Friday 4 October 2024


I have seen many come and go. Most come seeking an end to their sufferings, cures for their illnesses, a means to end domestic violence and troubles, a solution to their debts, fulfillment of marriage longings, fulfillment of desires, monetary gains, career upliftment, and a long list of wants. They failed to realize that the Siddhas are not here to give them these. They are here to enlighten us about Karma, the law of cause, and its effects through the Nadi reading or other means. They are here to make us realize our past mistakes, carry out remedies to balance the score, and atone for them, never to repeat them again so that there would be no seed or Vasana to bring and carry forward that could summon the need for another birth. They are here to teach us to become independent and take it up with the divine directly through rituals and puja or worship, taking it up by oneself or guided by the guru, which bridges both worlds and reconnects us with them. They are here to reveal to us the existence of the Atma or JeevaAtma or Soul in us that has been hidden, masked, veiled, and thrown into the dungeon in our hearts, by our ever-growing and hungry Ego, through the coming of the guru who helps us reconnect with it. They are here to bring us to take notice of our breath and use it as a tool to arouse the energies, which unfortunately due to our ignorance are being used at a minimum, to attain greater intensity and reach greater heights. They are here to help us connect with Mother Earth and the Prapanjam, dealing directly with her for all our needs, thus breaking all barriers and bypassing the need for further mediums, instruments, and tools. I understand now why Tavayogi at one point told us that we did not need the Nadi. I understand now why Agathiyar stopped all rituals at AVM too. When a battery is fully charged, why would we want to charge it further? I understand now why Agathiyar in bringing down the shutters on AVM in 2019 in the wake of the approaching pandemic told me henceforth it shall be a solo journey and most recently Lord Muruga told me not to get uptight and angry that others care less to bring about the much-awaited upliftment of their souls that was the desire of both Tavayogi and Agathiyar. I understand now why Agathiyar and Lord Murugan told me that there was nothing else for me to do, be it any effort, practice, or observance thenceforth. They tell me to do nothing further. Agathiyar tells me that I have arrived. There is a state of Contentment. Completeness. Bliss. Joy. Peace. As Saint Arunagiri finally tells Lord Muruga, "I am speechless after attaining the state of PerAnandham or Extreme Bliss", I am to take in the bliss and remain in this blissful state. I am grateful.