Saturday 29 January 2022


January 25, 2022

As we step into the twentieth year of worship to the Siddhas in following their path, we began to get insights and new perspectives and understanding of many subjects taught and followed by the Siddhas over those years. Our understanding, approach, practices, and even the tools have changed. Much of what was written from the earliest times in this blog, except for the biographies, has been corrected, modified, enhanced, or made to drop by Agathiyar. Looking at the readership pattern very few follow the current postings keeping up to date with these changes. Many go back to review previous postings or might have dropped in on these past postings in their search for answers on the net. I fear that they then shall read and understand and believe and adopt that as the gists and substance of the matter when it has gone through many changes. Hence there is a need to bury the earlier and past understanding and arise anew. This blog shall be public for a couple of days before it goes into oblivion. 

We shall continue the journey with Siddha Heartbeat 2.0. Thank you for following us all these years. Please do follow us at Siddha Heartbeat 2.0. at henceforth.