Saturday 3 July 2021


In the lyrics to the song "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" which is part of the stage musical revolving around the life of Alexander Hamilton, Phillipa Soo who plays his wife Eliza sings the following line, "I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings, You really do write like you're running out of time.."

We realized that this is exactly what we went through to. The Siddhas in bringing us together at Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM) geared us to conduct rituals that were initiated by Agathiyar and Tavayogi. Soon we brought these rituals to other homes upon their invitation to have Agathiyar step into their homes too, and into select temples that accommodated the Siddha worship. Then Agathiyar asked us to drop everything and close the Whatsapp groups AVM and Amudha Surabhi (AS) that kept us informed of the puja times and the charity programs respectively. He asked us to revisit the yoga practices taught by Tavayogi. Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal came to help us reach out to the Prapanjam. All these we saw as having some sort of urgency to it. We would share this observation among ourselves. True enough. The pandemic stepped in and froze all the outdoor activities including puja at temples and charity. What we were left with to do was home puja and yoga practices on our own. But we are glad that the Siddhas had pushed us hard to learn both as today we are well equipped with both the knowledge and the skills in doing Siddha puja and doing yoga. Both these now have become tools in our hands as Lord Shiva asked us to continue carrying out the Homam or lighting the sacrificial fire and chant the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra and Dhavantri mantra and enhance and build up our breathing capacity through the yoga practices. Both the puja and yogic practices shall help us reach out to the skies and the Prapanjam cleansing it. Only by cleansing it shall the virus disappear added Lord Shiva.

Many activists are going all out to do their part in saving the planet. As Sir David Attenborough says back in the distant past man lived in balance with nature, living off its resources, sadly "We are now totally out of balance with nature."  If "Nature determined our survival" back then, "The tables have turned. We now determine nature's survival." 

This reminds us of how Agathiyar was sent to bring balance to the earth by Lord Shiva back then too. Maybe it is time an Avatar came by to set things right or refresh it, restore the balance, or if all these fail to reset the planet altogether. But we too are mini-avatars of God. Sir David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg, and many others are avatars too in our eyes. We too can contribute in reversing the damage done and in healing the planet. It reminds me of how the lesser deities used to come before the arrival of the guru Gopal Pillai at a temple in Penang that my nephew brought me to back then, just like we have the Prime Ministers officials arrive first before he does. Let us do our part while awaiting and before the advent of the main Avatar. If we have changed the world for the worst let us join hands to change it for the good.