Friday 30 June 2023


Just as in assembling the puzzle pieces, we are amazed to see the puzzle take shape, we are amazed at the delivery system of the Siddhas as promised. Though not comparable with the many courier services that compete to deliver fast, their delivery system takes time and patience on our part. We have come to understand that each practice or directive of theirs is customized, studying one's health and past karma, and studying whether it was feasible to alter his or her fate and destine a new life in the company of the Siddhas.

The Siddha comes to claim us from our parents or life partner and brings us to walk the phase of Sariyai, looking after the ashram if there is one, or the home, keeping it tidy, and arranging for its rituals and puja. He then gets us to sit with him in conducting rituals and other Kriyas. He then introduces us to Yogam. He invites us to sit with him in contemplation. The Siddha initiates the dormant energies within in very subtle ways that do not jolt us or disrupt our daily affairs of the world and family if we are with the latter. He would monitor these energies and our progress daily. He would tell us when to begin and when to stop the rituals, puja, and yogic practices. The student will always be under the watchful eyes of the master who monitors him. From seeing him in temples, ashrams, and at our home altars, in the paintings and statues and the Yagam and Homam, and seeing him in others, man and animals, we are brought to see him in nature and the Prapanjam. We are shown to our own souls or Atma that guide us further in discovering Gnanam for ourselves. 

Agathiyar who came in the Nadi as words, and came as a statue, came as a guru. Just like Tavayogi handed us to Agathiyar, Agathiyar in parting his knowledge and practice, eventually handed us over to Prapanjam to take care of all our needs. Similarly, yesterday when I asked Ramalinga Adigal to bring us ashore he replied that Prapanjam shall care for us. 

If in the past the student is shut out from the outside world and begins to focus on the practice given within the ashram walls, is tutored and is himself transformed to the state of a guru and only then sent off to preach and share what was learned, having himself experienced the joy and bliss that comes with these practices and reached the state of enlightenment, in current times as information is accessible on the touch of a button or key, we tend to fill us up with all sorts of spiritual practices and knowledge that tend to create a conflict of energy paths in the former and contradict each other in the latter, and finally having us become confused or worse still turn cuckoo. 

A true guru would warn his student and teach him to ward off the dangers that lurk even in spiritual practices. He would have us wait and test us for some 12 years before imparting the final knowledge. If one has left earlier on his own accord or boasts a list of names of gurus just be cautious and careful. He might not be a full-fledged guru and might ruin your life. You have the right to test the guru just as he shall test you. Remember that we grow together both guru and disciple and are not at the mercy of either. Have a safe journey.