Wednesday 20 February 2019


How can I repay Agathiyar for all he has given me? He gave us a birth that is to be treasured. According to Sankara, he says that the human birth is first among the three most rarest gifts obtained through the grace or Arul of Erai. This human birth is followed by the longing for liberation; and finally discipleship to an illumined teacher.

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha states that birth and life that ensues is a blessing: "For a Jivatma, to be born as a human among the innumerable species of life, is itself a unique blessing in the arduous journey through countless births. Human birth provides the exclusive opportunity to pursue the Purusharthas — dharma (righteousness), wealth (artha), desire (kama) and salvation (moksha). Even in the brief life span, there is the inbuilt chance to gain access to knowledge of God, experience His infinite greatness, and seek salvation."

We are told of couples desiring to have a child, engaging purohit or priests to perform rituals and Yagnas to please the Gods and the planets in present times. We have also read of such Yagnas and prayers conducted in much bigger scales in the days of yore. Erai has given us the gift of birth that is much awaited by souls, standing in line to come down and serve a purpose. The gift of a child is every married couple's dream too. When their desires match, a child comes into the world. Contrary to common belief that two individuals are brought together through arranged marriage or through love and romance for each other, it is the child that is waiting to be born, that brings the couple together.  My wife and I were brought together - again, by Agathiyar after considering my daughter's desire to be together - again. 

Living a life full of joy, the child grows up into a teen and youth. The youth grows up. Soon he fathers a child and faces his share of responsibilities. Towards the end of his life, when he has settled all his responsibilities towards his family, he begins to serve his community and the society. Soon he begins to look for salvation for himself and if possible bring others along too. For one who succeeds to bridge the gap, meet up with the divine, it is generally claimed that 21 of his generations gain moksha. Manusmriti 3:37 makes a rather similar claim:  A son who performs meritorious acts, absolves the sins of 21 generations; he liberates ten generations of his ancestors, ten generations of his descendants and his current generation.

It is also said that man recreates himself through his children. I am my father, my grandfather and my ancestors before me. I shall be my child and their descendants too. A story is told of how Agathiyar came across his ancestors who were cursed to hang upside down from a tree and how Agathiyar redeemed their curses, setting them free. When we go for a nadi reading, we are often told that we have been cursed by our forefathers, hence the suffering. We are given remedies to rectify the past wrongs and pacify our ancestors. Besides worshiping the ancestors, we are told not to discontinue the worship of kula deivam or ancestral deities, fearing that we gain their wreath too. Then there are kaaval deivam or deities that protect the village perimeters, whom we need to pay homage too. Moving up the ladder we are shown the temples and the presiding deities, that includes the whole pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Among them we are often asked who is our favourite/personal deity or Ista Devatha? While pursuing the path of devotion or bhakti, we are then introduced to gurus or masters in the physical form. We are told that the guru comes to dispel the darkness and brings us towards the light. It is also said that the guru leads us to Erai, shows us Erai. So is all our previous worship false then?

Tavayogi came along to fine tune the rituals he had me started on. Agathiyar revealed himself through a nadi reading to me when I was 43 years of age. These precious moments of my first encounter with my guru and Paramaguru did not happen by accident. It was predetermined. All the effort placed and worship done, all the yearning in wanting to know Erai, and all the searching and seeking, caused ripples in the waters of space and time. The meeting between the guru and the disciple was waiting for the right moment to happen. The coming of the guru lit up an otherwise dark alley. The coming of the guru lit up the way. Each step I took henceforth, a lamp was lit slightly ahead of me, showing me an additional mile. It is interesting to look back on this journey of mine and count the miles I had journeyed. It was all willed by Agathiyar.

Tavayogi was a grand old soul having lived and having served Agathiyar in his time. Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyar was present when Agathiyar inaugurated the Sivalingam he made from the sand of River Kaveri, at the spot of present day Nattadreeswarar temple. Sri Krishna had ferried her across then. The Rajahs have served Agathiyar at Kuttralam. Dr Janar had served a siddha. It thrills us to know that we have traveled far and wide in this journey of the soul. We have served previous gurus and at times inconvenienced them and earned their wrath too. The bond between guru and disciple has carried on till this life time. It shall continue after this birth too.

Today Agathiyar, Lord Muruga, Dhanvanthri, Ramalinga Adigal, Ma and Aiya have all made their presence known to us. Siva and Parvathi with all their entourage have blessed this home and devotees. Both my gurus Supramania Swami and Tavayogi have shown their presence too. We are assured of their blessings for life.  This bond is here to stay. And all this began with the worship to the Siddhas. Thank you Agathiya for an exciting life time.