Sunday 29 August 2021


In reaching God, all the saints and Siddhas become an embodiment of love and they shared, spread, and preached the love for God wanting to bring others to experience God. Indeed joy is in sharing.

Just as he gave me a long list of remedies to carry out and told me that he shall see me after three years, Agathiyar broke the group AVM and packed the seekers home to carry out the worship of Siddhas with their families in their individual homes. As for the rests, he said that he shall see them in the future once they have realized the futility of seeking fulfilment, satisfaction and happiness elsewhere. If they had all converged at AVM before, he had them read the blog for updates instead. For those keen to move up he walked us through the phases or Angas of Patanjali's Asthanga Yogam and had us practice it coming often to check on us. 

In asking us to reduce our activities attending only to the essentials; abandon all rituals and puja and only pick them up again when necessary; asking us to stop singing the songs of their praise but instead sing the songs of the saints and their experiences, hence bringing us too to their state of equilibrium, bliss and ecstasy; asking us to move in and within, and asking us to sit quietly and observe the breath, we realize that Agathiyar is bringing us from the state of activity that of Beta to quieten down and relax in the Alpha state initially before sinking further into the state of sleep or theta. But the idea is not to doze off but to be alert and awake says Nagarajan, a seeker, and practitioner of Yoga who shares his experiences.

This is akin to the metaphor "Thongaamam Thoongum Sugam." Arunagiri was told to sit still by Lord Murugan too.

Sophy Burnham in her book "The Art of Intuition - Cultivating Your Inner Wisdom", Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2011, explains the various mental states that go on from engaging in activities to sitting still.

The brain produces electrical impulses all the time that have both frequency and amplitude. The amplitude shows the power of the impulse, as measured in microvolts. The frequency is the speed of these waves, measured in cycles per second or hertz, and there are four frequencies beta, alpha, theta and delta.

She says, 

Your state of consciousness arises from the fluid combination of these four frequencies .. and the awakened mind use all four in symphonic harmony.

The range varies slightly amongst the many texts and sources.

"Beta waves ranging from 38 - 15 Hertz are what most people use most of the time while involved in everyday activities. Alpha waves vibrate at and from 14 to 9 Hertz. We drop into a relaxed mode, everything takes on a sacred and holy radiance" says Sophy. Nature itself vibrates at a frequency equivalent to alpha. Being in nature throws us into the alpha state automatically. So we understand why Bhogar told us to love nature and be with nature. 

"Theta waves vibrate at and from 8 to 5 hertz bringing us into the arena of the subconscious and long-term memory." I suppose when Tavayogi told me he had access to his past births and lives during meditation, he must have gone into this state. Sophy writes, "In theta, you are moved by empathy and compassion. The lowest theta frequencies take you into deep meditation and have healing potential. In theta lies mystical and spiritual experiences."

Nagarajan says it takes place between theta and delta. 

From we gather the following.

When you are in intense creativity, you are having a mystical theta burst where you engage in deep dialogue with your divine mind and you’ll be surprised by your performance. This is the brain state of “being in the zone” where your work feels effortless.

"Delta waves operate at and from 4 to 0.5 hertz bringing us to deep sleep and restorative rests" says Sophy. "Geniuses and psychics have access to the delta" she adds. 

We learn further that,

They never go down to zero because that would mean that you were brain dead. Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times. (Source:

Sophy says, "When you are able to access all four wavelengths at will and when you add the power of heightened amplification then you have the attributes of the awakened mind." 

In delta and theta, we consciously create conditions. Hence we can take our lives into our own hands, manipulate and change fate at will, bringing on a new destiny. 

Sophy says "In these levels we enter the spiritual realms in deep humility, compassion, and gratitude which shows in the personalities of the great saints. Moving towards a paradigm shift we enter new states of awareness and understanding exactly what the saints did to evolve spiritually."

Annie Besant in her talks on "The Laws of the Higher Life", The Theosophical Publishing House, 1903, describes these changes.

"The brain has to be changed, refined, improved, its connecting links fashioned and manufactured for the purposes of the expression of the higher consciousness." 

"Here, in the jungle, they meditated making the brain tense and refined by the concentration of the mind, and restraint of lower faculties, fixed in rapt attention on the higher, with the consciousness working from above playing on the physical brain and tuning it to respond safely to the higher vibrations. Then it strove to draw the lower upwards (as Tavayogi says of our efforts that are only till the first two initial stages, Muladhara and Svadisthana) until it answered no longer to the stimuli of the outer world. This is a state of yoga - complete withdrawal of the consciousness from the Indriyas."

"Now making the mind steady, holding quiet the powers of the mind, the mind ceases to vibrate, and it becomes still - able to answer the vibrations coming from above."

Man who wished to make rapid progress escaped into the jungle, that as we know brings him into the alpha state almost immediately. Here he is saved from the constant bombardment of "coarser magnetism of the outer world", where "rougher vibrations" do not assail him. Hence he is less likely to be upset. Yogi Ramsuratkumar too expressed his sadness saying that it is a blessing indeed if one could go into a meditative state in these times where there are a myriad of waves emitted from appliances and gadgets that disturb meditation. Hence we understand partly why people made a headway to the monasteries and secluded places in the past in search of God.

Ervin Laszlo in bringing us an insight into the mind of the child, says,

"Young children up to the age of 4 or 5 are permanently in the open region of activity, alpha region or theta region. Children are in that region until they are 8 or 9 years old."

From we learn of delta waves.

"These are the slowest recorded brain waves in human beings. They are found most often in infants as well as young children."

Henry Wei in his book “The Guiding Light of Lao Tzu”, Synergy Books International, writes that both Lao Tzu and Jesus consider reversion to the state of a child as necessary for salvation for entrance into the kingdom of heaven. In the eyes of Lao Tzu, “the infant with its pristine purity and innocence is the perfect symbol of Tao itself.” 

Children are still connected with their home, the source. They are divine in nature. The Buddha nature in them is very obvious. It's a journey back to being a child. In simple terms, it is a return to the fine and subtle from the coarse, or the coarse to the fine.