Thursday 26 November 2020


Those who are familiar with Christy Beam's memoir or the movie "Miracles from Heaven" based on her true story will want to share their story too. She writes, 

"Standing in the light of all he's given us, in the light of all that's happened I can't not tell you our story."

Christy writes, 

"I didn't always see god's hand in the tangled threads of my life but now I do. He was there in our beginning and every time our world fell apart. He's with us now and into the unknowable future."

How many of us have actually given thanks to the Almighty? Most of the time we have only bribed him with our offerings in return for favors. Let us put in writing our appreciation to the Almighty. So start picking up that pen and write your story too so that it shall encourage others to share their life stories too. 

Someone asked me if God had asked us to worship Him? I replied he did tell me. Agathiyar had asked me to have his statue made and worship him through the Nadi. Someone else asked me what were the benefits we gained in worshipping him? Today I can boldly tell her that he has come to live with us. 

Recently YouTube sent me a message that a video of mine was flagged as inappropriate. Hence it has been age-restricted. 

Your video My Nadi in 2002 & the Journey was flagged to us for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that it may not be suitable for all viewers and it has been placed behind an age restriction.

They asked me to refer to the Community Guidelines. They told me I could appeal. I read through what was allowed and what was not allowed. I could not find any category to which I could relate my video. I wrote in that the video was wholly on my Nadi reading. I did not find anything offensive, obscene, or vulgar with it. I asked them how my video was deemed offensive. Upon reviewing it back they lifted the age-restriction. 

I am surprised to see thumbs down given to devotional songs by saints too. What is wrong with people? To those fond of giving the thumbs up or down, and commenting on other's views, what other better way to state your views than to write your own blog. To those who have to say something create your own space and start speaking your thoughts. 

I never wanted to be the person to bring the bad news although there are many who want to bring us the news first. That is what happens on social media too. There isn't joy in listening to the news too. When a colleague enrolled as a monk in an ashram in India many years back, he told me they were not allowed to follow the news although the chief monk kept track of the current affairs so as to advise accordingly visitors to the ashram. We can understand the need for him to do so. As for the rest of the monks they needed to be secluded so as to be at peace with themselves. Agathiyar strictly forbade Jnana Jothiamma from socializing on the numerous social media platforms telling her that it shall impair her tapas. In sharing, we should bring joy to others. It should never be to hurt or demoralize another. 

I set out to write more books back then, sharing my joy with those keen to read. Happy reading and Happy Thanksgiving.