Sunday 6 October 2024


When I look back I am amazed at how Agathiyar prepared me to do his work even before I came to his fold. I was in the Engineering field looking after projects. This is when I got to handle my first desktop computer with Windows 3.0 at the site office. When an opening came my way to return to my HQ which would have me travel less from my newly purchased home I took up the offer. But I had to do the tasks of a working committee to a Secretariat which I did not mind for I saw it as a good deal. Sekaran at the office who before leaving to become a monk at Paramahansa Yogananda's Ranchi Ashram in India, left me a piece of advice, to take up the new challenges and learning that came my way, which paved the way for me to take up creating PowerPoint presentations. When the Secretariat moved back to the Engineering unit, I too moved with it. But it came under the Quantity Surveying subunit this time. I did not mind. Soon I became involved more in creating presentations rather than my core business. I did not mind. The knowledge gained from self-study and the availability of the latest hardware and software paved the way for me to try my hands at creating websites. I picked up HTML. I purchased my first laptop and the indianheartbeat came to be. It carried stories of my maiden pilgrimage to India and meeting my first guru Supramania Swami and subsequently my travels with Tavayogi. Soon I carried more stories at

The following are defunct now. avadaiyappa

Just as Windows has come a long way by bringing us Windows 11 today, today I am a tool of Agathiyar posting "his writings and dictates" on this blog and continuing to create content and upload videos on YouTube. Rather than take the stage and speak like Tavayogi he has assigned me to write instead. I take pleasure in doing his work. He has the women folk, devotees, and readers to contribute to this blog too. I am grateful to readers and viewers for following these postings and uploads.