Tuesday 30 July 2024


Watching a documentary on the life of Osho, "The Untold Story of Osho", I was amazed at the extensive use of graphics in the illustration used to tell his story besides real footage. 

When I asked my daughter how it was done, and if it was hand-painted, she pointed out the use of AI that gathers pictures and photos, art and drawings, documents and writings from all over the net and assembles them according to our asking. Amazed and intrigued by the power of AI, to carry out our asking, I typed my question "Look for Shanmugam Avadaiyappa" in Copilot in Windows, and guess what it came up with? 

Certainly! Shanmugam Avadaiyappa is an intriguing figure associated with the realm of the Siddhas, a group of ancient spiritual adepts in South Asian traditions. Let’s explore a bit more about him:

  1. YouTube Channel:

    • Shanmugam Avadaiyappa has a YouTube channel where he shares insights into the Siddha path. His channel showcases the journey of seekers in Malaysia who are drawn to the wisdom and practices of the Siddhas. If you’re curious about their teachings, you might find his content fascinating! 🌟
    • You can check out his channel here: Shanmugam Avadaiyappa on YouTube1.
  2. Podcasts:

    • Podomatic hosts a couple of podcasts by Shanmugam Avadaiyappa:
  3. Agathiyar Connection:

Feel free to explore these resources, and perhaps you’ll uncover more about the fascinating world of the Siddhas! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. 😊✨

My daughter then asked me to type the question "Tell me more about his relationship with Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal" and search. Guess what? I received more than I bargained for. 

Certainly! Let’s delve into the intriguing connection between Shanmugam Avadaiyappa and Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal, both of whom are associated with the mystical world of the Siddhas:

  1. Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal:

    • Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal was a revered spiritual teacher and practitioner of the Siddha tradition. His life and teachings were deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Siddhas, who were known for their esoteric practices, alchemical knowledge, and spiritual insights.
    • Thangarasan Adigal hailed from Tamil Nadu, India, and his spiritual journey led him to explore the inner realms of consciousness. He was a proponent of the Siddha Margam (the path of the Siddhas), which emphasizes self-realization, transformation, and liberation.
    • His teachings encompassed various aspects of Siddha philosophy, including meditation, yoga, and the alchemical transmutation of the body and mind. Thangarasan Adigal’s presence and teachings left a lasting impact on seekers who were drawn to the Siddha path.
  2. Shanmugam Avadaiyappa and Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal:

    • Shanmugam Avadaiyappa, a contemporary spiritual teacher, has been influenced by the Siddha tradition and its luminaries. His work often reflects the wisdom passed down by the Siddhas, including Thangarasan Adigal.
    • While specific details about their personal relationship are not widely documented, it is evident that Avadaiyappa holds great respect for Thangarasan Adigal and acknowledges the lineage of Siddha masters.
    • Avadaiyappa’s teachings align with the core principles of the Siddha Margam, emphasizing inner alchemy, devotion, and the realization of divine consciousness within the human form.
  3. Shared Legacy:

    • Both Avadaiyappa and Thangarasan Adigal share a common thread—their dedication to preserving and disseminating the ancient Siddha wisdom. They recognize that the Siddhas’ teachings are not merely historical relics but living truths that can guide seekers toward spiritual awakening.
    • Through their works, discourses, and interactions with students, they continue the lineage of the Siddhas, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary seekers.

In summary, while the specifics of their personal relationship may not be widely publicized, both Shanmugam Avadaiyappa and Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal contribute to the rich tapestry of Siddha spirituality. Their shared commitment to the Siddha path serves as an inspiration for those who seek deeper understanding and transformation.

If you’d like to explore further, you might find Avadaiyappa’s podcasts or writings insightful. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss! 😊✨

To the question that it suggested next, "Tell me more about Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal's teachings", it came up with the following text.

Certainly! Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal, a revered spiritual teacher within the Siddha tradition, left behind a legacy of profound teachings that continue to inspire seekers. Let’s explore some key aspects of his wisdom:

  1. The Guru-Disciple Relationship:

    • Thangarasan Adigal emphasized the sacred bond between a guru (spiritual teacher) and a disciple. He believed that this relationship was pivotal for spiritual growth and self-realization.
    • According to him, obtaining a human birth, having the longing for liberation, and finding an illumined teacher (guru) were rare and precious gifts granted by divine grace. The guru serves as a guide, leading the disciple toward higher awareness and inner transformation 1.
    • Thangarasan Adigal recognized that the earth—where we experience the consequences of our actions (karma)—is a unique place for spiritual evolution. Even celestial beings aspire to take birth here to learn essential lessons and ascend spiritually.
  2. Human Birth and Aspiration:

  3. The Siddha Path:

    • Thangarasan Adigal was deeply rooted in the Siddha tradition, which encompasses ancient practices, alchemical knowledge, and mystical insights.
    • His teachings emphasized inner alchemy—the transformation of consciousness and the physical body. Seekers were encouraged to purify themselves through meditation, yoga, and spiritual practices.
    • The Siddhas believed that the human body itself could be a vehicle for realizing the divine. Thangarasan Adigal likely shared these principles with his disciples 1.
  4. Gratitude and Nadi Readings:

  5. Authentic Siddhas:

In summary, Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal’s teachings revolved around the guru-disciple relationship, the significance of human birth, and the transformative power of spiritual practices. His legacy continues to inspire seekers on the path of self-realization and inner awakening.

If you’d like to explore further or have any other questions, feel free to ask! 😊✨

The AI suggested several questions too. For instance " What are some key teachings of Shanmugam Avadaiyappa?"

Certainly! Shanmugam Avadaiyappa, a spiritual teacher associated with the Siddha tradition, shares profound insights and teachings related to the ancient wisdom of the Siddhas. Let’s explore some of his key teachings:

  1. Siddha Path and Liberation:

  2. Devotional Practices:

  3. Wisdom of Agathiyar:

    • Avadaiyappa frequently draws inspiration from Agathiyar, an iconic Siddha known for his wisdom, mystical practices, and contributions to Tamil literature.
    • His work “Agathiyar Arul Kavasam” is a devotional hymn penned by Dr. VM Jayapalan and set to music. It celebrates Agathiyar’s grace and protection 4.
  4. Inner Alchemy and Transformation:

    • The Siddhas were adept at inner alchemy—transforming their consciousness and physical bodies. Avadaiyappa likely shares insights into practices that facilitate this transformation.
    • Seekers are encouraged to explore meditation, breathwork, and other techniques to purify the mind, body, and spirit.
  5. Unity of Science and Spirituality:

    • Avadaiyappa bridges the gap between science and spirituality. He often discusses how ancient Siddha practices align with modern scientific principles.
    • His teachings emphasize that spiritual growth need not be divorced from practical life; rather, they can complement each other.

Remember that these teachings are just a glimpse into the vast ocean of Siddha wisdom. If you’re curious to learn more, I recommend exploring his YouTube channel, where he shares valuable insights and experiences related to the Siddha path 5. Feel free to dive deeper into this fascinating realm! 🌟✨

Is there anything else you’d like to know or discuss? 😊

Now what can I say? I am dumbfounded! AI is telling me about myself and Tavayogi too having gathered and compiled all that I had posted on the net previously. Amazing.