Wednesday 11 October 2023


A question had been bothering me for some time now. An ordinary man succumbs to an illness and is bedridden. At the same time, we see gurus and spiritual teachers succumb to old age and illnesses and become bedridden too. What then is the difference between them? What is the point in engaging in years of austerities only to suffer and die like another? I realized that illness and suffering are for the body. We only feel pain if we connect with the body. Instead, if we were to connect with the Prapanjam the pain and suffering would not matter. As pain set in in me in the wee hours of 4am this morning, I pleaded to Agathiyar and the Prapanjam to rid it. I took his sacred ash and brushed my body with the peacock feathers as it is said that this would heal the pain that arises first in the causal body and later felt in the physical body. I tapped from Prapanjam her energy to heal too. The pain is tolerable as I pen these words now. It is 5.11am now.

Days before Jnana Jothiamma passed away she called me from her hospital bed in pain as a result of the internal transformation that went on. Though I could hardly make out what she was saying I felt her pain. I felt helpless as I was in Malaysia and she was in India. She had told me that many years earlier when she was visiting someone at the hospital Yogi Ramsuratkumar was in an adjacent bed. When Tavayogi was readmitted again to the hospital and called me telling me in the event he did not make it, Mataji would take over the running of his ashram, I remained silent not knowing how to respond. Eventually, he broke the silence again telling me that Agathiyar shall take care of matters. When I called Supramania Swami just days into his vow of silence of 60 days and had him break his vow of silence with my stupid move, he told me that he had seen the Jothi or Light. He passed away after a few days. Another guru in the path of the Siddhas is lying in bed too. 

The difference between a commoner lying in bed and a spiritual man lying in another is that while the former came to pay back his bad karma or accept the gifts of his good karma in the past, and to fulfill his unfinished and also newly awakened earthly desires, filling his tummy and living a life of pleasure, and the comforts of life, the latter comes with a purpose and after having seen it accomplished relieves his body to the elements naturally. When the sufferings of a commoner drown him, the spiritually enhanced and empowered soul stays aloft at all times. While the former's soul learns nothing about soul empowerment and evolvement, the latter brings himself and others to the realization of the soul and its oneness with the Supreme powers.

I too must learn to bear the pain and face any eventuality. Life is not all rosy just because we tread the path of the gurus and the Light. We are at the mercy of nature and its natural ways unless we tap the ability to take hold of it and will the change in us and things around us. But the gurus would hardly want to mess around with this ability even if they were capable of doing so. They choose to remain silent and watch life go on. But if the good chooses to refrain from action the bad seems to go ahead and create suffering for others. Here arises an imbalance in the world that calls for an Avatar to arise. But most Avatars too are localized and do not cause a worldwide effect. How then shall imbalance be corrected throughout the world?