Tuesday 28 June 2022


Mataji taught me a pertinent lesson during her recent visit to Malaysia. She recalled Tavayogi telling her that we shall sow as we go along. Let it grow of its own will. This she said was what was adopted by her too. In sowing the seed those who take up the path shall come along while others leave. I was rather angry in the beginning years of my worship to the Siddhas that many came and left. Once I knew it to be a beautiful Margam or path, I wanted to share the bliss with others. Agathiyar too sent many over to my home beginning with a group of youngsters who stood by me as we ventured to expand our charitable deeds besides carrying out puja. Many stand by me to this day. Many left too I guess failing to see their desires fulfilled. I have come to realize that in coming together as an organized group we should set aside our individual desires and carry out the desires of the guru. Many leave because they want their ideas implemented. Seeing that they are given the cold shoulder they take leave. They then sell their wares elsewhere. The day we are put in charge and take on the role of a guru only then shall we set our own goals as that of the organization. Till then we have to toe the line. 

I too had many ideas that the establishments I visited were not keen to adopt. I decided to travel solo. But Agathiyar then sent his entourage of handpicked souls to come along my journey at least for a while and keep my company and assist with all our events that he had us carry out. I take this moment to thank all these wonderful souls. If I was to list them out it would be a very long list and I fear that I might miss a name or two. 

Looking back and the videos of the events we carried out over the years, I am amazed at the amount of puja and rituals we did. I am equally amazed at the number of charity events we organized. It would not be possible without a helping hand and most importantly attendance by these wonderful souls. They made my day or rather I should say they made Agathiyar's day.