Saturday, 20 June 2015


Nadi Nool Aasan Meigandan explains in simple terms how the Nadi functions in the following video.

Besides the commonly known facts about the Nadi, Meigandan walks us through further into understanding the mysteries of the Nadi. He says the Atma or soul, man and the Nadi have a connection. The Rishis and Siddhas who have the grace of God or Erai, knew the Atma and its place of residence. The Siddhas and Rishes could reveal the numerous births taken and also came to know of future happenings. A birth is taken based on the merits and demerits in the many past lives of a person. A new life starts based on these karma and is reflected through the positioning of the planets on one's astrological chart at the time of birth. During a birth, the various planets positions tend to form a particular pattern, that turns out good for some and bad for others. 

The Siddhas and Rishis decide who is to see their Nadi and at what period of time. When its time to reveal about a person or to bring him or her some news that is to bring a drastic change in them, the Atma automatically gets an urge to seek the Nadi, and hence gets connected. It is interesting to note that the Nadi had been written commencing from that moment of time, just as we shall see in Uday Mehta's question put to his Nadi Nool Aasan.

It is interesting to note the reply Uday got for his question about the timing when one comes for a reading. Uday went for this reading at the age of 53. He questioned the Nadi Nool Aasan Murlidharan, "What if I had come before this or after this time then my age would not have been 53? and his answer was you were supposed to come at this time only! Not before not after." Uday continues,"The future mentioned in the page also started from my age of 53." Meigandan too confirms this.

Meigandan clears the air as to why the Nadi readers need much information from the seekers before they can actually locate their Nadi. Just as you can group the worlds population under certain physical traits, so have the Siddhas and Rishis classified these Atmas into 108 divisions accordingly to their thumbprint. These 108 divisions are subdivided further.

When a thumbprint is given, the pattern is observed carefully and the process of locating the Nadi begins. This requires the cooperation of the individual. Imagine having to leaf through a great number of Nadi leaves trying to locate them is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. A individual might have a similar thumprint as others with little variations. The Nadi reader then goes through the tedious task of skimming through all these Nadi hoping to locate the exact Nadi pertaining to the individual. Just as those in the same Rasi share to a certain extend the same qualities or character, there is some similarity between those falling into the same pattern of thumbprint. For instance they could be in the same field of job; or the father's name could be the same; same with the mother too (this surprised me even further and answered my doubt too); they could share the same number of children; and other similar statistics.

When Nadi Nool Aasan Sentilkumar lead me on this humongous task of locating my Nadi, we had gone through 3 stacks of these Nadi leaves by then, not able to locate mine. Then to my surprise, a Nadi revealed my name, my parents name, the fact that my mother had two names - one official and another given by my father; the correct number of siblings, and my career too. But my wife's name was mentioned as Manohari. We both decided it could not be mine as my wife's name was something else.

Meigandan says it would then not be sufficient and proper to establish an individual's Nadi merely by accepting, for instance, the number of children. This is where the need arises for the Nadi reader to question the individual regarding many personal matters in order to cancel out the other less accurate descriptions and informations and finally arrive at the most accurate depiction of the person who has come for the reading. Both parties accept that that particular Nadi is the right one, only when all the information provided by the individual tallies with what is written in the Nadi. After determining these personal particulars as the individuals, only then is a complete reading done, that would reveal further what the person will encounter in the future.

Meigandan brings us hope that once an individual's Nadi is located, then various solutions, means and ways can be undertaken to bring change and reduce the intensity of one's suffering or to enhance one's good fortunes as indicated in their Nadi.