Thursday 21 February 2019


A friend asked recently why people are so obsessed with cheating death that they fail to enjoy life? I tend to agree with him. There is so much talk about life after death and attaining wonderful states thereafter. Whatever done in the present works out to be a deposit or saving for a future life. They work towards it at the expense of not living life fully. 

Generally there is the paper chase to fulfill an ambition; followed by a need for recognition and a status in life; then working towards it; and finally settling in a life without worry. These are what is sought by many as they work towards their material goals. They can also be the least worried about the guy next door. Then there are many who turn to become philosophers churning out quotes of famous personalities in all situations. These are those who sit on the fence and watch the world go by, hardly putting in any effort, whiling away their time, moving aimlessly and eventually do not achieve much in life. Then there are others who pursue a spiritual path, leaving their well paid job and seeking the solitary of the monasteries and ashrams. They decide that you cannot have the best of both worlds and opt to live in seclusion. They have made the choice and taken the first step to attempt to break the cycle of birth and death. There are many other denominations too. 

But the world has a place for everyone. When man wants only his kind to rule and dominate the world, Erai is extremely generous in allowing all 8.4 million species of life on the face of this earth and below it, according to the Padma Purana.  Although not all of his creation worships him, yet he does not segregate them. He provides for all these wonderful creatures, animals, plants, and humans alike. 

Agathiyar tells us that he has placed us here to enjoy life. He calls this nation Bhoga Naadu and Shukra Bumi. While partaking the milk and honey, he comes along in mid life to remind me that there is yet another world of lasting joy out there. He tells me to follow him. Searching for more information on the path of the siddhas, brought me to several societies and associations run under his name. But non impressed me. He then brings me to Supramania Swami who ignites the flame of devotion and sends Tavayogi to nurture it. Agathiyar shows us a way to liberation or mukti that puts a stop to this journey of death and birth within this cycle of 8.4 million species. As Tavayogi told me he too shall come back, and as both my gurus tell me that we shall work on it till we perfect the technique to break the chain of death and birth, we are taking one step at a time, working on the task given by Agathiyar day to day, from moment to moment. 

Life is a wonder. The earth is a wonder. Birth is a wonder. We are surrounded by a whole lot of miracles taking place simultaneously at each moment in time and space, but sadly we have shut our eyes to it and closed our ears to it. We have lost the ability to appreciate and sense the aroma in the air, to taste the delicate qualities of food; and to feel the pleasantness in our surroundings.

A woman ovulates and a mature egg makes its way down her falopian tube towards the uterus. A sperm cell, one among many, competes to make its way towards the egg and fertilizes it after much effort. At fertilization the sex of the fetus is determined depending on whether the egg receives an X or Y chromosome from a sperm cell. The embryo takes shape. Its heart and lungs develop; it grows limbs; brain, spinal cord and nerves begin to form; the ankles, wrists, fingers and eyelids form; bones appear; the genitals and inner ear begin to develop progressively; bones and muscles begin to grow; buds for future teeth appear; fingers and toes grow; the intestines begin to form; eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails and the neck all form; the skin has a wrinkled appearance; the fetus can bend its arms and legs; its kidneys start working and produce urine; and the fetus can swallow and hear. The fetus has its regular cycle of sleeps and wakes; fine hair appears on its skin; hair begins to grow; the eyes begin to open and the brain develops rapidly; the lungs are completely formed but have yet to function; the fetus kicks and stretches; it responds to light and sound; its eyes open and close; bones harden but the skull remains soft and flexible to make delivery easier; different regions of the brain are formed; and the fetus has hiccups! Then the baby comes into the world. It grows into a toddler and a child. (Source:

Now when does this 'I' come into the picture? My grand daughter who is a year and seven months has begun to make choices for herself. She picks either this shoe or the other. She has begun to state her stand. She refuses to take certain foods. She chooses to ignore instructions. The self is determining her actions. We would remember what she does now and narrate them to her later in life, but she might never have any memory of it then. As we grow up we become more identified with this body, looking after its needs, keeping it pretty and healthy. There is nothing wrong in wanting to look pretty and presentable. We need to be healthy and stay healthy too. 

Erai placed us here to reap the merits of our past actions. If we had done good, life would be pleasant. If we had harmed others, life would be difficult. Whether we gathered good merits or bad, life will end one day and we might have to come back another round to settle the scores. Agathiyar tells us not to be too preoccupied with the day to day living. He has asked us to devote a little of our time to be in the company of Erai. He is asking us to gather some merits in this life too by helping others. He reveals the task and mission we need to accomplish as children of Erai. Besides working for our needs he is asking us to carry out Erai's work too. It is truly an honor to be given the priviledge to do Erai's work. 

As Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha states that birth and the life that ensues is a blessing,
For a Jivatma, to be born as a human among the innumerable species of life, is itself a unique blessing in the arduous journey through countless births. Human birth provides the exclusive opportunity to pursue the Purusharthas — dharma (righteousness), wealth (artha), desire (kama) and salvation (moksha). Even in the brief life span, there is the inbuilt chance to gain access to knowledge of God, experience His infinite greatness, and seek salvation.
let us take up the opportunity and chance given to gain access to the divine knowledge and experience his infinite grace and greatness, and if we are fated and if he grants, we might attain mukti yet. Here is an opportunity for us to know Erai, our creator and pay obeisance and homage to him. Some worship him in the temples; others worship him at home, praising him, and thanking him. Others see him in their guru, preach and spread his teachings. Yet many never even give a thought that there might be a creator. As Agathiyar says let it me, he has given us an opportunity to know him and through him know Erai. He appeared in the Nadi to remind me of our bond. He came to me through the numerous miracles of his. He tells us that he was in the past, he is in the present and he will be in the future. He quickly adds that so are we. I was in Papanasam, in Shringeri, in Batu Caves, in the past births. I am here how. The present will determine and establish where I shall be in the future. If the past had played a role in where I am today, similarly the present will determine my future. If I handle my present tactfully my future will be as I want. I then am master of my destiny. Although I cannot change my fate that determines my body frame, shape, looks, race, parents, family but I can surely change my destiny both in the present and thereafter through my concerted effort. Taking care of my present also takes care of my future.

Let us make a resolution now that although we cannot change the past, but we can surely decide on the present. If my grandchild can make decisions surely we as adult can decide what is best for us. Once a decision is made wisely based on the circumstances prevailing and options available, learn to move on with life. Never regret for the decision made earlier for remind yourself that it was the best decision based on your evaluation of all the factors prevailing at that moment in time. Learn not to harm another and similarly life will not deal a blow or be cruel to you. Learn to aid all those who seek your help, to the best of your ability without jeopardizing your peace and life. Life will be a boon in the future. Learn to cherish the present moment. Live life moment to moment. Live a quality life each moment. Then you shall not regret later. You can tell yourself that you have given it your best shot. You need not go back to redo or amend the task. Do it with passion and love and the results will bring joy to you. Avoid shoddy work that requires you to come back again and again to make good the work you did.

Accept that you cannot change the past. Put in your best effort to the task on hand. If troubles trouble you leave it to Erai to take charge of it. Only surrender your problems to him but take charge of your life and work towards fulfilling your desires. But if all hope fails, if life deserts you, if all you face is problems, do not despair! This is where you then surrender your total self to him. Life has now gone beyond you and is His to lead. After all efforts have failed, turn to him to change your life around, only after you have attempted to knock on or open all the doors available!