Saturday 24 August 2024


I have been seeing things around me clear, bright, and colorful for some time now. Today on my morning walk all sights were exceptionally sharp, detailed, bright, and colorful. Many who had been to other realms are reported to have seen a bright and colorful world. I am seeing it here without traveling afar into another realm or without  astral travel. It is all here right now hidden from our very eyes. We need the grace of the Gurus, Siddhas, and the Divine to see through these layers and veils. Once its drawn aside what we get to see is the world in its purity.

Similarly if noise and sound do not bother others, they are exceptionally amplified for me. Even verbal conversations and telephone conversations on the other end seem loud and hurting to the ears. 

It goes with taste too. I can delve into the very essence of the foods I consume and is truly invigorating. 

It is true of the breath too. Each breath revitalizes me. 

The breeze, the wind, the heat, and the cold touch my skin right to its core. 

Apparently, all my senses are uplifted and amplified or maybe that is the way it was originally meant to be and should be. Maybe the sensitivity in us had deteriorated over time and with our lifestyle and way of living. Maybe I have returned to being my original self. I wonder.