Monday 31 July 2017


We at AVM do not debate as to who is the greater God. Instead we hold steadfast to the concept that all Gods are one.

We at AVM do not debate about the merits of being vegetarian or otherwise. Instead we work on compassion.

We at AVM do not talk politics. Instead we channel our energy to something close to our hearts, Agathiyar. 

There is no negative talk here. We put a stop to it the moment it arises. Instead the talk at AVM is always about Agathiyar. 

We at AVM have come together out of love for our Sadguru, Paramaguru, and Moolaguru, Agathiyar. Agathiyar has brought us together to join hands in prayer (puja) and tapas (tavam); and in service (seva) and charity (dhanam). We at AVM have come together in devotion and compassion - the two keys to the the kingdom of God.

Agathiyar has led each individual in AVM, on his/her own journey. Traveling on this journey, soon each of us found our way and walked the path charted by him. We realized that Agathiyar has ultimately brought us together onto a super corridor - that of selfless service. Through union of these souls and a common understanding, love and compassion blossomed and prevails here. Ego is stamped out. In event it shows up, we ask each other to remind the other of the pitfalls. We at AVM remind ourselves not to fall into the trap of illusion or Maya, never making the mistakes others have made, taking those incidents as a lesson to us. We look out for each other. It is a journey, of not an individual, but of all of us. Those who cannot bring themselves to submit themselves in selfless service soon leave on their own accord while those who come with stagnant thoughts, shallow understanding and ideas that have collected moss, all which could poison and destroy the very structure that we have put up together are asked to leave. We believe we are in good hands, the guiding hands of Agathiyar.

Trekking on this road, Bala Chandran, Thondu Seivom and AVM family went about tirelessly purchasing pastries and toiletries the past two days, packing them to be distributed tonight to the homeless on the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Thondu Seivom members purchased, packed and will manage the distribution of these contributions from Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia through its financial arm Amudha Surabhi, and from Thondu Seivom members themselves, gathering at Menara AgroBank, Kuala Lumpur at 10pm tonight, in conjunction with Kuthambai Siddhar's Jayanthi (Aadi Maatham Visaagam Natchathiram) today. Please do join us in seva and lend us a helping hand.