Monday 4 February 2019


After desperately pleading to Lord Muruga, the young Ramalingam is shown his darshan in a mirror in his room privately. Many years on Adigal pleads to Lord Shiva to open his door so that he could come in into his company. Finally the years of search end and the Lord knocks on his doors, giving him the gift of Gnana in the middle of the night. Ramalinga Adigal describes this eventful night in 100 stanzas named Arutpirakasa Maalai.

Valmikanathan writes of this amazing visit of Erai to Ramalinga Adigal's quarters.
Already our Swaamikal has begun to experience the early fruits of the union with the Godhead. He describes one of them in 100 stanzas of the second decad of the Fifth Book. All the stanzas describe in growing amazement only one item of experience. Lord Civan walked on His holy rosy delicate feet all the way and, seeking the door of the house where our Swaamikal was staying, opened the door, hailed him and placed in his hands something accompanied by loving and reassuring words. While all the 100 stanzas describe the same incident, the description of the feet and the expressions of amazement and gratefulness vary from stanza to stanza. Nowhere, however, in any of the one hundred stanzas is there any clue to show us what was the object which the Lord placed in our Swaamikal’s hands. Whatever it was, the incident made such a great impact on the mind of our Swaamikal that he sang no less than one hundred stanzas to record that incident.