Monday 5 August 2024

A Seeker's Journey

A pictorial account of a Seeker's Journey thus far, spanning some 22 years. What is written in this blog is summarized visually. The Siddha Path is truly a mystery. You never know what to expect next. You never know what is around the corner. The Siddhas are fond of throwing surprises at us. And they watch how we handle them. For only a strong fortress can defend the kingdom, so too they nurture and build us to know the divinity in us. Tavayogi says our effort is only till the Svadishtana, and thenceforth that the guru shall take us by the hand. I never understood it until Agathiyar broke the banks and released the energies that had ponded at Manipura one morning in 2022. It swiftly made its way to the Sahasrara where it dances subtly. The river has reached the ocean. Come join me on my journey.