insights into the lives of Siddhas, within their homes.  


As we move with times, I believe the means and the methods to God too change to suit the times. I strongly believe that Agathiyar has simplified them just for our sake so that its simplicity would kindle us to at least try to start the walk. 

The years 2001 to this day, some 19 years now, have been years of learning, experimenting, and experiencing the path. We have seen many results too within this span of time. To those who are eager to know of these results please read through the posts on this blog. To those who have the urge to start immediately on this path, you could follow the method outlined below. It worked for us, hence it should work for you too.

I was called to the path by Agathiyar in the Nadi reading. Nadi guru or Nadi Nool Aasan Sentilkumar of Avinashi, Tamilnadu performed the ritual of giving thanks and a small token of appreciation to both the Siddhas who were the authors of the Nadi and the reader who was the medium to read and convey the message. The ritual was termed Nadikku Dhanam and it came as instructed in the Nadi by Agathiyar. 

Sentil read out the names of the Siddhas and made offerings to them portrayed in a painting. This was the first step. This ritual served as a note of appreciation to the Siddhas in welcoming us to their path. I was given a painting of Agathiyar and a booklet that carried these names to worship them at home. Soon I searched for more songs to add on during our puja. I used to release a different compilation of these songs appropriate for the occasion. Hence my library of songs expanded till it became a "Compendium of Songs in Praise of the Siddhas".

In 2013, the need for a book for those on the run rises. It was meant for those who had to rush elsewhere and did not have the liberty of allocating time for an elaborate puja session. This saw the realization of the booklet "24 Minutes Siddhar Puja".

With the coming of the guru more elaborate rituals came to be followed. With the coming of Agathiyar in the form of a statue instructed to be commissioned by him in the Nadi, he asked that we perform libation or abhisegam to him in this form. Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyar of Kallar Ashram came to assist us in providing the songs that accompany a typical abhisegam. We modified them for our purpose and sang the songs as we poured the 16 items bathing Agathiyar and chilling him.

With the coming of Tavayogi he introduced us to conducting the fire ceremony or Homam a smaller scale of Yagam in our homes. This started me researching the benefits of this age-old tradition that our priestly ancestors conducted. Hence the book "Feeding the Flame" was published and distributed to devotees so that they too shall appreciate and understand what they were doing or witnessing rather than see the ritual as a mere ritual. 

As we began to appreciate the coming of the gurus and saw the results in walking the path, more books were published online.