Saturday 22 January 2022


Reading about the Siddhas makes us feel good. Talking about them makes us feel good. But it does not replace the state and experiences that the Siddhas are in. But when they decide to come and share it with us, we lose ourselves entirely. Only the experience remains. Bliss remains. But it is yet not possible to lose ourselves entirely. We are still aware of the witness, the "I" that at that moment takes a step backward and records the happenings. 

But as we go deeper into this relationship, a fear arises for no reason although we know that we are in safe hands. The fear of losing the "I" that was with us all this while. It would be nice to have the guru stay with us in the physical form in times like this. It would be comforting and reassuring. 

When Jnana Jothiamma was placed in solitude she too had a fear crop up in her. She was asked to chant the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. When the pandemic reared its ugly head in December of 2019 and went on into 2020 we were wondering why Agathiyar had not spoken about it. Lord Shiva came and told us that it shall take time to go away. But as all of us were in a state of fear as we were battling an unseen enemy not visible to the naked eyes, he gave us the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra to recite and the Dhanvantri mantra to act as a shield besides asking us to carry out homam in our homes that are known to clear and cleanse the air.

Yogapedia explains Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra,

Chanting the maha mrityunjaya mantra creates divine healing vibrations, promoting physical, mental and emotional health. It is also called a moksha mantra because it is believed to kindle the Divine within the yogi and remove the fear of death. In essence, it works by creating liberation from cyclical rebirth. During these times of stress and uncertainty your doshas may be unbalanced.

From we learn that,

"it is sometimes known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component of the “life-restoring” practice given to the primordial sage Sukracharya after he had completed an exhausting period of austerity."

I guess whenever fear sets in we could always depend on the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra to raise our spirits.