Thursday 21 February 2019


So under an endless rain of cosmic dust, the air is full of pollen, micro-diamonds, and jewels from other planets, and supernova explosions. People go about their lives surrounded by the unseeable. Knowing that there’s so much around us we can see forever changes our understanding of the world, and by looking at unseen worlds, we recognize that we exist in the living universe, and this new perspective creates wonder and inspires us to become explorers in our own backyards. (Source:

After seeing the above videos and photos where science and photography merge to bring us the unseen world or the other side of Mother Nature, it comes as no surprise to us now when an ancient text the Padma Purana listed the 8.4 million species of life, dividing it into six large groups, namely acquatics or Jalaja – 0.9 million; trees or Sthavara – 2.0 million; insects or Krimayo – 1.1 million; , birds or Pakshinam – 1.0 million: , animals or Pashavah – 3.0 million; and humans or Manavah – 0.4 million.